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Silver24-7 [99 mage and cooking ACHIEVED :D:D:D !!!!!]

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thnx :)




I'm getting membership next weekend !!!




I would like everyone to tell me what I should do / catch up with first. I've been away from RS since august 2006, so tell me which were the best things I missed.




The best idea will get some sort of prize :P Don't go expecting huge things though...just something nice :)

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thnx for support all :)




yanks: srry I couldn't help you sleep, at least you helped me feel all happy, you get the reward for "Most supportive post" on my blog I just felt all warm inside when reading your post :oops: add me ingame I'll be online one of these days to chat :P just remember me who you are and I'll add you :P





well its been about 1 month so before my name starts to collect dust on this forum topic id like to say i finally got to sleep \' . wellllll i put my heart and soul into that message and umm....is it allright if i um. :-$ . get em back?? :-w


Wow, watching this thread is better than pro wrestling! =D>

This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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j00 h4ff 2 m4ny s4ntas d00d. g1mm3 pl0xz0rz. JK. Nice stats, gl with all of your goals. Nice bank too, that blue peehat is shiny. My eyes hurt from looking at it :)




post on my blog? *looks at siggeh*





I engineered this thread with precise variables that I know would cause lul-worthy flames.


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well its been about 1 month so before my name starts to collect dust on this forum topic id like to say i finally got to sleep \' . wellllll i put my heart and soul into that message and umm....is it allright if i um. :-$ . get em back?? :-w




Yeah sure you can have them back :P Just add me ingame, IM FINALLY P2P !!!! So we can chat and I'll give you your heart and soul back lol =P




and hybrid, thnx for support =) I'll have a look at your blog as well =)








FINALLY MEMBER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!111!! one !1111!!!!111111one




I had too many things to do on my first day that I didn't even know where to start, so I decided to help my little bro finish monkey madness and help him finish his clue :P Then I chatted with some friends. I hung around in edge world 53 were some old known dutch guys asked me if I were still alive :o and if I hadn't been banned or something like that... :o So yeah... good to see everyone back :P I also had a great time in my house, tried on full mage 3rd age, owned with dharok, annoyed people at crabs with my cannon, SOLOED THE QUEEN lol =P I really felt like getting a chain, instead I got 19 bloods... so what else what else....


Dunno really, too much to mention.


I ended my day cooking sharks in rogues den, as I said I have bought 50K raw sharks and I'll be getting like 102 or 103 cooking with those. Even though I probably won't let my cooking get higher then my mage ^^




So well I've annoyed you all with this many text enough :P I'll post again tomorrow to post some progress :P





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I dont't like hunting lol :P


and beaten, I'm already past those now :P falconing spotted kebbits atm just got lvl 47 making me total 1734 :P not bad, I gained almost 10K total lvl ranks today :P I should be around 18K total rank now :P


Still nothing compared with the 10K I used to be before quitting =(




Ohw thnx hepha =) It's good to be back =) =P




Ok so my day of today... First of all I cooked some sharks lol, sold 100 cooked for 100k and a bunch more cooked for 600each, cooking for a profit... who would've thought =P




Then I decided to finally start out on hunter. Pics will be up soon :P Too much to put them all up here so I'll just show every 10th or every important lvl until 50 or so =P I started off with red birds, got sick of the skill real soon, they kept disarming my traps :evil: :evil: But when I got to lvl 9 I went to woodland birds which started getting nice when I was lvl 15 and could catch butterflies :P And even better when I got 20+ to place 2 traps at a time. At lvl 25 I gave my butterfly equipment to someone else lvl 18 training there who I am now racing to lvl 71 hunt lol =P He's going for 99 after that btw. At lvl 32 I decided to catch some larumpia in the jungle to get the outfit and I got 3 sets of robes and 1 head. Then I went to own swamp lizards :P Started out real bad again but after lvl 42 I started to be beaten in time by my traps, I left the place at lvl 44 and made 2 full graahk sets, stored one in my house and then did some falconry till lvl 45.


Then I went to my bank and fletched 6K addy arrows, still have 1.5K bars left :P and after that I decided I could drop most of my hunting gear already, but first I wanted to get a rabbit foot so I set out with box traps for ferrets and rabbit traps for rabbits only to find out you need to start eagles peak in ARDOUGNE, so I was like omg I didn't walk all the way here to hear this... and decided to continue falconry =P I got lots of dark kebbit hides from a lvl 69 hunter which I used to make gloves of silence along with spotted capes from my own kebbit hides I also got 47 falconry while I was there and now I'll probably just go do eagle's peak =P




wow I've talked a lot... I have to finish some last projects to finish my school stuff and then starting monday I will get to 71 hunting real soon, I also decided to get all the hunting outfits since I can just store them in my house and not worry about them =)




Ok everyone keep posting...





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i cant stand hunter <.< for some reason i think its too easy but its also too fast.. i always get tierd of the same repetitive things and then just get a little distracted and then go do something else. i hate getting a full inventory of junk. walking is a pain in the butt and whenever i go and do the skill i try to take the fairy rings but you know its impossible to do because im still waiting on the update of the fairy ring map so i dont get confused on where im going for these hunter locations. :evil: . i think the skill is too easy.




im not on that much so if were on at the same time itll be fun o.O


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This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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i cant stand hunter <.< for some reason i think its too easy but its also too fast.. i always get tierd of the same repetitive things and then just get a little distracted and then go do something else. i hate getting a full inventory of junk. walking is a pain in the butt and whenever i go and do the skill i try to take the fairy rings but you know its impossible to do because im still waiting on the update of the fairy ring map so i dont get confused on where im going for these hunter locations. :evil: . i think the skill is too easy.




im not on that much so if were on at the same time itll be fun o.O




I don't like it either, I just got to 53 with spotted kebbits falconry which was already boring. But then I headed for the chinchompas... omg those are the worst I ever done, you set up traps and wait for them to sniff them and set them off without entering.... Anyways I am lvl 54 now and I suppose that it will get better when I get higher but I'm pretty sure that as soon as I get my lvl 71 hunter for boxed imps I'm out of there :P

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Tell me about it, 48 hunter thanks to tears, hunter was a great mistake to try to get noobs intrested in a cheap easy skill, the complete opposite of construction, farming, and slayer.




Welcome back anyway, add me on rs any time, I'll teach you how to dk, I like to think I'm rather good at that :roll:




Have fun, thats the thing I like to do the most when I'm on rs :P


no tẻ̮̱̉o boca pa te xupar los cojones

Vold failed spanish class. I love Vold.

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Woot welcome back :D


You gotta add me on rs :P I wanna know what you're up to!




Have fun getting hunter up :oops: I hate it honestly, but meh... got 60 so I'd have all lvls 60+ lol. Anyway man, enjoy yourself now you're back to members! \:D/


Runescaper since June 2005


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you live in (enter country here)!! wowwww thats farr!! i live in the states so we have a 6 hour difference :shock:. i heard from tip it that you can use those imps-in-a-box to take 2 items from your inventory too your bank. really great for wood cutting and crafting and junk :thumbsup:. good luck on the goal of 71 hunter!!! once i can afford veracs maybe we go kq? ::' thatd be awsome. probably by the time i make my money youll make your goal. i deffinitly could own that thingy majiga monster thingy thing no doubt :notalk:


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This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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you live in (enter country here)!! wowwww thats farr!! i live in the states so we have a 6 hour difference :shock:. i heard from tip it that you can use those imps-in-a-box to take 2 items from your inventory too your bank. really great for wood cutting and crafting and junk :thumbsup:. good luck on the goal of 71 hunter!!! once i can afford veracs maybe we go kq? ::' thatd be awsome. probably by the time i make my money youll make your goal. i deffinitly could own that thingy majiga monster thingy thing no doubt




sure we can go own the KQ :) It's a lot more fun together then soloing her :P


But first I really want to own the kings :P




Ohw btw I got 55 hunter at the chinchompas, then I went to the snow and desert areas unlocking all eagle lasso transports and catching all kebbits and thingies necessary for outfits and I know have every single hunter outfit stored in my house costume room :) I also have every possible hunter item except for the boxed imp and the spottier cape now :P Just a bit more and I'm done with this .... skill \'

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silver definitly owned in barbarian assault. we definitly asaulted some barbarians :anxious: (heh heh heh......... ..... :oops:) silver didnt know how much penace gloves were and then said the hell with it after we went UNDEFEATED in 10 waves of the awsome minigame. didnt realize it was 2 am over there lol sorry :-w . should do it again but not for a while. i kinda assaulted too many barbarians :twisted:.


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This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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hehe yanks =P


It was fun, I went again the next day, only noobteams all the time, I mean I was doing it for my first time but I didn't do as bad as them :S those guys were such noobs. Imagine fighting a queen while your collector (leaders little bro) doesn't even know he has to pick up the yellow eggs -.-


Anyways the round after that I made 2 ownage BA friends and we just had to deal with other nooby teammembers the rest of the time but oh well... I finally have my gloves now =P


Should be going back to get the torso but ONLY if I'm going with friends of whom I know they know what they should do. I remember yanks saying "it's fun when people actually know what to do" after we indeed went unbeaten for 10 rounds in a row, then I thought well it wasn't hard :S do people actually get beaten here? Later I learned about that the hard way.... ohw btw I hate defending :S


Ohw and yanks, you slay penance ;) you actually help the barbarians =P




and thomas, I know it's a bit dying, I am too active ingame after such a long break to post updates here :$


I should be updating the first page with a lot of lvl pics this weekend though :)




Right now I stand in some dungeon collecting boots of lightness, I have the penance gloves and if I also get the spottier cape my min. weight will be -14kg :)




More importantly, I don't know if many of you remember, if you don't you can look back on page 15 I think it is, that I told everyone to buy as many sharks as they could, like I was doing, for 500-550each.


Personally I have bought 50K back then for prices ranging from 500-550 averaging around 530each.


And now finally the day has come today I sold 10K of those sharks for 950 each :) And I could've sold more but I really want to cook them and sell cooked to get some lvls myself =P So I will be cooking for a bit and selling cooked sharks. I still have at least 60-90% profit on a 25mill investment in 1 month time though =) I hope many of you followed my advice and can all buy some rares from the money you earned :P




Right now I'm trying to figure out how the release of this summers new skill (probably archeology this month) will affect the economy and certain prices, If I do figure it out I'll let you guys know what to stock up on =P For now though, if anyone has any idea about how this could change certain prices please inform me about it so we can work out some likely theories and get more geepees =P




That's about it, next update this weekend probably =P Back to cooking sharks, I have a full invent of 28 boots of lightness now =)

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Welcome back and if you ever need a good BA member, you can call me. I'm now level 5 in def and heal and 4 in att and col. So I surely know what to do and all those noobs are frustrating indeed. (The only part I actually don't like about that game.)

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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yah im always up for a good game but if its going to be conescutive games it depends on what mood im in :P well im level 5 (highest level) in collector and healer. i now how to do all of the positions but i cant stand defender.... i pref healer :) . but yeah if you get a good team and every one knows what theyre doing and make all the calls on time then you got yourself a good game. i was gettin kinda scared when sugar said he had to deal with the druggie in his house :? partly because druggies arent nice people and because a good defender is near impossible to come by....






anyway grats on the sharks im green with envy with all of that profit.... :mrgreen: any updates on the skills that you've been working on? it looks like hunter is going to be put on hold because of the sharks and selling them o.O




p.s.penace gloves ftw!!!


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This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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