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What's the best Rogues Den run possible?


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By that I mean, what's the fewest amount of thieving levels you can lose getting to the center? (Not counting regaining levels slowly) The best I've gotten is 15 levels lost but there's probably better.




Also, does anyone else actually ever go through the Rogues Den maze? I never see anyone there. It's horrible exp, but it's fun to mess around with.

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well using me and my friends "special method" we can get through without losing any thieving levels but its bug abuse and against the rules.




i though the "special method" was allowed... ah well.




edit: i just remembered that it works for the underground pass too.

I'm not drunk! You wouldn't dare call me drunk if i was sober!

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well using me and my friends "special method" we can get through without losing any thieving levels but its bug abuse and against the rules.




i though the "special method" was allowed... ah well.




edit: i just remembered that it works for the underground pass too.

Report the bug. :roll:
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It's probebly something they know about but cant fix, like the theiving "special meathod" or was that a myth?


Fel 'n ddedwydd ydy 'r hunau drwo choel a cer am 'r yn bucheddu.

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what is the special method? I'm quite curious (feel free to PM me if you don't think it should be public)


And me please?


I've never actually completed the maze :oops: my thieving is atleast 50 though I'm sure possibly 60.

put him in jail


Then i'll just wait for him to drop the e-soap

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what is the special method? I'm quite curious (feel free to PM me if you don't think it should be public)


And me please?


I've never actually completed the maze :oops: my thieving is atleast 50 though I'm sure possibly 60.




I would pm it to you but it sounds as if you want to use even though its been stated many times that it counts as bug abuse.

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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can someone pm me the special method i cant use it (thieving 45 unlikel;y to get higher anytime soon i hate thieving) and i promise i wouldnt use it if i could its just not knowing and the wondering what it might be thats really annoying

ahahaha IMA A IDIOT

cant argue there mate
Real world? *looks around confuzzled* Real world?!? :ohnoes:


have now quit rs :-( (but i still browse these forums :-)

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GAH! Why did I have to read this topic.. Curiosity didn't kill the cat but it's gonna kill me if I don't find out.. Ah well, it doesn't matter really.. Pm me!




It's not like I'm ever gonna actually go inside the den thing, too much work.




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