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We need another chat option.

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Anyone that has ever gone to a crowded server, in a crowded place (Fally, server 2) knows how hard it can be to try and trade with someone. You get the trade screen up, and you both just sit there. They can't see you talking, you can't see them. Theres just too much going on, other people talking and making deals.




We need a button, Jagex could put the button in the "Wrench Tab". In where the accept-aid button is. When turned on, this button would amke it so when in a trade, you can see your talking, and the person you are in a trade with. That way you can talk, figure out prices, all that stuff, and move on.


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Great idea!!




There might also be a "chat filter" that only show text whith the words ur looking for in it




filter : phat




sell full rune 200k! - dont see


Sell rare spinash roll!!1!1!!! - dont see


Sell blue phat 2 gp im bored of runescape!!!! - see it




That option could save ur life! :P

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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Agree with this. World 1 is really annoying to try and negotiate or talk at all, let alone when there is a trade window blocking out the screen.




I also think there should be an auto-talk option so we don't need to type it repeatedly




Sorry I have to disagree with this idea. There's enough spam already in runescape chat, we don't need immature people abusing this function. Also the situation in world 1/2 with people using 3rd party software to "autotalk" is dire, I hate it, and technically its against Jagex rules, though they don't ban people for it. This it probably increasing lag too, espcially with chat effects, though I couldn't say to what extent.


89/99 farming

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i support the filster one like you could only see all lvl 70s and above of all ferpole saying thte word selling or something like that.(if i have bad grammer english isnt my native toung)


At the moment i can't really see the full form of the muffin.
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Can anyone think of why Jagex hasn't put this in yet? It's been a big problem for ages and I would have thought it wouldn't have been too difficult to make.

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Yes, I would support this idea, I find it annoying when both me and my trader get confused and were in a crowded area. A crowded seers village is sometimes annoying to. :(

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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Dunno why Jagex has overlooked this. It has been suggested like a million times. Most other MMORPG's have a separate trade chat as a fundamental part of the trade window itself. What Jagex does - nothing. Something needs to be done. Instead of another silly quest, why can't they make this trade-chat option?! :? It would definitely make everyone's life a bit easier.


I fully support this!

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I'm amazed at this...for something that could be added easily, like putting the world you're in on the Friends List, everyone says "Just add someone to Friends and delete them!"


Then, for something that would require quite a bit of coding, editting and bug testing, everyone supports it, when the easy answer is, add the person you want to trade with to your Friends List, switch Public Chat to Friends, and Bingo! you've got your Chat Filter.


I mean, c'mon, this trick is more convenient for trading than world-finding.






Part of the Star Traks network. (^^Clicky!)


Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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