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would u still play runescape if they is no friends list??


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Would you still play if there was no Friend list? Yes








Why do you have Friends? If i never i woldnt have a :mrgreen: life








What are the real purpose of friends in your aspect: to have fun have sleep over have all nighter in the worst part of the hood in newyork :mrgreen:








Personal: Do you have many friends? Im loved :pray:

working on it

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thats a hard one, I guess I could still play if I used a different chat program (not naming anything) but it would take most of the fun out of rs... u can ofc still meet all ur friends somewhere and talk in public, but that requires some effort and rs is a game for lazy ppl (don't deny it, you know it's true :P)

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Guest Armagedon46disabled

i would, dont make a difference to me i dont got very many good rs friends 1 or 2, most my friends i talk to are irl when i play on msn

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I wouldn't if there never were any, because I wouldn't have gotten into the game as much.








But if they decided to get rid of it tomorrow, then I would still play. I stake, and have no use for having people added when most of the people I'd talk to on the game I talk to on AIM/MSN.

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I would still play, the only two people I have on my list (mainly from choice and being inactive for awhile) are my brother, and my friend of like 10 years. and if they got rid of the friends list, I have their AIM screen name's so it wouldn't change anything for me..








but I don't have a lot of RS Friends lol

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Yeah... it used to be a big deal for me with my friends and all, but lately, I've been busy with school so I haven't been on that much, and most of the people on my friends list went inactive a looong time ago, so I guess it wouldn't matter.








Cuz I have no RS friends.... :cry:




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Would you still play if there was no Friend list? Umm...Hell No!








Why do you have Friends? They are fun to talk with, spend your time with, without friends, life is boring. You cannot be alone forever, you will need someone along your journey in life, you cannot complete life without someone's warmth to help you along your way.








What are the real purpose of friends in your aspect? Fun to talk to, spending time with. Just basically hanging out, training boring skills that turn fun within minutes because of the jokes and etc passed between friends. You just feel happy with them.








Personal: Do you have many friends? Yes, maxed out my list...now I delete some old buyers/sellers to add more friends.

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Would you still play if there was no Friend list?








Why do you have Friends? because I made most of them years ago.








What are the real purpose of friends in your aspect ?someone to talk to and help eachother out








Personal: Do you have many friends? not even 50 but like about 10 really close ones that I've had for a few years.




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I would still play.




My 'friends' are harldy ever on and when they are they still don't talk to me anyway.




There the friends that after having a 2 sentence conversation they say 'friends?'.




I can't say no to that


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I would quit RuneScape if there was no friends list. My friends (I have about 100) are the people who keep me playing when i'm training Hunter, standing around doing next-to nothing. They are also there for fun, go pk with them, duel them, etc. Also, they help you. Give you items when you need them most. And vice-versa. Friends are the reason Istarted RuneScape. I hope this helps.








Woot! 70th post! \'














Cheap Mark - Going for 1050 Total

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