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Runescape and Relationships?


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If you've played the game long enough, i'm sure you've seen people asking for girlfriends and boyfriends. Can it get any more sad? I think it's pathetic. Is there really a point to have a girlfriend on a videogame? It's just been bothering me. Shows how sad people can really be...

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Well I knopw some people get a boyfriend/girlfriend just to get presents. I think it's stupid to do that but what can we do and also one side of the deal has to be giving the presents so they have to be serious which is pathetic.

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They are just little 8 year old kids that want to be "cool" and ask for a g/bf. What gets me the most is they just go to crowded sqaures (take Varrock as an example) and shot "Need gf!" Then after a few minutes this noob comes and they go out. They date someone who they've known for a second. :roll:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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i know that is sooo annoying i made a pure mage it was a girl and like fifty guys said im hot wanna be my gf no matter how many time i told them i was a guy they kept asking and everytime i put them on ignore they'd just make another account! so i quit that pure mage

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they're all a scam, my friend wanted to do a test on how easy it would be to own someone with this idea but on a different game called Conquer Online. The guy trusted "her" so much that he left access to his account and he took over 200 million worth of items. He gave the stuff back though because it was jsut a test but seriously-IT'S A SCAM, and a horrible one at that too.




I keep my character a girl and when I'm wearing some nice items such as full rune + obby cape I get that question so much. I usually say "Lmafaooo pixel nerd" and continue to laugh in real life. They're sad. I know I really can't get a GF IRL but I wouldn't stoop so low to RS.

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Yes it is sad.. But when grown adults do it and fall in love its something different.. but 90% of the rs "realations" are for greed or there just sad..




But people on other mmorpg's meet up after they date in game for quite some time but there ussually 25+ like WoW, FFXI, ect.

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It's strange how people find female characters on videogames attractive. I stick to human girls, not digital ones with men controlling them. :P




not all boys control girl caracters

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I know, but you never know if the character is a boy or a girl. They'll probably lie to you like the sick people they are. I'm just saying some of the girl characters are guys.

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Some people use it as a way to act out some messed up fantasy, not only are many of the "girls" on the other side of the screen name actually a guy, but probably some fat hairy 45 year old guy.




Think about that next time you run around saying "Need a gf"

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I think people throwing themselves around..Looking for relationships are just stupid, meeting someone, and spending all you time with them, then falling in love?


That's alright, and If someone in game is married, then get their wife to play and spend time together, that's even better! It's more time together, and when they are apart in real life, they can still be together in the game..


But don't stand in a certain spot, Shouting.. "looking for hot bf", "will you date me?"


That's low..


My 2 cents.


Just started my new account.

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I think it's both funny and pathetic.


Since I got a fairly high combat level, it seems that I've suddenly become very attractive. When I was level 84 I saw a girl character saying: "I love you level 84, will you marry me?"


As I got higher it only got worse, lol.




The patheticness of some people is beyond imagination.

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I know a couple of people who are pretty serious about their relationships - Both ingame and irl.






Heck they've even arranged to meet irl this summer!








Don't believe me?




Thats fine, their relationship is their own business anyway.




Personally I find that fretting over other people's personal business is sad... :?

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Hey I like Cartoon Porn(Hentai) And there are some games that have well ANIME so I like them but RS is not ANIME so why fall in love here. heck otsbetter in Ragnarok at least there the Girls are really hot!!! :P :P :P

C:\Documents and Settings\Guest\My Documents\My Pictures\maxsig28nv.gif

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Ah, you have to be careful. Some of the relationship are actually rl. Like wifes and husbands playing the game. But most of them are 5 years wanting phr33 st0ff.

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Imagine how many requests Zezima gets :lol:


I got that once on my mage who is female, but I am male. Some guy asked if I wanted him to be my bf and I said I was a guy. Literally within two seconds he said "Im not gay". Pretty funny st00ph.

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hmm, well two close freinds of mine are in a " relationship" together and it seems to work, they just train and generally hang out together and personally it think a close online friends like that is cool




however 30 second bf/gf thing sucks and thats just for free stuff


i don't a gree with the people who stand around saying "lloking for rich bf" etc



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I wonder what they think they will get out of a cyber relationship. These people are obviosly desperate to try and gain an other dimension in the world of runescape through relationships???

If something is hard then it is not worth doing!

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If you've played the game long enough, i'm sure you've seen people asking for girlfriends and boyfriends. Can it get any more sad? I think it's pathetic. Is there really a point to have a girlfriend on a videogame? It's just been bothering me. Shows how sad people can really be...




I agree 100% but it doesnt bother me what others do if they want they can.


"Boredom got me playing, Boredom stops me from playing. It's a vicious cycle."

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There should not be Any Relationships in Runescape. Of course, noobs Also shouldent exist, And Neither should the 8 year-old who is the noob be playing Runescape. What ever happended to Kids going outside and Playing War? Now that was a Game. Not to brag but I was the best.




It's 2006. Kids are much more intrested in games and cartoons. You were a noob at one point, maybe you still are! :D

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Imagine how many requests Zezima gets :lol:


I got that once on my mage who is female, but I am male. Some guy asked if I wanted him to be my bf and I said I was a guy. Literally within two seconds he said "Im not *". Pretty funny st00ph.




i know exactly how you feel man...... i only got to level 10 mage on that account

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meh, when i have "girlfriend" over a game, it's more along the lines of having a companion of the female sex. It's not like I expect to come home and hop on runescape and cyber with a girl or something. It's more along the lines of "yeah, you're a close friend, why not be more but nothing serious?" kinda deal.










Was I just rambling?

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