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Anybody else anal about organizing items while training?


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I do - same with my bank - everythign catergoised




Like after i have a logn stint killing mosses.


The first row of inv. is gold then runes (gold is always in topf left)


Then magic staff


The steel bars


The black shield


Then mith swords


Any left over food.

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I always put the runes I get in alphabetical order, followed by coins, then wahtever gems they drop in order of level to cut. If I get items, I put those based on value. Food goes last. :)

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When I'm training, I love to have my inventory organized whatever I'm doing or training. Take dust devils... if I'm picking up drops, I like to have all drops of the same type next to each other... saphs then emeralds then rubys then diamonds for example. If I get 8 gems, I like to make sure they take up exactly 2 consecutive rows in my inventory, then if I get a 9th gem, I'll have to fill up the 3 other spaces in the 3rd row with something that I only have 3 of... it's really weird and I don't know why I do it.




Also, I like to have my camera positioned so that I'm at precisely a (pi/2) angle, so my screen is either facing directly north, south, east or west. And I HAVE To examine everything I see... usually at least 5 times. :shock:






Retired Tip It Moderator | Zybez Radio DJ - Listen Here

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My spartan, but organized bank account, including those Frog Tokens. I had 2 more, which I had converted into clothes and a mask, but I ended up ditching them for lack of room. :o












I'm wearing my plain full Rune and carrying my Fire Staff.

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I like to examine everything I see, too, and I organize my inventory and bank too- wow I didn't know someone besides me examined things...5\/\/00+! I will litteraly examine almost evvery tree or bush I walk by.





Errr, *needs a sig*

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Soemtimes when my inventory is messy i drop something so it looks tidy again. its much easier when its all organised, especially when I train coz i bury the bones. having them in the same place makes it much quicker.




but my bank is a bit messy and full of nooby stuff, like spades, bronze pickaxes, stuff like that. i never know when ill get around to it, ya know?



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Wow the people who said that they organize their inventory but not their bank motivated me to get the bank in order. It took a good half-hour, and was scary at first, but after much shuffling(and reshuffling) I finally got it lookin like something. I must say it makes things WAY EASIER to find. I highly suggest doing it.

Barrows Items: Karils Xbow x2, Coif


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