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Antrune is correct, the ocean does eat up a lot of Carbon dioxide. How? I guess the sea vegetation eats it up? How the hell should I know? I'm not a scientist. I just read it.




But that doesn't mean it "disolves" ALL of it. Global Warming is an obviously real problem. Anyone who denies it even exsists is incredibley blind....That or an oil tycoon...Either way.




Like I mentioned, I can remember here in Minnesota when it was easily getting to -20 degree's in the winter...For the last 5 years at LEAST, I don't think it has even dropped below zero. Just this past winter I think the best we got was like 20 or 30 degrees. It's still cold as hell, but it's nothing like it was. :P I almost miss it, because with extreme cold comes more snow...And snow rules. I remember digging tunnels in the snow on our boulevard pushed up by snow plows...I had a vast network of tunnels leading from my driveway to the end of the block - No really, I did. :lol: I haven't been able to do that for years though, and trust me, I'm 19 and I would still do it if I could. Tunneling the snow is teh AWESOMEZ! But alas, it is just getting too warm, and the snow is scarce. Our local mountain (skiing and stuff) opened a month late because of lack of snow last year, and the snow wasn't even high enough to get to the tops of the starting gates for races, so you couldn't use them. Yes, they do make snow, but you try making 10 feet of snow on a whole mountain...That isn't easy.




Even the top notch supporters of the global warming crisis don't support the idea that global warming is noticably affecting temperatures like you claim. Temperatures like that fluctuate very often, especially around the time of El Nino. I love El Nino. :P




I know that. But it seems a bit too coincidental that all of a sudden this usually cold place is always warm. Of course it could have just been unusually cold winters, but even when it wasn't so cold, there was still SO much more snow. Now it's warmer and there's hardly any. :(

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Guest GhostRanger
I know that. But it seems a bit too coincidental that all of a sudden this usually cold place is always warm. Of course it could have just been unusually cold winters, but even when it wasn't so cold, there was still SO much more snow. Now it's warmer and there's hardly any. :(




It's not coincidental. The only thing that is coincidental is the unusually warm winter with you gaining knowledge about global warming. The problem itself didn't just start - your knowledge of it did.




Regardless, your warm winter has nothing to do with global warming.

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Why do we keep calling it global warming if it's really not that global.... I mean, Antarctica is getting *colder*




Climate change works much better ;)




Republican noob. =;


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"Experts" also have a theory called Global Cooling. MAKE UP YOUR MING EXPERTS!




Don't forget Global Dimming.




And GhostRanger, humbug2u! I only first heard of Global Warming like 3 or 4 years ago when I was 15-16. Before that, I was too busy doing "kid" things to have even cared. I noticed long before that and I assumed it was that "El nino" thing that I saw on the news (I had no idea what it was, just that it meant stuff was weird in the weather department :lol:). So, you would THINK that as I got knowledge of Global Warming, my mind would make connections, but I don't see it as the case. Besides, someone had to think up the theory, and they didn't have anything but facts to go by. :P

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I don't know. It seams that a 1 degree(f) rise in tempeture is allitle harsh. Then again, one volcano can do the same in a few days.




I'm sure that there is a lack of evidence due to the old thermometers. The only ones I can think they had were mercury, and its easy to get the wront tempeture.

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The fact is, nearly every major government and scientific organization has recognized that global warming is human induced, that it has and will significantly affect global temperatures, and that it is tied to the volume of CO2 emissions.




Even George W. Bush was quoted at the most recent G-8 Summit as saying global climate change was "a serious, urgent, and largely man made problem."




I respect the original poster's experience with science, but to be quite frank, a geologist does not have significant scientific expertise or credibility on climate change. Climate scientists have near universal accord over the matter. To the poster that disagreed with the term "climate change", I have to say that not all usages of the term are an attempt to lessen its severity. For example, the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) works with the UN on global warming. I for one, find the two terms synonymous and use both when I write about this very serious issue.

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Guest GhostRanger
The fact is, nearly every major government and scientific organization has recognized that global warming is human induced




I didn't realize that those were the "facts." I mean, the fact is, you didn't give us any source to support your claim.

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I didn't realize that those were the "facts." I mean, the fact is, you didn't give us any source to support your claim.




Ah, well then let me enlighten you:












George W. Bush quotation sourced from Foreign Affairs, "The End of the Bush Revolution", Philip Gordon. Vol 85, No. 4.




My statement stands. Please, do us all a favor: put away the flamethrower and come in from the schoolyard.

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Guest GhostRanger
Ah, well then let me enlighten you:












George W. Bush quotation sourced from Foreign Affairs, "The End of the Bush Revolution", Philip Gordon. Vol 85, No. 4.




My statement stands. Please, do us all a favor: put away the flamethrower and come in from the schoolyard.




Silly boys and their clever jokes. I'm sorry if my "flamethrower" offended you... I wasn't disagreeing with just so you know. But it seems rather silly to make such broad claims like "nearly every major government and scientific organization" without even giving one source.




I mean...when you do that, fallacious is written all over your point. Maybe you were too busy playing in the schoolyard to learn you need to back up your facts with...oh I don't know - facts, but I'm sure you'll do it next time without anyone having to ask!

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Global Warming is pretty obvious around here in Minnesota - We haven't had a cold winter for around 9 years now.


since when did global warming start only around 9 years ago?


For people who dont believe there's global warming, you're an idiot...


You have this closed room, put heat in it and it gets hotter. More, and more, and ever more and it gets hot as hell. Thats gonna be the earth someday, if the Capitalism of USA does something about it :?


well it's a good thing you have facts to support your statement and that you are not being a complete fool :roll:


For people who dont believe there's global warming, you're an idiot...


You have this closed room, put heat in it and it gets hotter. More, and more, and ever more and it gets hot as hell. Thats gonna be the earth someday, if the Capitalism of USA does something about it :?








The sea dissolves most of the carbon dioxide. Like the fellow said, the earth has under-gone ups and downs in temperature before and this is currently a high.




Global Warming is for goody-two-shoes who want to make themselves feel better by trying to save the planet which doesnt need saving =; .


thank you.


HAHAH this is * funny seeing people trying to decline global warming, you need to get your brains checked, your theory is pathetic.


i dont think that is worthy of a response.


If u watch The DAy After Tommorrow because they're nearly correct on what is going to happen.


dude in that movie they run from the cold and then shut the door on it ...

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Meh, anything that has to do with global warming usually ends up with political talk and then people start fighting over whether George Bush is an idiot or not.


I am an Atheist, and I take pride in it.

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Meh, anything that has to do with global warming usually ends up with political talk and then people start fighting over whether George Bush is an idiot or not.


george bush is an idiot.




also please give facts before you make rediculous statements.


what i am talking about is the implication of global warming being caused mostly by mankind. part of my argument being that the earth always goes through rapid climate changes and lots of stuff dies and when we go on a high like this one people get worried.


"the polar caps haven't been this small for 350 years"


where was all the technology 350 years ago?




hell i hate the cold, id rather be on a high then a low

i finally quit runescape to play world of warcraft. i play on frostmourne, alliance

check out my thread


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Meh, anything that has to do with global warming usually ends up with political talk and then people start fighting over whether George Bush is an idiot or not.


george bush is an idiot.




also please give facts before you make rediculous statements.


what i am talking about is the implication of global warming being caused mostly by mankind. part of my argument being that the earth always goes through rapid climate changes and lots of stuff dies and when we go on a high like this one people get worried.


"the polar caps haven't been this small for 350 years"


where was all the technology 350 years ago?




hell i hate the cold, id rather be on a high then a low




If your talking about my statement which you think is rediculous than Im sorry I guess, I didnt mean to offend anyone, just my oppinion on these sort of topics.


I am an Atheist, and I take pride in it.

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...my dad knows a politician who also disagreed




I don't know why you included that bit. I can understand why a Geologist's opinion counts but when did Politicians study the Earth?




Global Warming is happening and we are the cause of it. But there is no point doing all this 'Energy Saving' until the governments of America, India and China acknowledge that it is a problem.

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Meh, anything that has to do with global warming usually ends up with political talk and then people start fighting over whether George Bush is an idiot or not.


george bush is an idiot.




also please give facts before you make rediculous statements.


what i am talking about is the implication of global warming being caused mostly by mankind. part of my argument being that the earth always goes through rapid climate changes and lots of stuff dies and when we go on a high like this one people get worried.


"the polar caps haven't been this small for 350 years"


where was all the technology 350 years ago?




hell i hate the cold, id rather be on a high then a low




If your talking about my statement which you think is rediculous than Im sorry I guess, I didnt mean to offend anyone, just my oppinion on these sort of topics.


no i wasnt talking about ur statement sorry i didnt make that clear

i finally quit runescape to play world of warcraft. i play on frostmourne, alliance

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...my dad knows a politician who also disagreed




I don't know why you included that bit. I can understand why a Geologist's opinion counts but when did Politicians study the Earth?




Global Warming is happening and we are the cause of it. But there is no point doing all this 'Energy Saving' until the governments of America, India and China acknowledge that it is a problem.


maybe the politician studied it in highschool?


also you say global warming is happening and we are the cause of it.


now where are any frigging facts of that?


like i said before provide facts beforew you make ridiculous statements.




global warming and global cooling has always been happening

i finally quit runescape to play world of warcraft. i play on frostmourne, alliance

check out my thread


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like i said before provide facts beforew you make ridiculous statements.




global warming and global cooling has always been happening




Where're your facts?




Despite telling lots of people not to say things without backing them up, you've just ignored the people who have backed up their opinions. For example, IceNomad made a very interesting post:





Ah, well then let me enlighten you:




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ky ... ignatories




http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/ar ... Dec25.html




George W. Bush quotation sourced from Foreign Affairs, "The End of the Bush Revolution", Philip Gordon. Vol 85, No. 4.




My statement stands. Please, do us all a favor: put away the flamethrower and come in from the schoolyard.





I'd like to see you argue against the findings of the IPCC, using facts of course ;)

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maybe the politician studied it in highschool?


also you say global warming is happening and we are the cause of it.


now where are any frigging facts of that?


like i said before provide facts beforew you make ridiculous statements.




global warming and global cooling has always been happening




Politicians know everything, right? Alright, there was once politician who actually got a lot power and according to him, jews should be gotten rid of. They are into politics, not into everything.






There's Washington Post's article on how world's temperature keeps rising. Look at the chart at the end of the page; I agree that the temperature sometimes cools and sometimes becomes warmer (this has happened countless times through the years, even before mankind was on this planet), but that chart makes me think. Can that high rise in so short period be "normal"?



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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Guest mmortalone




obviously we need to stop getting rid of all the pirates, to get the temperatures cooler again.




/sorry for putting this in everyone of the global warming topics, but its obligatory.




hehe, FSM ftw





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the only reason id worry is because that means i wont be able to snowboard if its too hot :x




but we have had tons of mass temperature changes in the past

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Guest TaDaraCampbell

I first posted this in Yahoo Answers, but why not enlighted you at tip.it how i feel about global warming.


I've pondered over the factor of global warming greatly since I am but 13 and the generations before me are only bestowing more and more trouble by producing more toxins and such which inevitably will cause the destruction of our planet. We can always shut down all production of fuel consuming machinery at this moment and switch to pure-electric or ethanol fueled machines, but what will that do, remember supply and demand, demand goes up, prices go up, and this will either cause us to go back to what we had originally or leave people that cannot afford such in the dirt. We could recycle every possible material we could, use our foods as a compost pit in our yards, and find other reasonable possibilities for our other materials that could not be used for either. We have dug a hole to big to crawl out of, painted ourselves into a corner, inevitably no matter what feasible possibility there is there will always be problem and we can only watch our destruction unfold, we have done enough as it is, and quarrel as we will it will ultimately lead to no help to attempt to turn back what we have already done.


Own up, we know we screwed up, we should have impeached President Bush while we could, we should have shut down businesses that we all knew were horrendously devastating to our environment, we should have done many things, and even if we did attempt, they would reject there is anything wrong with what they are doing, or take articles out of the papers concerning global warming. Our problem comes down to greed, they reject because they want to continue with what they do to, continue in their effort to obtain as much money as possible and hope they die before the hell engulfs us all, they have no feelings for anyone else, they only care about themselves, but cannot we as a people stand up to them? They are obviously outnumbered, if we were to get the word out and stand against such tyranny, they should not control whether life continues or comes to a burning end just to gain money. Global warming is a horrible problem that we could have easily looked ahead and put an end to, but we did not act, and still are not!


Sure, I'm a Christian and according to the bible we will not come to an end until revelations faithful day, but letÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s be intelligent about this, at this time it seems more likely we WILL come to an end because of this problem.


I of course could ramble on for ages, but it is time this came to an end, I hope all that read this will look inside themselves and in some way try to stand for what's right, we owe it to the future of civilization, for no one in their right mind would like to see such a fine place come to an end.








PS. If we were to go through a phase of paleomagnetism right now we'd all be screwed \'

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