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How rich is rich?

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I'm gonna make a generalization... Most runescape players are never going to consider themselves rich. When I was a little noob, I considered a person with full rune rich. Once i got full rune, i considered trimmed armour rich... Then i considered santas rich, and I'm currently in that phase... Once I get a santa (if i get one) I will want a phat. It's all about your goals. You can always be richer...

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Money is so easy to obtain in the current Runescape economy




nothing under a billion impresses me the least bit, and even that is only mildly rich....


[02] -RuneScript- *** [ END ]: You gained 444,384 prayer exp in 5secs. That's 319,956,480 exp/h.

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Rich is an opinion. A new player might think 100 gp is rich. I think 50m+ is rich. Some other dude might think 2 bil is rich.


Depends on your viewpoint.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I'm gonna make a generalization... Most runescape players are never going to consider themselves rich. When I was a little noob, I considered a person with full rune rich. Once i got full rune, i considered trimmed armour rich... Then i considered santas rich, and I'm currently in that phase... Once I get a santa (if i get one) I will want a phat. It's all about your goals. You can always be richer...


Pretty much what I was going to say. Right down to the 160mil :shock: .




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How it seemed to work for me was "zomg, 16 million!!11 he am rich!!" But then something like the Barrows came out and I made 30-40 million in a week. At that point it became "zomg!!!11 he am have 110 million. He am rich!!11"


Etc etc.

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I don't know how much money i have in my bank. I have a santa and i know that other people want it to, so i can say that i'm rich :)

I want to say first that i am a guy, becouse when people see my username they think i am a girl.

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I don't understand... Some ppl got millions and millions of Gp and they don't consider themselves rich??? That's STUPID! I'd be happy with a mere 100k...

Every path you have trod, through wilderness and through war, has led to this road...

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have been playing almost 7 months pure f2p and have over 25 mill, although I do not consider myself rich... I am humble. Laughing












I have been playing about the same time, pure f2p, Combat: 54, total 625. Most money ever had in my possession: 180k.




What do you do to get all that?

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On all matters monetary I defer to Donald Trump:




"Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game."




I never had more than 700k in my bank before I razzed the lot on leather, or armour, or weapons or anything else I fancied.








*on all monetary matters i refer to donald trump* or *for all monetary matters i defer donald trump*


monetary isnt a noun.


anyway rich for me is when you can buy what you want, when you want.


What is your point about the word "monetary"? You said it wasn't a noun, yet they weren't using it as a noun. What are you trying to prove lol?




2.1 bil is the cap for cash, that's because of Java restrictions. Obviously players can have more than that if you're counting party hats.


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Rich varies from person to person. Somebody could have all 99's, and 250k cash, and I would consider them VERY rich. In this game, I myself believe it takes more then cash and items to being rich.




To me, anything above 10M is well off. And to the guy who posted the scale, of years, in comparison to cash... That makes no sense? Youve got to be a complete fool to just let money collect in your bank, to meet up to some standard that you created. Money is meant to be spent.

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To be rich is a state of being satisfied with what you have and not caring about wanting anymore.




Some people are satisfied with 1 mill while others are not satisfied with 4 bill. If you want to retire on RS money, then you will never be satisfied with whatever you have. If you are just playing it as a game, you can be satisfied without having anything more than the armor you wear.


# 1101 to 99 range on 12-18-05

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