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a tasty little gif.


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Maybe have the regular prayer icon...then all of a sudden it gently morphs into the holy sympol of Saradomin(which is basically a silver Prayer symbol). Then it trasnforms into The symbol of Guthix, and then finally....transforms into the Best god's symbol ever.....Zamorak.








(I play this damn game too much...someone stop me. :cry: )




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Maybe have the regular prayer icon...then all of a sudden it gently morphs into the holy sympol of Saradomin(which is basically a silver Prayer symbol). Then it trasnforms into The symbol of Guthix, and then finally....transforms into the Best god's symbol ever.....Zamorak.








(I play this damn game too much...someone stop me. :cry: )




Maybe there should be a Runescape Quit Line... Similar to smokers quit line?




They're awesome, especially the Runecrafting one :)


Check out my blog here!

Thanks Jopie211 for the sig

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Maybe have the regular prayer icon...then all of a sudden it gently morphs into the holy sympol of Saradomin(which is basically a silver Prayer symbol). Then it trasnforms into The symbol of Guthix, and then finally....transforms into the Best god's symbol ever.....Zamorak.








(I play this damn game too much...someone stop me. :cry: )




Maybe there should be a Runescape Quit Line... Similar to smokers quit line?




They're awesome, especially the Runecrafting one :)


LOl, now theres an idea! First real smart thing I've heard from a fellow RS player....ever. :lol:




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