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Why are P2Ps..


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Coming to F2P worlds sometimes?


Like, whats so good in here?




They might have friends here.


They might have to meet with an f2p'er to do a business transaction.


They might be checking shops on f2p for items.


They might be trading f2p items.


They might just want to be on f2p because they can.




Why are u asking this question sometimes?


Like, whats so interesting about a p2p'er on f2p ?


We don't own f2p, p2p paid for f2p, so its their turf too.

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Annoy f2p players!


Show off my lvl 90 combat, which actually means something on f2p!!!


Go about calling all lower levels noobs and losers, to vent my frustrations of being only a mediocre player in truth.


Sell f2p players the cakes I thieve for unreasonably high prices.








( :roll: )

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or mabe they miss not listen to noobs:



Rune Plate: $65,000


Dragon Long: $105,000


Not having to listen to Newbies of Members Worlds: PRICELESS

Joined Runescape: 23/01/02 |||. Retired from Runescape: 07/07/2007


Elfs creating a crystal Axe would be like GreenPeace creating a Nuclear Powered Harpoon for killing seals...

"Level 1 sailing: ability to build a failboat.'


Drops: Ahrims Hood, Guthans set FULL (minus legs), dragon half shield, dragon legs/skirt

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