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Some of the Randoms that give cloths after you get the first one you get them more often EX: Forester, Mime, Etc...


I have only tested it with frogs and Foresters...


About 50 hours of each..................................







Not true for mimes i found, the only mime i got was in barrows, the 3rd day they came out, and i've been playing RS for 1 and a half years.


i waited sooo long for a mime, then it came at the worst possible time, whilst killing a barrow brother, which i found incredibly hard at the time, without more than 2 prayer pots :( i nearly killed Dharock, and was busy PM'ing my friend who was blocking for me whilst the mime started, so i messed up big time in it...

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well alot of things in the game trigger randoms. simply walking from no multi to multi triggers one. it also is the action around u. i was with this one person who hasnt moved or talked and when i said something HE got a dwarf. when i was trainin on blues on my pure, 95% of the time when i watchtower tele i got abbyss, only once did i get another random(quizmaster. first one ever)




it seems some ppl get some randoms alot more than others. i have only had 1 mime within 2 years of playing and on 3 of my other chars ive gotten them pretty early on playing.




submit ur theory to jagex and see what they say. but u need to remember they r anti-macroing program(for lack of better words)

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another hint from the master:


You don't get many randoms from burying massive amounts of bones at a bank!


You do however get many randoms (shades zombies etc.) while fighting monsters and burying THOSE bones at THAT spot!




Another theory:


A human is not and has never been able to do something completely random!! w00t! you didn't know this right? Well, its true.




Jagex has made 'random looking' triggers in the game. Most of them to stop autoers, but also to add an exciting element.




Doing 1 thing time after time, like training magic with camalot teleport won't give you as many random events as you would teleport to camolot the same amount of time but spread over alot of time!

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Last night I grabbed 1,500 Laws.. you know.. just to get 60 Mage and decided to make a list of the randoms I got..




Lost n Found


Lost n Found


Quiz Master - Old Boot


Lost N found


Lost N found


Lost N found


Lost N found


Lost N found


Lost N found




Yeah, that was like an hour or something.. woo.

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I am not doing studies just some things I noted after playing for 1m hours




you dont live for that many hours :twisted:






1 000 000/24 = 41666.6 41666.6 \365 = 114. so 114 years continously of playing, it is certainly possible, just xtremly freaky


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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It is possible to have laods of randoms event on a time being if theres a certain amount of people.




Example: Im usually fish at the fishing guild. On a busy day I see multiple trolls, and other randoms happening. To my surprised one time, 3 trolls poped up together as 3 ppl ran to 3 different fishing spots. :oops:




I shall research into randoms more too :P


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I wouldnt say teleporting increases the chance or a random, but is definitly a trigger. When i used to play rs, randoms would usually appear after certain events.




For me, since i was a mage, i alched and teleported alot, enough for over 96 mage. I noticed that alot of the time when i pressed an alch or teleport button, an random event appeared.




Back when i used to woodcut alot, on my first ever account, i found a pattern in when i got random events. Originally, id be watching to screen constantly incase a random event came, but then i started to realise that if i clicked the tree and a random didnt appear, i could safely browse the forums without fear of a random event, since they only appeared when i first started cutting a tree.




Well what im really trying to say is that randoms are based on events as triggers. When you do somthing, like alch, teleport, mine, click a tree etc. you may or may not get a random. I personally dont think that certain triggers have more of a chance than others, but i think it seems this way because some triggers are activated more often. Think about all the people teleporting. Teleporting is something almost EVERYONE does, its just a major part of the game. Compare it to the number who woodcut and mine etc. Im not saying this as factual information, but im assuming that in a day, more people will teleport than the number of people who click a tree. This is why i think alot of people seem to think teleporting is the main trigger for randoms.




Now what i said could be 100% wrong, but its my theory.

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i can agree somewhat with you




every time i try teleproting 1 of 4 things happens to me




1. I simply lagg and sometimes get logged off




2. I click on the icon and nothing happens like i was in a spot where the random i was sposed to get could not get there or some or some other wierd thing.




3. I get some kind of random




4. rarely if im not teleporting over and over again i just teleport to my destination




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yea im a lvl 110 with skill total 1723




i never got drill demon random or that piocus pete and i play a lot although i got like 20 frog toekns and had loads of gravdiggers and such






things i know:


as said in many posts teleporting is simply as trigger to a random along with clicking on a rock,fishing spot, tree, burying a bone but teleing doesnt increase chance of a random




but the thing that makes teleing difierent is there is only 1 special magic random and that the abysss thing




wen u bury a bone 90% of the time ull get a 'prayer' random such as gravdigger shade or zombie leaving only 10% chance ull get a random that u actually want to recieve such as mime and drill demon




same goes for mining fish and wc




but with teleing therwes only 1 magic random whioch is the abyss which actually doesnt seem to occur to much










so wen u tele instead of burying a bone or clicking a tree u cancel out the skill based randoms u usally gets WHICH ACTUALLY INCRESES UR CHANCES of getting good randoms such as drill demons and mimes because the non skill bases randoms r the only ones u can recieve along with the abyss :shock:






plz every1 stop saying random events are random because with all the facts in this thread and mainly in my post that proves to definitly not b true




i kno this post is gona b kinda hard to read but plz bear with me was kinda in a rush and i make soem good points

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There are a reason this is called "random" events. Nothing increases the chances. Mostlikly there is a timer rolling as you play (im in programming, perhaps n ot java, but it works on the same principles) and when it finnishes counting, it will randomly choose from a list of events, but thte chances of being chosen are increased for some (i.e. Getting no event is 65% maybe, and MOM is 5%).


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