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What do you collect (+ pics)


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i sort of collect airs but i only have 60k of them atm...


Thats strange i cant post an image even though i use the image tags :? ... oh well...http://www.filelodge.com/files/room18/478701/60k%20airs.bmp


Hyt me ingame pl0x!

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My collections I guess. For the non belivers, my pm is usually on.








I plan on getting 1k of every tool there is and 1k of every beer there is :)




So you collect:


- Farming stuff


- Money


- Santas (wich I love :))


- Easter rings


- Tinderboxes


- Hammers


- Shears


- Chisels


- Knifes


- Blowpipes


- Needles


- Thread


- Balls of Wool


- Soft Clay


- Ropes


- Talismans


- Bolts


- Ashes (or soda ashes?)


- Seaweed


- Buckets of Sand


- Buckets


- Beers


- Bird Nests


- Potato Cactus


- Rotten tomatoes


- Strange Fruit


- Sandwich Lady rewards


- Randoms (I love the Mime! I want mime =P~ :cry: )


- Ghoslty Robes


- Robes


- Steel Bars


- Coal


- Iron ore


And who knowes what else?


:shock: :XD: :shock:




Great collection!


And nice airs, Oolatuck.

summersignature.png angel2w.gif

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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i once bought 300k beers from the fally bar to stock up for a huge party. the party never happened and i had 300k beers....so what the hell do i do with em?!?!? i drank em!!! so now i have 300k beer glasses plus the worst hangover in history!! lol. kids dont drink :shame: or this will be you ---> :wall:




u bought 300k beers and than drank em all? yea right


post a pick of the 300k beer glasses and then il believe you


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So you collect:


- Farming stuff


- Money


- Santas (wich I love :))


- Easter rings


- Tinderboxes


- Hammers


- Shears


- Chisels


- Knifes


- Blowpipes


- Needles


- Thread


- Balls of Wool


- Soft Clay


- Ropes


- Talismans


- Bolts


- Ashes (or soda ashes?)


- Seaweed


- Buckets of Sand


- Buckets


- Beers


- Bird Nests


- Potato Cactus


- Rotten tomatoes


- Strange Fruit


- Sandwich Lady rewards


- Randoms (I love the Mime! I want mime =P~ :cry: )


- Ghoslty Robes


- Robes


- Steel Bars


- Coal


- Iron ore


And who knowes what else?






Great collection!



well, the coal and iron aren't really collectables imo, I started out with 250k iron for 99 smithing... So the ores I have left is what I need for 99 (+500k xp). Also have a few other 99's banked, but since this is just a collection topic i didn't post my entire bank ::'




And what do you meen by farming stuff? I didn't post any of my seed collection :-k


Mainly trying to get 100k potatoe seeds (I'm at a mere 16k seeds atm though :/)




Once I get 1k of all tools and beers I'll have to think of something else to collect :/ Although brewing stuff like cider and chef delight might take ages #-o


It'll be worth it in the end! =P~






P.S. those are ashes, not soda ashes (I wish though :thumbsup: )

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started a gem collection not too long ago. dont have dragonstone yet :P.




Good luck on ur further collection. :)






Whoa i never collected on runescape before this but now i think i just might start one... how about rune armour lol




Sure, why not?


That is if you can afford or make a collection of 200k ea ::'

summersignature.png angel2w.gif

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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i collect gems. as of now i have 713 saps 395 emralds 400 rubies and 1 diamond lol


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i started a collection of all god armours...




and since yesterday i've completed my collection (Full armour + skirt and legs => incase of change my sexe)




Full (g)


Full guthix


Full zamorak


Full saradomin




but in the meanwhile


i've bougth also


Full Wizard (g)


Full green d hide (g)




i'm just an ordinary pure 100% F2P and trying to get all the expensive things for F2P, that's my collection.




maybe i'll be a member once, but that's only for getting the fire cape...

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i started a collection of all god armours...




and since yesterday i've completed my collection (Full armour + skirt and legs => incase of change my sexe)




Full (g)


Full guthix


Full zamorak


Full saradomin




but in the meanwhile


i've bougth also


Full Wizard (g)


Full green d hide (g)




i'm just an ordinary pure 100% F2P and trying to get all the expensive things for F2P, that's my collection.




maybe i'll be a member once, but that's only for getting the fire cape...


w8, u are f2p and have 25 pieces of armor???? WOW u dont have any space left... =D> :P (bank pic plzzzzzzzzzzz...)

Give a man a fish, and he'll choke on the bones. Result: You get the rest of the fish.

Teach a man to fish, and he'll catch a lot of fish, then choke on one of the bones. Result: You get all the fish he caught.

Teaching people is better.

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w8, u are f2p and have 25 pieces of armor???? WOW u dont have any space left... =D> :P (bank pic plzzzzzzzzzzz...)






how do you do that ? :s




would love to but i cant uploade pics :s


(or better dun know how to ... :D)




dont believe me ? meet me :) and ya i have like 6 bankslots left :P living with that for already a year... continuously full :( MORE BANKSPACES PLZ

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At rsc i used to collect sleeping bags... Had like 2k+ of them, now i dont really collect anything

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this is an awsom bank pic




too bad its not mine




cool, fake propably though... or someones a veeeerrryyy good merchanter ;D




This is a fake because merchanters don't like to keep Intems like full sara orz zammy because they know that prices on them almoust always go down, as far as i know :)




You still can see the edit pixels...like above the disk of returning lol


Definetely fake. I doubt there's that many phats anyway (Even with the dupe) nor masks, etc etc. And you can see edit pixels, and the background of the bank page is obviously copied, because it has squares around the items, etc. It's fake. :)

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i had a collection of party hats back in rs1 had like 8k of em


damn hackers




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