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Well...scammed again at duel arena...


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So, I go and stock up on 200 Ice burst spells today, expecting to win some money at duel arena....After some stakes, a level 42 comes up and stakes me. He shows his offer of 20m for my 18m and items, I think, ok, easy money, I look him up, doesnt appear in scores, no surprise, he's level 42. So i accept and he says "oops lag" and runs off, i follow and challenge again, we do same rules same stakes, I get into duel arena, a level 91 with full veracs and a similar name is fighting me, I, of course, lost everyone of my possesion, all i was holding was my runes, I staked every item, and piece of gold I had. I don't know what to do.

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Haven't played in a while, and when I did it wasn't as a dueler, but I have never heard of this one before. Tis a smart one, and no offense, it seems to work.




Perhaps when staking every piece of gold you have you should be a bit more careful with who you are fighting, their lvl, and the rules of the game. I am sorry for your lose, as it is such a large one. But I would be lieing if I were to say it was not your fault.





In almost complete retirement.



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same thing happened to me, it was a lvl 80 and a lvl 126 though, the name was all random numbers like 4353455 and 4352455(it was something similer to this), u cant tell diffrence




see the lvl 80 said lag, he logged out and back in, i looked at name and thougth it was same so i accepted found out it was a lvl 126




You looked the lvl 91 up (the guy you actually fought)?




Because afterall, isn't he the only one that really matters?








and he thought it was still the low lvl so he didnt look him up again...

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as much as i love to see people be dumb, i dont like to see other people get large amounts of $ of other peoples ignorance, and to somewhat "trick" them into it.






as i see it, you were fully capable of beating a 90 with ice burst who was wearin full veracs, freeze walk away, freeze. but i dont like that some guy got 18mil for being "sneaky" about things. i sure wasnt handed over tons of $ by basically decieving people.

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A simple solution to this would be for JaGeX to add something that indicates the level of the players dueling, that would stop all of this "scamming" and then it will be even more of thier own fault for not paying attention.

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A simple solution to this would be for JaGeX to add something that indicates the level of the players dueling, that would stop all of this "scamming" and then it will be even more of thier own fault for not paying attention.






Good Idea.

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tbh you deserve it, you knew you'd completely own the 42 and were willing to take his 20m. Doesnt justify the other guys actions but you get no sympathy from me.






true, so remember if it looks too good to be true. always double check

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So, I go and stock up on 200 Ice burst spells today, expecting to win some money at duel arena....After some stakes, a level 42 comes up and stakes me. He shows his offer of 20m for my 18m and items, I think, ok, easy money, I look him up, doesnt appear in scores, no surprise, he's level 42. So i accept and he says "oops lag" and runs off, i follow and challenge again, we do same rules same stakes, I get into duel arena, a level 91 with full veracs and a similar name is fighting me, I, of course, lost everyone of my possesion, all i was holding was my runes, I staked every item, and piece of gold I had. I don't know what to do.




If you got 20m at such a low level like you are, it won't take you long to get another 20m :)




Jeez some people have so much money , staking 20m is taking the piss a bit tbh, but lot's of people have been caught by this scam, I am sure this is classed as scamming as it is decpetion, and should be classed as such.




It's no different to someone coming to your front door carrying somoene else's ID but both people look the same, and you check the picture, and are then burgled by him.




Jagex need to fix this problem, as we are seeing more and more people doing it.

Quit Runescape 10 jan 2007 - Playing again 2012



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a level 105 comes up to you and staks you a blue phat, you gonna accept his challenge?






me, oh yeah. but id be like, i gotta go do this for my friend, switch magics, get out full verac and ahrim top and bottum. sharks, super set, replaced with sara brew and super restore.






seriously, a 105, posses little threat to me and my lovely dagger, however. i have been beaten before by a lvl 79(i was 109)






basically, stack the odds in your direction if at all possible while maintaining somewhat of a reasonable fight.

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Someone tried this on me about 2 months ago, I didn't let him get away with it though, but I never click on their offers in the dialogue box anyway, but why would you risk everything you have anyway? I would never even stake 1m and I have over 50m now. And btw everyone, ice burt isn't actually that good in dual arena unless you have obsticals and know how to use them properly, but it's not that great anyway.


Drops: Barrows: 60+ DK: 4... Dragon: 60+ Whips: 2... GWD: 0...ouch!

Main Goal: 2000 total with no 99's




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