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I did a good deed.


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i'm half-nice :lol:


I saw a guy with full rune get killed by tree spirit. I got all his rune stuff and arrows. I pmed him and gave him back everything except for his helm, cause i always though i looked cool in the rune full helm.


I think i was around level 50. :lol:

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but i agree with the others; publicizing this event serves only to cheapen it and negates any altruism you might have had at the time. The Bible speaks about this at length, mainly in the New Testament.




please keep religon out of this? it makes me feel uneasy to see this kind of a post, I'm not racist and talking only about chirstianity, but the good thing with runescape, is that you don't meet missionaries all over the place. Dunno if it's against the tip.it rules or not, but would you be as nice as to leave religious aspects out of your posts please?




on topic: it's nice seeing someone do something "good". To create controversy and get everyone thinking; was it actually a good deed to keep this person in the dark not realising that few people are nice? did it make the person see the rs society more realistically? Not saying i stand for any of the ontopic things, but i feel it'd be nice for people to think about things so they could draw parallels to the real life. Is an overprotective mom a good thing?

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C'mon guys, this is really sad. Sure, I guess this guy is very kind (if he isn't making the story up, though I'd bet its true) but do you really feel such a complete need to tell everyone so you look good? :roll:

Don't ask.

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to all of you whom say: "if they die, its their fault"...You do realise that playing Runescape is subject to the stability of your internet connection, firewall and various maliscious programs/scripts?




With that in mind using that argument as a basis to justify pillaging is pretty pathetic, as all it signifies is your selfish tendancies.




Anyway, its always nice to see someone perform a good deed in a world, and game where the one minded attitude is rife.




good going mate :)

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Maybe if he gave me my..robin set..verac helm and skirt.. everything else i lost to random death by forum reading synrdrome.


I finally beat runescape.. YES I have quit.

~-I am athiest-~

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I was training at down on Dagganoths on Misc. Island when I saw a Lvl 81 got killed by one of those, I pillaged his items which had 2 stunning Berserker helmits (don't ask me how he got those) and a Rune scimmy and some lobsters.


I messaged him and he asked who I was, I explained to him about his items that he lost.




He was at Camelot so I teleported there and gave him his stuff back, he gave me the 10sum lobsters I found there to.




I also made a new friend that day.





A mad scientist in the attic, the owner is a vampire that dwells in the basement, a witch, skeletons, ghosts....

And you thought YOUR neighbors were weird!

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