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Smithing mith bars into things for profit?!?


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Okay, i know that i am able to smith mith bars, and sell for 1k ea. this isnt that hard. i either buy the coal, the mith, or mine both and smelt. well i see these people buy the bars for 1k and think to myself "how are they going to make a profit from this?". this whole game is about profit, if there are people buying 2-5k mith bars for 1k ea, there has to be a reason. people wouldnt just blow 2-5m in one sitting to get some xp that they can easily get from steel bars WITH profit. so, does anyone know the secret to the mith bars? why are they so popular? why are people willing to dish out 5m in one sitting for these items?

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1. its faster than mining and smithing yourself


2. its faster than buying ore and smithing


3. its really quick exp


4. they have money to spare


5. they could also make mith arrows - muchos profit, as long as they dont spend too much on the shafts

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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1. its faster than mining and smithing yourself


2. its faster than buying ore and smithing


3. its really quick exp


4. they have money to spare


5. they could also make mith arrows - muchos profit, as long as they dont spend too much on the shafts




thats not what i was really looking for.




WHAT are they making? HOW are they able to sustain a profit? are all of them members? how are they making a profit? (i pretty sure if you are dropping 5m or more at a time, you would be trying to at least break even). those are the kind of questions i need answered. not things i already know. but thanks anyway.

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... this whole game is about profit,






It's a whole lot more than that to a lot of people.


Power miners, power fishers, power woodcutters, etc, drop their


stuff instead of banking it. All they want is the exp and not the profit.




Other people play to PK or have fun in castle wars.




...there has to be a reason.


To save time




people wouldnt just blow 2-5m in one sitting to get some xp


Sure we do.




I use my runite mining to finance my smithing.


I try to break even with my cash.


I'm looking for exp and not cash.


If I had more cash I would use it to skill level.




that they can easily get from steel bars WITH profit.


Time is money.




Some players would rather smith Addy or Mith bars to get


their smithing exp a little bit faster than doing steel.




so, does anyone know the secret to the mith bars?


why are they so popular? why are people willing to dish out 5m in one


sitting for these items?






And they could be making a profit depending on what


they make and how much their buyer is paying.




They could also be looking to make back their money when the reach higher levels.


There's a big jump in price when going from Addy to Runite.

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point 5 on my list - make mith arow heads (members) you make a profit overall. other than tht, its practically impossbile to profit if you buy your bars

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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I don't mind taking a 1m loss on XP if it saves me over 2 to 3 hours work..




I can easily make up the money elsewhere and just looking to skill as fast as possible.




So lower lvl's look to get cash and do the hard work. We then give you a lot of Gps for the time saved..




Keep raking in the cash and lvl'n at the same time.. soon you will be awnsering a post like this .. 8-)




If your lookin to sell mith bars let me know... I need 2 lvl's

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Um, he said mith arrows in his post. You'll come very close to breaking even with them, even buying all the materials - bars, 1k each. Headless arrows, 20ea. Every bar gives you 15 arrows, so each bar costs a total of 1300 for 15 arrows. Sell those 15 arrows for 80 each, and you've made back 1200. If you buy the materials for 15k arrows, you have spent 1.3 million, and will recover 1.2 million of it. 50k smithing exp at an overall cost of 100k is not too bad, and you'll get some excellent fletching exp at the same time.




F2Pers are making mith plates and alching. They are losing a lot of money doing this, but your whole post is based on one extremely faulty assumption:




this whole game is about profit,




No, it isn't, not to a lot of people. F2P smithers have no way of quickly raising smithing levels without spending a ton of cash to do so. I'm assuming your smithing level is fairly low, so I'll let you in on a little secret - it would take several days of doing nothing but smelting steel bars for a level 85 or 90 F2P smither to gain a level. People don't like spending several days smelting steel bars. So instead, they take their hard earned cash and invest it in some fairly quick smithing exp. This is why mith bars are a popular item, for both F2P and P2P players. Not everyone is a slave to the almighty gp.

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thanks for replying. im dumbfounded that so many people would take a $ loss. but i guess its a god idea to make some xp fast. i might have to try it.








I don't mind taking a 1m loss on XP if it saves me over 2 to 3 hours work..




I can easily make up the money elsewhere and just looking to skill as fast as possible.




So lower lvl's look to get cash and do the hard work. We then give you a lot of Gps for the time saved..




Keep raking in the cash and lvl'n at the same time.. soon you will be awnsering a post like this .. 8-)




If your lookin to sell mith bars let me know... I need 2 lvl's




no thanks, i kept, smithed, and sold to a store. sorry :P i need about 13 more levels.... :cry:

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Um, he said mith arrows in his post. You'll come very close to breaking even with them, even buying all the materials - bars, 1k each. Headless arrows, 20ea. Every bar gives you 15 arrows, so each bar costs a total of 1300 for 15 arrows. Sell those 15 arrows for 80 each, and you've made back 1200. If you buy the materials for 15k arrows, you have spent 1.3 million, and will recover 1.2 million of it. 50k smithing exp at an overall cost of 100k is not too bad, and you'll get some excellent fletching exp at the same time.




F2Pers are making mith plates and alching. They are losing a lot of money doing this, but your whole post is based on one extremely faulty assumption:




this whole game is about profit,




No, it isn't, not to a lot of people. F2P smithers have no way of quickly raising smithing levels without spending a ton of cash to do so. I'm assuming your smithing level is fairly low, so I'll let you in on a little secret - it would take several days of doing nothing but smelting steel bars for a level 85 or 90 F2P smither to gain a level. People don't like spending several days smelting steel bars. So instead, they take their hard earned cash and invest it in some fairly quick smithing exp. This is why mith bars are a popular item, for both F2P and P2P players. Not everyone is a slave to the almighty gp.




ah, but it is. why raise your skills? profit. i guess the way i worded it made it seem i meant profit NOW.

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I really don't think so. I skill because if I die wearing full rune or black dhides and a glory, I want to be able to spend a few minutes making them to get them back, rather than buying them. For me, and a lot of skillers out there, there is a lot of satisfaction in seeing your rank climb in the high scores, or seeing the message that you can now craft dragonstone amulets, or smith rune scimitars, or craft death runes. That's what it's all about.




I mean, if it was all about profit, I would have simply quit skilling once I got 44 runecrafting. Why bother raising my other skills when none of them compare to the money I can make crafting nature runes?

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My question is similar: why even make mith bars to sell?




Selling the coal and mith seperate will get you more than 1k and save you time from smelting, which is different from Steel bars, whcih actually give you more money than the ingredients are worth.

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There is also another point: Mith bars, if bought for 1k ea, is actually cheaper to level smithing with than Steel bars




Steel Plates alch for 900 (taking away the cost of nats, unless you make them), you need to spend 3k for the 5 bars, so you lose 2100 gp for 187.5 points of xp


Mith plates alch for 2800, the bars costs 5k, so you lose 2200 gp for 250 points of xp




there you go

6,924th to 30 hunting, 13,394th to 30 summoning, 52,993rd to 30 Divination

Kiln Record (Post-EoC): W 25 - L 0, 14 Uncut Onyx, 8 Jad hits received (Best record: Two in the same kiln)
Obby set renewed post update #2: 0

QBD drops: 21 crossbow parts, 3 Visages, 1 Kites, 2 Kits

Max Port Score [2205] Achieved: 27th April 2013 (World 2nd)


Farmyard Rampage ranking: 12th, 50,000 Kills.


Dragon Pickaxe Drops: 1 (Times after I first entered Battlefield: 2h)

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i had made 3k mith bars once, mining and smithing all myself, then i saw someone was buying mith bars for 1.2k ea and i seriously considered selling them all but if i did that i wouldnt have got 70 smithing, a mage lvl, i would have just got money, to some people the game is only about money, but if you have the right skills you can do anything and earn from it. i play for fun and to better my char, not to get rich with some imaginary money


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I'm smithing (as in mining and smelting) 5000 mith bars at the moment.


(Yes it's hard work... :shock: )


If you consider the profits...




I make mith bars, smelting 5000 gets me 531319 exp


If i sell for 1K each i make 5mil




I can then buy another 20,000 coal for 4mil and i've got another 1mil spare to keep (considering i mine the mith ore). Or i can buy more mith.


Then i can make another batch.




Doesn't seem that profitable but it's a snowball effect. If you want to gain levels effectively, put the money back into the skill your raising. Hopefully, it'll pay back eventually. :D




Money sitting in the bank is useless. You might as well spend it on something that's going to pay dividends at a later date. Well, that's my view anyway :arrow: maybe just words coming from a skill-slave with no pocket money :lol:

N.3.R.D in RS

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