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The journal of Omegawrayth UPDATE: Chapter 2

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Well some of you may remember the journal of Omegawarlock. The guy that decided to follow in the footsteps of Omegawytch, then gave up after getting level to level 7 defence. :roll:








Anyway, I used to post my achievements with Omegawrayth in that topic, but since he gave up, and now Omegawrayth posts in Omegawarlock's thread, the thread title is misleading, so I have made my own thread.
















Chapter 1: Rune Armour








After getting off tutorial island I quickly got into the routine of repeatedly killing rats in Lumbridge castle. This was handy as I could collect mind runes at the same time. In fact, Boello saw my post on scapeboard about my new character and decided to donate 1,000 mind runes to my cause. I was pleased and I had made a new friend.








Well after I had 1,300 or so mind runes I decided to move to draynor and shortly after arriving there, I got 20 defence at level 7 combat (didn't get a screenie :( ). I also decided to pass up on the mith armour and sit it out until I was at addy. At this time, one of my friends from my main account decided to create a character like mine too, and hence Calilia was born. We moved to the south-falador chicken farm and the long-grueling-chicken-killing process begun...








In a day I shot to level 30 defence at combat 13, while Calilia climbed to 20, and I also gained a few thousand feathers in the process which I sold at 10gp each to make 35k.
















My old friend, Boello then kindly sold me full addy plus kite for 18k. What a bargain! And also a ruby and diamond ammy were thrown in for good measure. With some of the remaining money I bought an air staff and killed a highwayman for a cape... Things were looking good, things were looking VERY good.








I took a small break to do some mining and smithing and I got to lv10 and lv15 respectably in each. During my short stay in the mine, I attracted much attention, with shouts of ''n00b'' and ''freak'' and even one insult of being a ''cheater''. At lv10 mining, I took time to do Doric's quest, so should I choose to return, the low level mine-smelt-smith path via falador would be wide open for me to get to 30 mining and smithing.








Then real life vacation called and I was whisked away to Greece for 2 weeks. Calilia had threatened to reach 40 defence before I did while I was away, but when I returned, she had only gained 2 levels.








So, with 2 weeks worth of play to catch up on, I was back at the chickens, pummelling them into oblivion once more. During my time with the chickens, I made a fair few friends. Most of them pkers, who had high level mains like myself. We had a good laugh and they cured the boredom of killing 3,000 chickens.
















But of course, where there are friends, there are enemies (enemies taking the form of newbs). And I'm talking about the kind of newbs who are positive feathers sell for 2gp each when I tell them I'm selling mine for 10 each then I tell them I think I know what I'm talking about, I've got a level X main. Then they say, 'yeah sure you have'. Then I get my main over the chicken farm. Then they accuse me of using my big brother's account... and so it goes on... :lol:








During the course of all this, I accumulated over 13,000 feathers and I traded 11,000 feathers for rune legs, large, chain and kite from... yes, Boello again :D . Now I had the armour, I needed the level...








In the first day of my return, I managed to claw my way to lv35 defence, and then today (yes, TODAY, 29 August 2004) I slaughtered chickens for a staggering non-stop 8 hours and churned out 13,000 exp as I reached 40 defence at level 17 combat.








Of course I wasn't alone, all my friends currently online came over to see me achieve my goal.




































After weeks of waiting, it's finally here...








Chapter 2: Mining Guild








Ok, so as you may remember, I'm 40 defence at 17 combat where I last left off. Once you achieve such a thing, you want to show it off as much as possible, so for the moment, any further training of combat skills is put on hold, so I can soak up the glory of my achievement.








I glanced at my other skills to see what my options were, and I decided I'd do some mining, with a glimmer of hope of getting into the guild, but I knew this would try my patience. So I trotted off to dwarven mines to get rid of my manky old newbish bronze pick and I bought a mithril, an addy and a rune one with the cash I had left over from the feathers.








Now it's off to S.E. Varrock mine to start mining. Iron. At first, things were sweet, I banked about 1200 iron and worked my way through all my picks until I was level 41 and I could finally use rune. About this time, I decided to try powermining as I had heard how fast it could be.








I was also getting a lot of attention from fellow miners about my rune armour. Here is a classic example:
















Also as my mining level soared, I was getting the rune more and more often, and so I took advantage, and started mining 3 rocks alternately. The other miners got quite annoyed and I picked up lots of shouts and threats. I tended to ignore most of them, or just throw in a sarcastic comment somewhere.
















It wasn't all bad, I made quite a few friends at the mine who didn't give me 101 questions about my armour. From 41 mining onwards, there were brief periods where I left Omega and trained my main a lot, but every now and again I would log on and put in a few levels of work. Then eventually, this morning, I put in a massive 4 hours of powermining to jump from 55 to 60.
















I took off for the mining guild at full throttle and got inside. No suprise I was the lowest level in sight. Unlike varrock mine however, I did not get the attention that I had expected. Here's a little pic of my first footsteps into the guild:










Retired Tip It Moderator | Zybez Radio DJ - Listen Here

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Thanks kinders. The reason only like 4 people were at the chicken farm were:








1) Hello? This is a new character, I'm not going to have that many friends so soon




2) They were the only friends online. You know not everyone logs on together.








Thanks all for the support.


Retired Tip It Moderator | Zybez Radio DJ - Listen Here

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yea if rsc didnt have so many stupid autoers...i would make a dueler on it like that....but no the fricken [developmentally delayed]s have like more then half the population of autoers....gosh i wish jagex would just ban them all

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Nothing can top 56warrior - these just get boring, also I think this is another way people like to share about thier mad drop trading skills




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is there a 99att with 1 str and def? has anyoen done that? its not as hard but..








not as hard? get 99 anything is hard :P








But using dummies and the vampire slayer quest you can get to 22 free of HP points :D (I know from my mage)

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Nothing can top 56warrior - these just get boring, also I think this is another way people like to share about thier mad drop trading skills




Look you've posted exactly the same in the last thread. For the last time, I can assure you that my main account and Omegawrayth have had NO contact via drop trading or any other means. My friends Boello and Lion can back me up here as they have been with my character from pretty much the start and they know I wouldn't do anything so stupid. Grr, these accusations make me mad :evil:








EDIT: I'd be suprised if you even read the story to bother finding out how I got full rune... :roll: :evil:


Retired Tip It Moderator | Zybez Radio DJ - Listen Here

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Nothing can top 56warrior - these just get boring, also I think this is another way people like to share about thier mad drop trading skills




Look you've posted exactly the same in the last thread. For the last time, I can assure you that my main account and Omegawrayth have had NO contact via drop trading or any other means. My friends Boello and Lion can back me up here as they have been with my character from pretty much the start and they know I wouldn't do anything so stupid. Grr, these accusations make me mad :evil:








EDIT: I'd be suprised if you even read the story to bother finding out how I got full rune... :roll: :evil:








Iantiger, don't mind people.








Yes, 56's stories were terrific. They're the only one's people remember, yes, yes, yes, BLAH BLAH. It's because he was a terrific writer. If Ian was an even better one, people wouldn't be complaining, they'd be saying "56 who?" I can garentee it. 56 was a good friend, but just because he did something 'first' doesn't mean noone else can do it. I wrote my stories "The Journey's of Schmo0" right after 56 got his med, I broke a couple of his records as well, but noone remember's me. I still hold the title to "Lowest Level to Kill Chronozon."








I like these type of things, they inspire me and others to work hard. Previous to 56's stories, I had accomplished nothing AT ALL on RuneScape, after I read some, I had made one of the most famous tank mages ever. Schmo0; the mage who won over 50 sets of rune staking his first day, Schmo0; the mage who was level 36 and beat some level 90 for a pink hat, etc etc etc, I could go on and on, and that character ended up making me millions of GP, which I gave away to friends and whatnot.








Anyways, my point is...Keep on goin', okay? No matter what anyone says. Some said I copied Omega, I say "Whatever" and mage them to death. :P

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i dunno about you, but i got a noob with 1 56 1 with 66 mage, trained it ALL at gnomes in about 2 weeks, then when rs2 came around i left 5k choas on rsc.. and temp quit, i think ill start up again, thieve some choas, make some air and crumble undead till 80, kill some gnomes.. you know..




add me.








Wiz Howl


Crazy Old Man.

R.I.P The Old Nite. My Mentor and Brother.

He taught me how to play the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Ian Gratz man. Sp4de, i've known ian for a long time and if he says he didn't drop trade with his main, then that's what he means! Ian really like this journal and if me sis wasn't on the computer so much i would've come and joined ya - lol. Can't wait for the next one (there is gunna be a next one? ..... isn't there?). I'm lvl 56 combat lvl but i ain't got lvl 60 mining yet and i've bin playing for 2 yrs on and off. Ian was the one who introduced me to the game so big up to him and kick butt! lol :D








Well dun Ianz, u might want to improve this a little by..... by..... erm..... nope it dn't need improving. C ya m8.




C ya peeps!

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