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I don't know.


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So, I don't really get out all that much, and get invited by my best friend to sleep over tomorrow night. The thing is my mom doesn't trust me all that much and makes a huge fuss over everything. She talks way too much whenever she's with my friends, and reveils somethings I don't want my friends knowing... I realllyyyy want to go to my friends house but don't want any trouble with my mom...






Yeah. Is it worth missing memories with your best friend?

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I think you should tell your mom how you feel. Doesnt sound like you do that too often - I maybe wrong, but its the "vibe" Im getting. Just be honest, and make your mom understand that you're serious about this. If you cant talk to your mom openly, who can you talk to openly?




Mothers ftw!



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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My dad is like that... and I usually end up missing out on these kind of oppertunities. I won't say it's worth missing these memories, but I find it easier just keep my dad happy. I've risked asking before, and it never turned out well. It's doesn't feel that great, but it's less hassle in the long run, at least parent-child relationship wise.

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How old are you?



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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Or just pack your bags in secret, grab your stuff and get to your frend's house. (dont forget to leave a note with: Im at ...'s House, Ill stay the night there!)




You will be punished (I dont know how hard, depends) but its worth it, you did have a good time after all :lol:




Now lets get realistic... I think that idea will turn out bad.. :?



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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Or just pack your bags in secret, grab your stuff and get to your frend's house. (dont forget to leave a note with: Im at ...'s House, Ill stay the night there!)




You will be punished (I dont know how hard, depends) but its worth it, you did have a good time after all :lol:




Now lets get realistic... I think that idea will turn out bad.. :?


Simply dont come back, stay with your friend for the rest of your days and done.


Or just go living with your far away aunt/uncle/cousin... :lol:


Obviously this isnt a good Idea, I hope you undertand this.





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You'll never miss memories with your best friends, mate. Those memories are created from moments you'll never forget, but moments that you never anticipate. Don't worry about when those times may be, just enjoy and embrace them when they come. You won't miss them, believe me :)

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that's what parents do... they just like to embarras you in front of everybody. just take it as it is, they love you.




is there a reasonwhy your mom doesn't trust you? ask her why.

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I know it's happened already, but just don't freak out about things like that. Go with friends whenever you can, and your friends don't care if your mom says embarrassing things, really. Everybody's parents embarrass them. That's not worth not having a good time over. Don't skip out on social events just because you have a weird relationship with your mom. Talk to her, tell you how you feel, explain that she can trust you, and get all of those things ironed out so you can get back on track with having a normal social life without worrying about these kinds of things. If you keep declining offers to hang out with friends they'll eventually just stop calling.

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Parents are automatic embarassers. I think it's part of their genetic code.




Talk to your mom about her embarassing you. Work something out, and I'm sure she'll try to refrain from doing something that'll embarass you. Chances are that they want the best for you and will try to work out their problem. :)




Just go. Don't worry. Even if she embarasses you, you can usually turn it into a joke later on in life.


Retired tip.it moderator.

Teaching and inspiring.

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