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Runescape, how it controlls you. (Long)


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after reading this post i have relised playing rs is a total waste of time. what if u get banned then you have wasted all your freetime for nothing. insteed why dont u do your hw so u can goto collage get ajob so ucan own a comp. amasingly our parents survived without vitual lives. im not saying not to play rs. But have ur prioritys straight. dnt have rs first it wont make ur rl goals happen only draw u further away from them and reality

I dont have a sig anymore =[

But I did manage to get every skill in the highscores

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Its up to the player to decide how long you want to play. Personally I can play for 15 hours a day but I would relaly rather do something fun.




Just remember Runescape isnt that great.

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aj926 wrote:




I play rs to get away from the world... not to join another one.






I agree 100% with this.


Yup...I live on the other side of the school district where only "gangsters" live, (hence the name little africa of the apartments near us). All of the cooler kids live across the main road but most of them play runescape :).




Anouther thing I agree with is when i saw someone here say

"Runescape is a waste of time, but I have a fun time wasting it"




My grades have always been shifting around in the 3.5-3.9 GPA range. I could probably pull off a 4.0 if I studied and did homework instead of Runescape.




This thread reminded me i have to forge a signature for a progress report (which I already rose to a B, it was a C but my parents always this average is not good enough, even if i get a 94% A they'll complain that its not 100%, and if i get 100% they'll ask why i didnt do extra credit to raise it higher.)

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Ive been off rs for 14 months now, and I can't say how much my life has improved, IT MAKES ME FEEL SICK!!!! to even think about spending a night on runescape. I can't belive jagex hasnt gottan sued for the lives they ruin. My advice, get involved in something during the weeks such as church youth groups, it will give a good solid foundation to begin to enjoy life once again.




QUITTING RS WILL BE SOMETHING YOUR NEVER WILL REGRET!!!!!! In just a matter of months you will ask yourself why in the world you wasted all those years away for nothing.

99 smithing rsc

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I honestly don't see how people can't keep their grades up... all you have to do is do your homework. As soon as you get home, get out your books and spend an hour or 3 doing homework! After that, the rest of the night is yours.




I'm guessing most people are like me. You think about doing your homework right when you get home all day at school.. but then your like "hmm, I'll check out tipit forums for a sec then start on the ole HW" 5 minutes later im logging onto runescape 2 hours later its dinner time and im like.."dang, i gotta do my homework"


I finally beat runescape.. YES I have quit.

~-I am athiest-~

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  • 1 month later...
I honestly don't see how people can't keep their grades up... all you have to do is do your homework. As soon as you get home, get out your books and spend an hour or 3 doing homework! After that, the rest of the night is yours.




I'm guessing most people are like me. You think about doing your homework right when you get home all day at school.. but then your like "hmm, I'll check out tipit forums for a sec then start on the ole HW" 5 minutes later im logging onto runescape 2 hours later its dinner time and im like.."dang, i gotta do my homework"




yes yes yes well my last post was a long time ago it is like people said. fisrst yu play wonce a week then twice then three times then it is everyother day then it starts to become an hour everyday then 2 hours then 3 hours then 4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 and goes on like that until you have something better to do. yur real life status decides a lot and i am addicted my grades have gone down 1 letter grade in most of my classes but that is ok because next year i am gonna work hard. tip:do not say i am gonna play X time then log out set a skill goal yu will feel like yu accomplished something in rs and then you will log off works for me. but it does. 5 minutes can turn into 5minutes easy.

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RS Is good in small doses.






If you go at RS from the minute you walk in the door from school till 11-12 at night and you are sacrificing things to play RS, thats when you need to stop. Myself, I'm maybe on for an hour a day. It's something nice to be able to enjoy a little bit. I don't stay up way late just to play, I go out with my friends alot, and I still have a life. Its just that when you becom so addicted you need it like its a drug.




People, Don't overdose on RS.

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ya but there is one problem... i dont have a life now because of rs like you said but... i didn't have a life before rs so... :lol:





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