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Tip.It Times Presents: The Old Nite


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I think it's a nice idea for a statue etc for the man however I will be surprised if Jagex do something. Several years ago a RS friend passed away and similar posts & thoughts were made in these forums for a memorial statue or plaque. The most Jagex did was put a note in the news page about it.








And right now this man is well known, a legend to many, sadly though in years to come the following RS generation wont have a clue who he is.








If every time we lost an extremely well known & admired rs player & hoped for a statue, a plot, just a lil sign in game for them RS would eventually be filled with these things. In ways it turns the responsibility over to us, their friend, their family (who may play), the stranger who watched them move up the high scores - to keep them alive in game, to talk about them to those new to the game.








Back in RSC days and very early RS2 days people were talking all over RS about many high lvl'rs & long time players, Bluerose, Lilly, TheHate, TKS, S A X & more but now I only see one name constantly mentioned, gossiped, defended, etc - Zez. It is up to us to keep the memory of those passed & retired alive, just as Metallica has done with his tribute article.








Thank you Metallica, very nicely written.








R.I.P. The Old Nite - you will be remembered

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I first met The Old Nite when I was level 42. Selling herbs in Fally.




He took all my herbs, IDed them and returned them free of charge. I was naieve as any noob. Luckily I met this great person, he then bought all my herb for some 400k.








I realized what this person had done and we became good friends. We were the best of friends, so much so that he became my mentor and took my under his wing, showing me the quickest way to do thing with the most efficenty.








I left RS to persue other goals about 11 months ago, we still spoke when I logged in every few days. I had not logged in for about a month, then I read this article and logged in. I realized for one of the first times in my life, TON wasn't on. Something very bad had happened...








Goodbye old friend. It has been a pleasure to be your friend and protoge.




Love you mate.
















R.I.P The Old Nite.


Crazy Old Man.

R.I.P The Old Nite. My Mentor and Brother.

He taught me how to play the game.

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Much better than last week's article i would say...




But has anyone found this article a wee bit familiar?




Perhaps the author has written this article before, and has only got it published now as a tip.it times, but i'm sure i've seen this article b4.








R.I.P The Old Nite :boohoo:

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[spoiler=Old info]Quest Point Cape Acheived:14 October 07 4:30pm GMT+10 .

15108th to 99 Firemaking: 2 October 08 8:15pm GMT+10

Barrows Drops: Verac Flail, Verac Plateskirt x3, Guthan helm, Ahrim Robetop,

Karil top, Torag plate, Dharok plate, Dharok axe. 1900+ total lvl

Dragon Drops: 6: Dragon Legs (iron dragon), Dragon Spear(shadow warrior), Dragon Pickaxe(4)

DK Drops: Warrior Ring(2)

Bandos Drops: Tassets


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Much better than last week's article i would say...




But has anyone found this article a wee bit familiar?




Perhaps the author has written this article before, and has only got it published now as a tip.it times, but i'm sure i've seen this article b4.








R.I.P The Old Nite :boohoo:








I wrote it one night after Oddfaery2 told me I should over MSN Messenger. It's orginal and mine I promise. If you've seen this exact article somewhere else then someone is plagerizing it.



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I saw The Old Nite first in RS CLASSIC, world 4, in 2002 sometime. Before most of u were born...








He was smithing some addy at the time, (AS THE ADDY BAR WENT OVER HIS HEAD)








He was lvl 100 something, and me beign a noob, i pestered him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

R.I.P The Old Nite




i never knew him personally but knew of his acheivments....








A TRUE Runescape LEGEND....








:( :cry:








R.I.P The Old Nite

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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RIP The Old Nite - AKA A Runescape Legend








My thoughts and prayers to his family



[Admin Edit: Attempting to publicly humiliate a user in your signature is inappropriate]


Quit Runescape... Dec 2001 - Jan 2008 on and off... mostly off.

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  • 3 weeks later...

wow the old nite is one heck of a guy---lets take a moment in silence -.-




r.i.p. old nite












btw.....did tom get old nites account?
























totally new to tip.it accounts!

Rubik's Cube new record for me-43 seconds w00t

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:( I never knew The Old Nite, but I feel from reading the posts here that he was a truly great character in the RS world, and in the real world also.








R.I.P. The Old Nite

"Gain lvls? As a "lvl 3 skiller"? The clue's in the title, nub!"




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

although im not a mod or admin etc, this post is half a year old, i think its best to let it rest as is old nite, and to how he died, from what i belive, he died of cancer. truly that its taken many lifes. now let us move on and accept it. dwelling in the past is feutle.


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