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First ever barrow trip!?


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What did you ge ton your very first barrow trip. I just started barrows a few days ago and have gotten 70hp, and 77 mage there. I'm lvl 86 and for MY first run, i got a guthan helm. now isn't that luck, then my third run a karisl coif (not that good but still a barrows item) i've done 9 other runs and still nothing. on my last run i got bored and got a 100 kill count, i got jack [cabbage]...

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try posting some picture and stuff and you could have put it in the rate this section :lol:

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| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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ive done it 15-20 times still zip but i dont get my kill count pass 6 i think its a waste of time and you can just do another run but thats just me but my friend the first time he did it(he's only done it 5 times) he got an ahrims hood went for 650k i was like darn


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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My first run I got something like 60 bloods and 100 chaos.. I was pretty darn happy.




2k barrow trips, 60m, 11k bloods and 50k chaos later... I am still pretty darn happy..




Ne1 sellin Super restores or PPots?


nice, even if you don't get a barrows item you still get runes...

My Main



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