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Could someone tell me if this is a photomanip, I just used the photoshop filter, is this counted as photomanip? Also if someone could tell me how to cut it down from 112kb to 30?




Edit: photo19cw.png










eddieperfect - (Unjustly) Banned 06.06

eddieperfekt - Created 05.11.06

Prankster_King - "ItÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s just click after click after click."


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I wouldn't consider a Manip, because you just used one filter, nothing too special. Next time post the original one too so we can see the changes.






Generally, in a photomanip there is one thing that stands out.


In my one it was the grass and the sense of motion. That's two. Dang.


But you get my point. Just applying a render to a photo isnt really much of a manip nor requires much skill.

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Unfortunately using 1 filter in photoshop does not make a "photomanipulation" although the image has been altered it does not fit in the artistic definition.




Try researching some tutorials or looking at our Faq and resources sticky. Generally a photo manip requires a hand edited (rather than just a pre-defined filter) change as you can see in the sample that was posted for you. Such changes generally contain various layers of brushing, color adjustments etc.




Keep practicing :)





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I wouldn't consider a Manip, because you just used one filter, nothing too special. Next time post the original one too so we can see the changes.






Generally, in a photomanip there is one thing that stands out.


In my one it was the grass and the sense of motion. That's two. Dang.


But you get my point. Just applying a render to a photo isnt really much of a manip nor requires much skill.


Yeah, I got your point, and I hope you got mine at all :D


I was trying to say that just applying a render filter is not really making a photomanip, you need to change its way and such. You need literaly to manipulate the image (haha) ^^


Nice manipulation yours :D

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:shock: cads back...cad you seem to have a horrible habbit of coming and going as you please :shock: anywho yes it is a manip, jsut not a very hard one. Try taking more time and using other things to make it looks cool.

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It isn't considered a photomanip realy, no. However, a lot of people already explained that, didn't they? :).






Anyways, lose the filters. Don't get me wrong, filters can help, but they shouldn't be the main focus of the image. Also generaly a photomanip I find consists of more than 1 photo placed together, for example taking a guys head and taking a picture of a brain, and manipulating it to make it look like his head is split and... you get the idea.

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