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How bout them grafix?

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I gotta say, RS is the best MMORPG game I've ever played, ever. Actually, it's the only one. :D




Anyways, I'm hopin the Gower bros. r listening now, instead of me getting a members account and then talkin to them through rs forums. Yeah, that's another thing i hate, u gotta b a member for the lil perks, like the rs poll, and forums, unlike Tip.It, which is so awesum for free speech. 8-) Gower boys, u better get crackin' on those grafix. THe grafix aite now, but better game and graphics engines r out there, and y'all need to get on those horses rite now! Better grafix means u Gower bros r the most dominant force of MMORPG in the world!




Might I suggest for all RS members to suggest to them:


> more 3D, human like avatars


> less choppy fight scenes


> how bout a lil blood, hmm? that red splash is prty pathetic


> ...




I could go on, but i dont wanna take a lot of space, so, it's open to anyone, who wanna add on to the list of RS suggestions, and if ur a member in RS, plz post immediately onto RS Forums, too, so Jagex sees this! There have been attemps to set up sumthin like this, i haven't seen em, so I wanna restart it!









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No-one is going to listen to you since you call graphics "grafix".




Also its gameplay that makes a game, not "grafix"




I didn't even bother reading the rest

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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They use Java, and only Java. Java cant do the "Grafix" you want.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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First thing's first, I say no to that blood suggestion.




Moving on to the point of the topic, personally, I don't really care about graphics, unless it's really really horrible. :oops: I did fine at RSC, and I do fine at RS2. Although when it comes to the newest RS poll, 50% of the people say graphics, so yea, maybe something to update might be a + for JaGex and those 50% of the people.



http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=525348 - My Pking Gallery



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do you know anything about java? the graphics are about as good as java can allow them to be.


and don't suggest going into anything other than java, it would be a nightmare to move the accounts, the fact that jagax would probably bother with the members accounts only, and may even raise the membership prices for their troubles of doing so, just for the shinier wrapping paper of new graphics.


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Runescape has so many members because the engine doesn't require a ton of RAM or a fast processor. Updating the engine would change that.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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i sed adding onto it, like a second engine...




ppl, open ur minds up, and if u wanna talk smack that way bout how i say graphics, then k155 my @**.




and if u think ur so brainy, u make better grafix then, okay? dont say nothin until u've tried it.





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i sed adding onto it, like a second engine...




ppl, open ur minds up, and if u wanna talk smack that way bout how i say graphics, then k155 my @**.




and if u think ur so brainy, u make better grafix then, okay? dont say nothin until u've tried it.








You can't make better graphics and still maintain the integrity of the 3D engine. Furthermore, you can't expect anyone, JAGeX or otherwise, to take you seriously with consideration of the quality of your language as well as your attitude.




Now please stop spilling text onto our screens before you sear someone's retinas.

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if u can prove me wrong, make a game with better grafix, then come complain to me... n00bs




Youre the one complaining about the graphics, not us. Why should we make a game with better graphics if we think the current ones are fine? You make no sense. (I love how you call everyone a n00b, too. Definately doesnt make yourself look really stupid or childish.)

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This is turning in to another rant about runescapes graphics, appreciate the work they've done and either make a new game with better graphics yourself or just deal with the fact that runescape's graphics will not be high quality, eye-popping :shock: , revolutionary graphics



^Clickity to go to our forums

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if u can prove me wrong, make a game with better grafix, then come complain to me... n00bs




What? Are you going anywhere with this? I think that you've forgotten that it was in fact you who was complaining about the graphics, not us. And although it's already been said, you can only do so much with java.

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...this is extremely difficult to do and there are limits on how much u do it. No blood, this game is played by people younger than 8, i personally like it the way it is and have no problems. If you see that this isn't fit, go to another game. By the way..its not "grafix" or "graohics"

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if u can prove me wrong, make a game with better grafix, then come complain to me... n00bs




What? Are you going anywhere with this? I think that you've forgotten that it was in fact you who was complaining about the graphics, not us. And although it's already been said, you can only do so much with java.








Btw, I like how you quoted me on one of my stupid moments. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
...this is extremely difficult to do and there are limits on how much u do it. No blood, this game is played by people younger than 8, i personally like it the way it is and have no problems. If you see that this isn't fit, go to another game. By the way..its not "grafix" or "graohics"




typo k?:P

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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Wow, I never new that you could have a second grfaixs engine running over java. Pray tell, oh mighty master, how would one go about programming this?


Added to the fact that for serious graphics you usually have to, oh I don't know, pay $15 a month plus the game itself?


Dear god, I may just have to shoot myself now.

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ok also, i dont tihnk theyre gonna add anymore blood to it..you no the majority [i think] of poeple htat play this game are like 13 and under :P





\:D/ Ray::P2P::::Roaming Around::::Phat me pl0x?::::Beamster:: \:D/


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