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Last Days of a Runescape Player


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Keep appealing. Trust me, they will still read and consider them. Two of my rl friends got false perm banned, both got back "no more appeals will be considered" messages, both kept appealing, and both got unbanned.




Good luck getting unbanned. :)


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Well that sucks bad. I would give those mask sets to your best friends. ;) and of course one to me. ;)




Jagex trys not to ban unfairly if you did get banned unfairly try appeal again asking them to double check. Maybe they will still read it.




RSN: o0th3 m4ge00

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Though I still have a mask set, which I stored on a secondary account




:lol: that is against the rules right there :lol:




sounds like jagex knows whats up.


semi-retired as i am the lastest victim of computer crack!


AKA... World of Warcraft

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Though I still have a mask set, which I stored on a secondary account






You traded items between accounts, thus breaking the Jagex rules you just swore you never violated. How many "other " rules have you violated because you thought they didn't apply to you?




Guesss you got what you deserved.

You only get one chance to live your life....

But, endless opportunities to screw it up.


Pio "But your honor, he deserved killin "

Judge " Fair nuff, the defendant is free to go"

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Though I still have a mask set, which I stored on a secondary account






You traded items between accounts, thus breaking the Jagex rules you just swore you never violated. How many "other " rules have you violated because you thought they didn't apply to you?




Guesss you got what you deserved.




well, actuly i cant be the reason, casue he get banned for marcoing, what i know is marcoing when u use a auto program or something, and not trade between acounts.




also, mage190, i guess u where member and then if u realy dont have done marcoing, then jagex would be illegal, cause u had paid to play, then they dont deliver ur stuffs and that is realy illegal




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Though I still have a mask set, which I stored on a secondary account






You traded items between accounts, thus breaking the Jagex rules you just swore you never violated. How many "other " rules have you violated because you thought they didn't apply to you?




Guesss you got what you deserved.




The "secondary account" I was refering to wasn't my account, it was instead that of a friend. Gave it to him as collateral for something else id rather not get into, and never bothered to get it back. As far as I know giving you items to a friend isn't against the rules.






also, mage190, i guess u where member and then if u realy dont have done marcoing, then jagex would be illegal, cause u had paid to play, then they dont deliver ur stuffs and that is realy illegal




Me and a friend also thought of this but decided it would only be small claims court for $5, not even worth taking action against.




I do believe I am going to try a few more appeals, but at this point I have lost almost all faith in Jagex, and am curently planning on buying World of Warcraft instead.

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Though I still have a mask set, which I stored on a secondary account






You traded items between accounts, thus breaking the Jagex rules you just swore you never violated. How many "other " rules have you violated because you thought they didn't apply to you?




Guesss you got what you deserved.




The "secondary account" I was refering to wasn't my account, it was instead that of a friend. Gave it to him as collateral for something else id rather not get into, and never bothered to get it back. As far as I know giving you items to a friend isn't against the rules.






also, mage190, i guess u where member and then if u realy dont have done marcoing, then jagex would be illegal, cause u had paid to play, then they dont deliver ur stuffs and that is realy illegal




Me and a friend also thought of this but decided it would only be small claims court for $5, not even worth taking action against.




I do believe I am going to try a few more appeals, but at this point I have lost almost all faith in Jagex, and am curently planning on buying World of Warcraft instead.




I never said that was the reason, just maybe another justification.


Ever use an auto typer to merchant with?

You only get one chance to live your life....

But, endless opportunities to screw it up.


Pio "But your honor, he deserved killin "

Judge " Fair nuff, the defendant is free to go"

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Everyone says they were innocent after they've been banned. Maybe you didn't auto on your main, but I have a lot of trouble believing Jagex bans people wrongly for macroing. It's really not very hard for them to tell if you've been macroing, and it's in their best interest to only ban people that are surely guilty. I, for one, am glad that Jagex is taking action against people's main accounts instead of just their worthless mules.

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u should switch to maplestory if ur banned.....its a fairly good game and similar to runescape......except its 2d....but good graphics though




srry of im not allowed to mention other games of tip it forums

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drop trading is agaisnt the rules, but jagex cant really enforce it.


think about it, monitor thousands of peple at once and try to detect a thing athat is almost undetectable? say....i drop 100k gp at a drop party, and ppl rushed at it to pick it up. it's just like drop trading.


its one of those rules that are made for the game to be fair, but cant really be enforced.

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I have all ready issued the "secondary account" issue, bad wording on my part in the original post. As for autoing, no I have never used an auto typer, heck if I was accualy looking to trade for something I would use forums. I also only have one other account I have really ever used, and it has never autoed, and is not banned, though it did have a temp ban a while back for "Account sharing", this happened the day after two of my friends made joke accounts "ye olde imp" and "ye olde ______"(forget its name), and hung out in draynor. All three obtained a 3 day ban for account sharing, don't know why, bacause we had never touched the accounts not belonging to ourselves. I can tell you surely that I have never autoed in my runescape career, on any account. Obtaining my wealth by working for it is much more satisfying then cheating for it in my honest opinon.

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Keep trying Mage. I lost my main account...Jimmy Kak for about five months, i got hacked and my account got banned. I sent a new query every week, pretty much every week and finally i got my account back (it had nothing on it) but still, better than nothing.



currently smithing

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For those who say that drop trading cant be enforced, thats not true. The simplest way to prevent drop trading is to have a forced delay between logging out on an account and logging in on the same server with another account just like the forced delay when you log on to a different server with the same account.




That way, by the time the next character get on, the dropped items will have vanished.


# 1101 to 99 range on 12-18-05

85 slayer on 12-18-05 with combat at 102;

retired from members since Feb 06.

Back since June 07. 2000+ total.

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For those who say that drop trading cant be enforced, thats not true. The simplest way to prevent drop trading is to have a forced delay between logging out on an account and logging in on the same server with another account just like the forced delay when you log on to a different server with the same account.




That way, by the time the next character get on, the dropped items will have vanished.




tats true... forced delay.. so long they dun happened to diff servers tat shld be fine..

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runescape customer support is bogus. i made a merchanting pure and becuase they didnt like the fact he was never a member theyperm banned him for "multiple log in, item scamming, missuse of customer support, jagex staff impersination and asking personal details."




i never did ANY of these things they just went with the only things that made sense for a lvl 3 to make over 500m :cry: anyways thugs image is banned now, my apeal did nothing. its just a copy and paste message.

im back

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I remember the good old days when Jagex ACTUALLY read all the letters they recieved instead of using an automated reply. I've had this account for almost 5 years now and I have never been banned/temp banned, I have never recieved any warnings, heck, i dont think i did anything wrong in it. My friend and I started on basically the same day, he was level 122 and he was perm banned for macroing (He typed too damn fast) while my account was spared. Now, i try avoiding typing fast, *Fear them!*

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Im sorry to hear that the evil Jagex company took your baby away from you :(




Anyway you have better chance playing pickup sticks with your buttcheeks than getting your account back :(

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Phew, I was lucky. I was bored and joked "im jagex staff gimme ur password". Perm banned the next day. Can't really blame the reported; they did their duty right.




I sent a first appeal and got denied. Second one and he let me off only because it was my first offence.




That was before Jagex got nasty. Lucky me?



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