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Do you believe in Satanism?


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Also, this isn't real life. Nor is it my house. So I can't really do anything to him. LOL.




Rofl, you can h4x me and send me viruses!


Omgggggggggggggggggg. I should have thought about it twice before I spole.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Also, this isn't real life. Nor is it my house. So I can't really do anything to him. LOL.




Rofl, you can h4x me and send me viruses!


Omgggggggggggggggggg. I should have thought about it twice before I spole.

Grow up, kid.


80/90 Attack - 95/99 Strength - 45/45 Defence - 1/1 Prayer - 89/91 Combat

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I don't believe in any religion, but I would never flame someone for believing in what they believe in. If those are the real 11 laws of Satanism, then I think you are just saying your a Satanist because you don't like Christianity, or if you are 11-13 you are trying to be a rebel, now, first thing your going to think when you read that part is "yeah right", well you don't conscientiously think about being a rebel, its your..mind... wanting to be different, I don't know how to explain it any other way, its something you don't think about...your mind and body just do it.




Now, to all you immature little brats out there, who truthfully are probably older than 14, get a life. This kid believes in what he wants to believe, we all do, if you want to believe in Christianity, Satanism, Judism, Islam, whatever, believe in it, but don't flame someone else for something they believe in.


















For my first topic, its like a sublimal message, it appears in your mind without you knowing about it, so if your watching T.V a message might appear so fast that your mind can't comprehend what it saw, but your brain does, and it stays there. All movies during the Cold War were tested by the government to make sure they didn't contain subliminal mesages saying to believe in Communism.

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Grow up, kid.




Hah, sorry mister!

Do you spring a big rubbery one everytime you troll a thread or is it just a favorite pasttime of yours?

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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I personally don't believe in any type of god, but I believe in what Satanism stands for.





dude... if you believe in the one side.. you have to acknowledge the other and "believe" that it exists




Hey god dude, old english sucks


umm ya.. hebro




hm, it seems to me you are some 12-16 year old kid that is searching the man/women in him/herself and that tries to be different because he world is oh so cruel and ... oh whatever.. that stuff is getting old

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I'm not a Satanist. I consider myself more Atheist than anything. There are a few things that I do agree with when it comes to Satanism. Such as not giving your opinion unless asked, and treating someone respectfully especially when they are being hospitable toward you. I also agree that you shouldn't attack an animal unless you are going to use it for food, or unless it has attacked you first. I also agree that you should not take what isn't yours unless it is given to you, or to relieve someone of a burden.




The magic thing doesn't really surprise me. And if I believed in "magic" I guess I would follow those guidelines.




However, I am a pacifist. Things such as destroying someone if they don't leave you alone, don't sit very well with me. To me, violence should be a last resort. The Satanist religion has a few too many contradictions in it for my tastes.




You're not allowed to initially attack an animal, yet you can with a human.




I also don't agree at all with the religion's symbols.




The upside down pentacle is the symbol of Baphomet, the Pagan god of male fertility.




The upside down cross is a Christian symbol of the disciple who was crucified upside down because he thought he was unworthy of dying in the same manner Jesus did.




The Satanists didn't even come up with their own symbols. Just sorta stole everything from other religions. And you can't trust a religion that goes around debo'in everything. :wink:

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The upside down cross is a Christian symbol of the disciple who was crucified upside down because he thought he was unworthy of dying in the same manner Jesus did.




The Satanists didn't even come up with their own symbols. Just sorta stole everything from other religions. And you can't trust a religion that goes around debo'in everything. :wink:








The peace sign is the cross upside down with the arms broken.. :wink:

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I bet the topic starter is a goth. A goth and between the ages of 13 and 17.




Hehe, that was just what I needed before going to work, thanks! :)


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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[sorry for the temp lock. We just had to sort some things out in the rules about these topics.




Carry on.








Edit: Re-Locked since author is Banned.

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