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Worst update in rs history?


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Showing your combat level in Non-PVP areas.




Would've almost nurfed the use of the word "noob" when refering to combat level.




+ It was always fun saying that you were level 100 :-w








Oh, and the High-Scores. Yet again would've eliminated a lot of "noob" calling. \'

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I can understand that people are pissed off about cook, fletch or smelt x. Especialyl if they already had that skill at a higher level.

123 Combat / 1900 Skill Total / 99 HP / 7x 99 Stats

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putting the game on miniclip




completely agree with you




What are you talking about!?!?! I know runescape by miniclip...i was wondering internet then i enter miniclip and try rs ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâìÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâì




if there wasnt runescape in miniclip i will be missing this excelent game




100% disagree

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Contruction: I understand why they did it and its good and bad, good because it took the huge ammounts of money the members had saved up out of that game. helping the economy, which in turned made Holiday items dropped becuz people no longer had lots of money, but that went away after contruction lost its newness. Ok contruction bad, one because it hurt the people who spent time to be able to cut yews then the yew price dropped, but it also raised the price of oaks so its a 50-50.




And pure ess. Bad because that was the easiest fastest way to make money when you first started out. good cause it kinda lowered the autoers who did it to get money but not the ones who auoted ess for just pure mining xp.




Another good update, Having colors slightly change on color map everytime you log in, it helped a little bit with autoers, but then there are probably ones that just reset to the new colors evertime you log in, so yes it was a good effort to stop autoing, but not fully effective, but its one step closer.






Also what cypress85 said, I mean come on carry a heavy 2 hand sword on your shoulder all day wouldnt cut you? You would walk arround and it would be like a 1 . . 3. ..2 ...1 , and eventually you would hit yourself.




Another update I hated was when they added weapon speeds, because back in RSC if you had a r2h you owned and scimmis sucked, but once rs2 weapon speeds came along everything changed.



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