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The Great Tip PIC 2006 -- Get ready for 2007 edition


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Ill jusr re-iterate that there should be NO emotes with the pics and they must be dead on for the effect i want.




Sorry if you missed this b4 u took your pics.

- My skills are now really, really lame ! Time to fix that! -

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I dont know if it can be done, but could a mod make it feature on BOTH f2p and P2p? Or i can just make a thread there as well. WHichever seems better imo

- My skills are now really, really lame ! Time to fix that! -

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Hey Valor, I'd Like to ask a personnal favour...you see i don't like my outfit now and threw it in the bin...




Can i take a new one :(




I'll be your best friend




Sorry, I know we are mates in game and all, But i've already got 50+ people on this pic. If i start letting people stand near mates, or change their image, ill get 50 more posts asking the same thing again.




Just be happy your up there :)

- My skills are now really, really lame ! Time to fix that! -

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i like my outfit... :P










rsn: jwrm22


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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