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Rejecting One Reality, Just To Find Another


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For the past few years I've spent a lot of time playing MMORPGs. I started on Runescape. Then moved to Shadowbane, then Lineage II, and the up


to EverQuest II. Well, that's about all I'm known for doing anymore.




So I've decided to give up MMORPGs. I've spent too much time sitting behind my computer and I'm definitly out of shape. I'm still going to play the average games but I'm going to stay away from MMORPGs.




I'm going to spend my summer getting into shape and losing some of this weight I've gained. But I won't be leaving my TIF friends. I'll still be posting here, because my parents are over-protective and won't let me be out at night :wall:




Now I've been staying away from my computer for the last week or so and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. What I'd like to see is everyone in the community, just take an hour or two and go outside and exercise. I feel much better and I haven't done much more than go run around with friends for a week.




So I guess... Good bye MMORPGs, hello to a new life.

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Now I've been staying away from my computer for the last week or so and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. What I'd like to see is everyone in the community, just take an hour or two and go outside and exercise. I feel much better and I haven't done much more than go run around with friends for a week.




:ugh: I hate stereotypes like this. I play RuneScape and I have a girlfriend, I've been swimming 3 times a week since school ended and go play by the park almost every afternoon.




Why can't you play a MMORPG and have a life? Is that too hard to handle for you :|

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Now I've been staying away from my computer for the last week or so and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. What I'd like to see is everyone in the community, just take an hour or two and go outside and exercise. I feel much better and I haven't done much more than go run around with friends for a week.




:ugh: I hate stereotypes like this. I play RuneScape and I have a girlfriend, I've been swimming 3 times a week since school ended and go play by the park almost every afternoon.




Why can't you play a MMORPG and have a life? Is that too hard to handle for you :|


You covered it well. :)

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Because I have a problem... When I play a video game I play to be the best.. Whether it's just between me and my friends or the entire community. It's not on purpose, I just get very compeditive when it comes to video games. So I'm giving them up to get my life on track.








Thanks for the support :D

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Now I've been staying away from my computer for the last week or so and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. What I'd like to see is everyone in the community, just take an hour or two and go outside and exercise. I feel much better and I haven't done much more than go run around with friends for a week.




:ugh: I hate stereotypes like this. I play RuneScape and I have a girlfriend, I've been swimming 3 times a week since school ended and go play by the park almost every afternoon.




Why can't you play a MMORPG and have a life? Is that too hard to handle for you :|




Exactly. I train hard every day for the next soccer season, and I will all this summer. I'm active and fit, but I love to play runescape and genraly being on the internet.

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Dont play Runescape. I dont understand how people can waste to much time on it. It means nothing and there are more important things to do that it.

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Dont play Runescape. I dont understand how people can waste to much time on it. It means nothing and there are more important things to do that it.




That's kind of my thinking on this whole idea. I figure being fit and having a great social life is more important than any video game could ever be.

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Dont play Runescape. I dont understand how people can waste to much time on it. It means nothing and there are more important things to do that it.




It's an easy way to get rid of boredom. That's like saying that games shouldn't exist because there's more important thing to do. Or why do people even watch movies when they can work. Or why do people take breaks? That's a lot of time wasted if you add up all the breaks you take while you can be working instead. RuneScape is a game, it shouldn't even be considered 'life.'




The irony I found in your post is what are you doing on the forums in the first place? It means nothing and there are more things to do than post around. A good number of your posts is in General so I don't understand how your post came to be :?

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Dont play Runescape. I dont understand how people can waste to much time on it. It means nothing and there are more important things to do that it.




you could argue that real life doesnt mean anything either, we work for 40 years and then we die, and 100 years from our death no one would know/care we existed. playing runescape isnt any more of wasting time than watching a movie, or playing any other video game, or just surfing the web, or just posting on these forums.




i did stop playing runescape not because its a waste of time, but because it wasnt fun.



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i would like to but a big part of my friend have no life...




i told myself that this summer i would buy a life and get out of the basement but it didn't work...




guess i should try harder but is it really fun to go outside ALONE




One of my best friends is spending his whole summer watching his sister so he just sits in his basement playing on his computer. I suppose I'll drag another friend and my brother out with me to exercise.. It's always more fun to exercise with others :D

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It kinda depends on the person and their level of 'addiction' whether a game's good or not for em. I wouldn't generalize mmorpg's as a whole as being bad, although on the majority they're more negative than positive time-wise for the average person.


By the way, is anyone else like me? I hardly exercise, maybe a few hours a week but only for muscle gaining and some tennis here and there, but the majority of my time I'm pretty sedentary. The thing is, I'm really, really thin for my height. 5 foot 10 and about 110 lb's. It just doesn't make any sense that I put on no weight, eat a ton of junkfood, and barely move at all. Probably my metabolism I guess (sorry for my little tangent :P ).

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i did stop playing runescape not because its a waste of time, but because it wasnt fun.




I think this is a good point. So many people I hear talking about "working towards" their goals, or complaining about spending hours and hours clicking to get to a certain level. In fact, a lot of Runescape speech is the same kind of speech that would be used in a working environment. Especially talk about experience per hour and wanting to use time efficiently, and the people who don't want to "waste their time" doing quests or doing activities that aren't rewarding in terms of experience or gp.




If you want a job, I suggest getting one in "real life". It pays more.




To clarify, I'm not saying that everyone is playing RS as if it is a job, just that people need to step back and make sure that they're not one of them.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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I've quit RuneScape before, but I always came back to it a few months later. It's addicting and I can't just get away from it. Eventually I will be able to escape the addiction, but for now I just have to play it. Sure, it's time consuming and quite boring sometimes, but there is something about it that makes me go back. I can't really get out much anyway, so quitting the game would have no point. It's what I like to do and no, i'm not fat and girls don't hate me. If it's what I want to do with my time, then i'll do that. Incase I really want to quit then I will.




I respect you, though. Quitting online games are hard....

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i did stop playing runescape not because its a waste of time, but because it wasnt fun.




I think this is a good point. So many people I hear talking about "working towards" their goals, or complaining about spending hours and hours clicking to get to a certain level. In fact, a lot of Runescape speech is the same kind of speech that would be used in a working environment. Especially talk about experience per hour and wanting to use time efficiently, and the people who don't want to "waste their time" doing quests or doing activities that aren't rewarding in terms of experience or gp.




If you want a job, I suggest getting one in "real life". It pays more.




To clarify, I'm not saying that everyone is playing RS as if it is a job, just that people need to step back and make sure that they're not one of them.




But the thing is with runescape you have more control over what you can do to achieve your goals than in real life :P


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Dont play Runescape. I dont understand how people can waste to much time on it. It means nothing and there are more important things to do that it.




Why do you sleep? thats a time waster.. Why do you have fun? I mean you could be working instead of having fun. Why are you typing here? there are more inportant things you could be doing because I mean, this means nothing at all. =;

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i did stop playing runescape not because its a waste of time, but because it wasnt fun.




I think this is a good point. So many people I hear talking about "working towards" their goals, or complaining about spending hours and hours clicking to get to a certain level. In fact, a lot of Runescape speech is the same kind of speech that would be used in a working environment. Especially talk about experience per hour and wanting to use time efficiently, and the people who don't want to "waste their time" doing quests or doing activities that aren't rewarding in terms of experience or gp.




If you want a job, I suggest getting one in "real life". It pays more.




To clarify, I'm not saying that everyone is playing RS as if it is a job, just that people need to step back and make sure that they're not one of them.




Exactly. It's why I quit playing. I was too focussed on "goals". I started up again because I found out a coworker of mine (real job :P) plays. So now we play after work when we're too dog tired to go out and I actually enjoy it.

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i would like to but a big part of my friend have no life...




i told myself that this summer i would buy a life and get out of the basement but it didn't work...




guess i should try harder but is it really fun to go outside ALONE




That's the spirit! =D>

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