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Top 10 Most Popular Runescape Forums - UPDATED!


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Top 10 Most Popular Runescape Forums (By Posts Per Day)


1. Runescape Community (4000/Day)


2. Rune HQ (3800/Day)


3. Tip It (3600/Day)


4. Sals Realm of Runescape (2100/Day)


5. Runescape Realm (1600/Day)


6. Rune Village (1400/Day)


7. Runescape Boards (800/Day)


8. Rune Crypt (600/Day)


9. Runescape Bits & Bytes (400/Day)


10. Runescape Forums (300/Day)






Top 10 Fastest Growing Runescape Forums (by New Members Per Day)


1. Rune HQ (310/Day)


2. Tip It (188/Day)


3. Runescape Community (166/Day)


4. Runescape Bits & Bytes (58/Day)


5. Runescape Boards (49/Day)


6. Runescape Realm (48/Day)


7. Sal's Realm of Runescape (35/Day)


8. Rune Village (32/Day)


9. Runescape Crypt (17/Day)


10. Runescape Forums (14/Day)










I have been doing some browsing around some Runescape sites/forums and I have come across a number of Runescape forums that are "fairly" popular that I never even knew existed. Now you might be saying that you find new sites all the time that you didn't know existed, but see I own what I'd consider to be a "fairly" popular Runescape forums, so I guess I sorta thought that I would have a bit more of a comprehensive view of the industry and would have known about these forums before they were even popular. So this got me thinking if there are "fairly" popular Runescape forums out there that are that I am only just finding now, I wonder how many more are out there that I still haven't found. Which got me to thinking it would be cool (at least more me) to try and work out somewhat of "Top 10 Most Popular Runescape Forums". You might have noticed I used the word "fairly" loosely because in comparison to tip it, let's face it - nothing is "popular" :shock:.




I should make it clear - that this isn't a, which is the "Best" forum question, because everyone likes different things and no doubt you are a member here at tip it, like I am, because you think it is one of the best forums otherwise you wouldn't be here. So I'm thinking that the main form of ranking will have to come down to tings such as:




Total Posts


Total Members


Number of New Posts a Day


Number of New Members a Day




Active Users




So I guess with a focus on those stats you sort of get an idea of both the total size, growth and activity of forum, which would be (at least for me) the major indicators of the popularity of a forum.




So here are the forums that I can think of off the top of my head that might be in the top 10, these of course aren't in order - because we'll have to investigate each forum's stats before we rank them. At the moment I'm just trying to get a list of forums to look into:




Forums Considered in the Study


Tip It


Runescape Community - http://www.runescapecommunity.com


Rune HQ - http://runehq.net/RHQInn


Runescape Realm - http://www.runescaperealm.com/forums


Rune Village - http://runevillage.net/ThePub


Sal's - http://runescape.salmoneus.net/forums


Runescape Boards - http://www.rsboards.com


Runescape Forums - http://www.rsforums.net


Rune Hints - http://runehints.com/forums/


Rune Masters - http://forum.runemasters.net/


Global Runescape - http://forum.global-rs.net/


Rune Web - http://forums.runeweb.net


Rune Crypt - http://www.runecrypt.com/forum


[Caution: Jagex Rule Violation] -


RSBandB - http://forums.rsbandb.com


Rune Board - http://www.runeboard.com




There have got to be loads more that I'm missing. Also I think for this list we should probably exclude Clan sites, and focus on just solely Runescape Forums. So please post the ones I have obviously missed so we can start forming this list. Thanks.






Runescape Forums - Post and Member Count Experiement




OK bascailly I'm just going to copy down all the current details of each of the forums, posts and members etc etc and then watch them over the week to see which site's are the most popular:




Total Posts || Members || Site


1537964 || 90084 || Tip It


2806126 || 67261 || Rune Village


342125 || 59197 || Runescape Community


624954 || 77056 || Rune HQ


951680 || 15830 || Runescape Realm


311027 || 27214 || S ythe


212200 || 11653 || RSBandB


183916 || 7116 || Sal's


82058 || 10960 || Rune Crypt


84545 || 5487 || Runescape Boards


57404 || 4127 || Runescape Forums


38319 || 2416 || Rune Hints


57858 || 2470 || Rune Web


21450 || 1461 || Rune Board


9384 || 1069 || Global Runescape


Site Down Rune Masters

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Tip.it is going downhill while Rscommunity is rising.
The direction of the site's isn't really what is in question here, it's more their popularity. Also I'm really looking for suggestions as to if there are any obvious Runescape Forums that I have forgotten to add and really should be considered for this study?
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Well, you missed the one that is in your signature :wink: RS Haven.




I know of all the ones in your list, as I post H1P events on most of them! RSC and Tip.It are definitely the best, but Rune Village is also good, the Events section is very good on that site. Sals RS forum and Rune HQ have been omitted from our posting list, as they were downright rude, and RSB&B, RSBoards, Global-RS and Rune Hints are all good, but developing sites.




Just a little info on each :lol:

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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Traffic Rankings provided by Alexa (The lower the number, the more traffic, just for an example, Google's number was #2)




Tip.It #8,400


Runescape Community #45,814


RuneHQ #50,851


Runescape Realm #282,110


Rune Village #310,756


Sal's #13,366


Runescape Boards #593,783


Runescape Forums No Data


Rune Hints #1,563,880


Rune Masters #2,432,420


Global Runescape #3,035,775


Rune Web #379,786


Rune Crypt #121,425


RSBandB #116,679


Official Runescape Forum #829 (note:Alexa probably just counts the forum as a part of http://www.runescape.com)


Rune Board #No Data

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Alexa is really a very "rough" guide to a site's popularity, it's prety common knowledge that its rankings are farily dodgy and they don't rank forums individually unless they have their own seperate domain. Plus this isn't about traffic this is more about forum popularity, posting, members, etc etc.




Also I'll add Runeboards. Well I'll post my figures back here when I have compiled them all.




Well, you missed the one that is in your signature Wink RS Haven.
RS Haven isn't a forum. So anyway without any further adue I have collected some information on all the forums involved in the analysis:




Total Posts || Members || Site


1537964 || 90084 || Tip It


2806126 || 67261 || Rune Village


342125 || 59197 || Runescape Community


624954 || 77056 || Rune HQ


951680 || 15830 || Runescape Realm


311027 || 27214 || S ythe


212200 || 11653 || RSBandB


183916 || 7116 || Sal's


82058 || 10960 || Rune Crypt


84545 || 5487 || Runescape Boards


57404 || 4127 || Runescape Forums


38319 || 2416 || Rune Hints


57858 || 2470 || Rune Web


21450 || 1461 || Rune Board


9384 || 1069 || Global Runescape


Site Down Rune Masters

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Another point about Alexa is that the way it tracks traffic is through users of their toolbar. The toolbar, by many definitions, is basically just spyware.




If we had a campaign to get tip.it users to use the alexa toolbar, our rank would shoot sky high.




With regard to the "total posts" stats you just posted Burta, it's important to note that some forums are "pruned" (some old posts are deleted) while others aren't. Eg. The latest Runevillage post is number 2,810,984. The latest tip.it post is 3,025,744.




Also, I wish we could add 1,351,807 to tip.it's count. That's how many were at Scapeboard.




Ps. Hai Chewy!

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With regard to the "total posts" stats you just posted Burta, it's important to note that some forums are "pruned" (some old posts are deleted) while others aren't. Eg. The latest Runevillage post is number 2,810,984. The latest tip.it post is 3,025,744.




Also, I wish we could add 1,351,807 to tip.it's count. That's how many were at Scapeboard.

Yeah I was going to factor the forums that are pruned, I'll probably just select a single day where I will track the number of posts in 24 hours and just times it by 7. I think that should allow us to see which of the top end forums like, RSC, RHQ and Tip It, get the most.




Can I ask is Tip It pruned???

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Well I thought I would give a quick update at how things are looking. I have decided to essentially break things down into two top 10's now. Top 10 Most Popular, based on the number posts a day, and Top 10 Growing, based on the number of new members a day. This is my rankings so far, mind you they are still pretty rough.




Top 10 Most Popular Runescape Forums (by Posts Per Day)


1. Runescape Community (4000/Day)


2. Rune HQ (3800/Day)


3. Tip It (3600/Day)


4. Sals Realm of Runescape (2100/Day)


5. Runescape Realm (1700/Day)


6. Rune Village (1400/Day)


7. Rune Crypt (650/Day)


8. Runescape Boards (600/Day)


9. Runescape Bits & Bytes (390/Day)


10. Runescape Forums (370/Day)




Note: After that there is a fair drop off with no other forums with over 150 posts a day.




Top 10 Fastest Growing Runescape Forums (by New Members Per Day)


1. Rune HQ (320/Day)


2. Tip It (230/Day)


3. Runescape Community (165/Day)


4. Runescape Bits & Bytes (60/Day)


5. Runescape Realm (50/Day)


6. Runescape Boards (45/Day)


7. Sal's Realm of Runescape (35/Day)


8. Rune Village (30/Day)


9. Runescape Crypt (20/Day)


10. Runescape Forums (18/Day)




Note: Again there is a fair drop off with no other forums with 10+ new members a day.




So what can be concluded so far from all this? Well from my perspective there are an obvious three major forums, being Runescape Community, Rune HQ and Tip It - but this isn't really new news. I personally was quite shocked how similar their posts per day actually were with no clear winner over the past 4 days (I have only been tracking for the last 4 days). That said though there was a distinct difference in the number of new forum members signing up to each forum, with Rune HQ far and away having the most new registrations, followed by Tip It and trailed by Runescape Community. It will be interesting to see what influence this has over a longer period, in say 6 months time. My projections put Rune HQ as the forum with the largest number of members with 135,000 in 6 months time, which is a few thousand more than that of Tip It and close to 50,000 more than that of Runescape Community, which I would imagine would also result in a leadership change in regards to the Most Popular Runescape Forum.




The next distinct bracket of moderately popular forums would include, Runescape Realm, Runescape Village and Sals Realm of Runescape. There is not much to say about these forums other than non of them are probably growing fast enough or really have a post per day count that is really suggestive that they would be looking to move up into the top bracket or compete for a top 3 spot, but I'd argue that both Sal's Realm of Runescape and Runescape Realm are both fairly secure in their top 5 positions, with Rune Village being of the three that is most in danger of slipping in the ranks over the next six months, with it having the lowest growth rate and daily post count of the three, including a growth rate that is far smaller than that of two forums, Runescape Boards and Runescape Bits & Bytes, which are actually ranked below it in terms of post per day count. A projection of these three, Rune Village, Runescape Boards and Runescape Bits and Bytes, shows that in 6 months time Runescape Boards and Runescape Bits and Bytes can expect to have their member base double (200%), where as Rune Village's overall increase in members will be a fraction of with an estimated increase of 8% - the lowest of all of the top 10 forums.




The final bracket is what I'd call "developing" Runescape forums would be made up of Rune Crypt, Runescape Boards, Runescape Bits & Bytes and Runescape Forums. Each of these forums show quite a bit of promise, and as I have mentioned above, especially Runescape Boards and Runescape Bits & Bytes - but that's not to negate the promise of Rune Crypt or Runescape Forums. Each of these forums has quite a bit of activity, but they are also a fair way shy of there larger counter parts, but they all have the potential to move up in the ranks over the next 6 - 12 months.




Well that is my summation after studying each of these forums for 4 days. What do you guys think of my conclusions?

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http://members. lycos .co.uk/scapeboard/phpBB2/index.php




16,517 posts


1,213 registered members




Heeey! What a way to abuse the Scapeboard legend, eh?




Come on, this site isn't even worth considering. It's blatant abuse of the original Scapeboard.

Yeah this forum wouldn't be in the top 10 anyway. It really looks like a bit of a scraper site that has loads of different domains all redirecting to one site.
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tip.it is the best
Yes well being a member you would say that. Personally if I don't count my own forums, I'd say I don't really have a favourite, they are all pretty much the same to me, the oly difference I guess would be the forum software they use, I personally have always preferred phpBB and RSC uses Invision so I generally find myself using tip.it more than RSC, and RuneHQ is probably a bit too modded for my liking. Whilst tip.it is my number two choice, I'm also a member at RSC, RSR, and RV and enjoy posting at all those forums as well so like I said I don't really have a favourite.
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