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Another Newbie Attempt - Added Alternates


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To the people above me... It doesnt matter wether or not you've seen gimp do more complicated stuff, or if anyone could make it, geez... The guy asked for suggections to make it better, not wether or not it was hard/easy/good/bad gimp'ing to make...




On topic: I like it, you have the colour nailed, however, the shape of the actual gem is off imo, at least if it needs to reflect the game design... The idea and the theme is really nice though :D

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Thank you, KS_Jeppe, that's what I wanted to hear. You wouldn't believe how difficult it was to find a purple cut gem on a workable background - but if I'm not mistaken, my friend Ard Choille did actually find a better one. She's good like that.




Thank you, Bloodredsword. The font is actually the Narnia title font. The border is just a blurred border, very easy. Well, easy once my friend explained it to me.




I am a self-admitted newbie to graphic design.




My goal is to get enough of these to be able to set up a rotating signature script on my webserver. The actual PHP code is pretty simple, if you know how HTML headers work and PHP image functions... function. I don't know how the phpBB pulls images, but it would be theoretically possible (if phpBB was horribly inefficient) to have a different signature on every post. I'll almost certainly have a different image every time the page is reloaded, unless of course phpBB caches images.




Anyways, thank you two for the helpful comments.

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I actually like the stone on the first one the best. The angle at the front, and the reflected image below makes it waaayyy more visually exciting. I also like the deep, rich color of the stone, which I think is closer to our imaginary dstone than the colors of the other two.




You have some color fade-in (or "wash") on the left side shading down to near the letters (I'm not an artist at all, so I dunno what it's called - I only know what I like, lol). In the second image - this color is cooler and more stark, less warm. I like the shaded color the most in the third image.




So my vote overall is the first one. If we are voting, that is. :P


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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I actually like the stone on the first one the best. The angle at the front, and the reflected image below makes it waaayyy more visually exciting. I also like the deep, rich color of the stone, which I think is closer to our imaginary dstone than the colors of the other two.




You have some color fade-in (or "wash") on the left side shading down to near the letters (I'm not an artist at all, so I dunno what it's called - I only know what I like, lol). In the second image - this color is cooler and more stark, less warm. I like the shaded color the most in the third image.




So my vote overall is the first one. If we are voting, that is. :P




Pokemama pretty much said it for me. I'm not too fond of the gems in the second and third signature. The name text seems a bit squashed against the left side, though - it's not too bad but maybe you can adjust it a little bit? I acutally like the placement of the text in the second one over all three. And as Pokemama said, the shaded color in the third would be great if applied to the first image. As it is now, it is a bit "dull" looking, know what I mean?




Great looking sigs! I really like the font choice for your name too.

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I agree, the first one looks best :) shape of the stone, color and the reflection of the gem is a nice touch on it. The font on your name is great, but the font on the stats seems a bit plain.




In any case great job on a first try :D




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My goal is to get enough of these to be able to set up a rotating signature script on my webserver. The actual PHP code is pretty simple, if you know how HTML headers work and PHP image functions... function. I don't know how the phpBB pulls images, but it would be theoretically possible (if phpBB was horribly inefficient) to have a different signature on every post. I'll almost certainly have a different image every time the page is reloaded, unless of course phpBB caches images.
Reload my sig a few times, i believe that's what you wish to do? :) I can say that it's a bit more complicated than you should think, since the image MUST send size with it (a lot of rotators don't actually do this, sadly), and you may only link to image extensions, which means that a .php file won't work. Get in touch with me (pm or what you like) if you need help later on, i'd be happy to get you set up with a working script ;)
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