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How Many People Play Runescape?


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ive always wondered this question, how many individuals actually play. i read somewhere once there were around 4million, but that the amount of accounts, and many people have more than one account




how many do you think?

99 Ranged F2P achieved 21 November (2961st)


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Take the year of your birth. Multiply by 20. Divide by 3. Take the square root of that. Multiply by 15.235. Divide by pi. Divide again by 0. That is your answer.






*Oh, I can't wait to see the response to this.

(now some1 quote me and add me to ur sig)
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Take the year of your birth. Multiply by 20. Divide by 3. Take the square root of that. Multiply by 15.235. Divide by pi. Divide again by 0. That is your answer.






*Oh, I can't wait to see the response to this.


Irrational number. You can't divide by zero. :P


I've heard the 2million number once before, but I'd imagine it's a lot higher now since that figure was from a long time ago.

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Irrational number. You can't divide by zero. :P


I've heard the 2million number once before, but I'd imagine it's a lot higher now since that figure was from a long time ago.




Blast, I was hoping it would take someone a little longer than that.

(now some1 quote me and add me to ur sig)
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i would guess that there are many people who started and quit. then theres people with mains, pures, scouts and mules etc. then theres people who forgot their password forgot their recovery questions (or didnt bother to set any) so ended up making another account...not me but it does happen.


basically at the end of the day your guess is as good as mine....


however...with the ranking system i dont think it matters how many people play its how many people who are higher ranked you gotta think about. i train hard in certain skills (fishing, cooking and mellee stats) and ive got a fairly high rank in each and that keeps me happy.


by the way if you take that formula and instead of dividing by 0 (mathamatically impossible) and instead times it by 2...you get another number!!! :lol:


Empire Mind:Nbk killed your clan.



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I hate noob pures and everything. In wild now I run into about 400 lvl 30 range 'pures' shooting mith arrows everywhere, its really silly. I reckon around 2.5 million in the game, about 400k are active players.




I hate noob accounts, but I have one at the end of tutorial island just incase some of my new friends to the game are having trouble finishing the island =P sounds noob, it is..

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Take the year of your birth. Multiply by 20. Divide by 3. Take the square root of that. Multiply by 15.235. Divide by pi. Divide again by 0. That is your answer.






*Oh, I can't wait to see the response to this.




My calculator says "sys err". What does that mean?
















2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Take the year of your birth. Multiply by 20. Divide by 3. Take the square root of that. Multiply by 15.235. Divide by pi. Divide again by 0. That is your answer.






*Oh, I can't wait to see the response to this.




The answer to the question is: 43.

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