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scoreboard in the dualing arena


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Lol, I thought this was going to be a suggestion :lol: . Never knew that was there...




Same. I wonder how many other things that most of us miss since most of the background items are ignored. Man, I feel embarrassed, lol. :oops: Meh, I don't duel often so I guess it is okay, lol.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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Also, many banks have "bank notice boards" and when you read then it gives you security info. I know dryanor has one

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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Yup, that's what I thought you were talking about. It's been there since the release of rs2 :P




PS: haha some 46 got beat by a 36 :lol:


it has been there sence shart of rs2, but it didnt work till a year or so after,


cause when i first started i always wonderd why they had it, cause it didnt even work, then i remember when they finally got it working, and i would love to just sit there and see all who wins and loses :P




actually, it was only released a little bit over a year ago, i remember seeing no board when on the gate in f2p

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you never see something until you look for it


Just to prove this, as you go down the road just see how many cars are of a certain model or are new ::'

First D-Drop on 7/2/07! (skirt)

Trading herb seeds for herbs with INSANELY GREAT ratios to earn you millions!


One of the few players of Runescape who knows PHP, Java, Javascript, HTML, and Advanced Image Editing while being under 18! \:D/

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Maybe I'm just more observant than you guys, but I noticed this the first


time I ever went to the Duel Arena.




Hell, I would've made a thread about this, except I thought it was common knowledge.




actually, it was only released a little bit over a year ago, i remember seeing no board when on the gate in f2p




Not so, actually. That's been there at least since I joined P2P almost two years ago.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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I've been a member for not that long (maybe a year?) and I noticed it 2 weeks ago, i thought it was a hidden update or something, then I asked around, and it turns out it's been there for ages. #-o

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Yah, no kidding. I'm f2p and I've used examine on it on multiple occasions. Gotta love OCED. Woot for inside jokes!


People just need to learn to share crabs.
I'd prefer my nether regions clear of diseases, thank you very much.
just turn off accept aids
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Lol i expected this topic to get flamed to hell lol <.< . Surprising a lot of people didn't know about it -.-




Erm and when Biabf said "take a picture"...


I certainly hope that was sarcasm :?




Anyway old news but hey, props for letting people know I guess...

Its a minigame. The first person to catch him gets a Klondike Bar and a handshake from Chuck Norris. Watch out those 2 combined may have adverse effects.
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Lol, I thought this was going to be a suggestion :lol: . Never knew that was there...




Same. I wonder how many other things that most of us miss since most of the background items are ignored. Man, I feel embarrassed, lol. :oops: Meh, I don't duel often so I guess it is okay, lol.


Same lol, I'm no staker so I don't go there much :lol: .




Nidhoggx7, one question. Since the Barrows are so easy, why is it that everyone thinks that they're an expert Barrower? I've goten 20+ drops so far, and I still wouldn't call myself an expert compared to some other people, people who have goten 100+ drops and whatnot. It takes 3 trips to fully figure it out, so being an "expert Barrower" ain't much of an accomplisment in my eyes :lol: .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Heh, i remember one update it was added as an extra. I'll trek through and see if i can find it.




Aha! Found it!




27 September 2004 - Skills, Duels and the Kalphite Next


Skill Guides




Given the popularity of our recent quest journals update, we've now also introduced quick levelup guides for the various skills. Clicking on a skill in your stats menu will now bring up a table of the various advancements you have available to you at each level. We hope these will give you a quick way to check what you are working towards whilst playing.




Repeatable Skills




We've now improved the controls for various skills in the game. Where before you may have had to tell your character to make various items one at a time, many interfaces now include right-click options that allow you to produce whole batches without wearing your fingers away.


You can then watch your character make the items, as you already do when smithing bars.




There are now "make five", "make ten" and "make x" right-click options on the following;




# Spinning wheels


# Glass making


# Leather crafting


# Pottery wheels


# Silver crafting


# Fletching




Furnaces now have an option to left-click on them, which brings up an interface for you to select the quantity and type of ore you wish to smelt.




Duel Arena Scoreboard




Examining the scoreboard at the front of the duel arena now shows the results of the last 50 duels on that server.




Kalphite Queen New Attack




The Kalphite queen has added a new attack to her arsenal. This ferocious creature was only ever intended to be killable by teams of players, thus keeping the dragon chain as a very rare and valuable item, and encouraging people to work together.


However, some players were starting to find methods to take her down single handed, so the queen has evolved a new ranged attack; barbed spines, which she may launch at her victims.






AHA!!! Off-topic, but proof that they nerfed silver crafting! There is no longer make-x for silver crafting... argh. :) :wall: :x

RSN: Greedom1 | QP 248+ | Combat 116 | Total 1920+ | Skills 95 craft, 99 farm, 88 herb, 91 mage, 85 slayer

Values? What do they mean?

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Heh, i remember one update it was added as an extra. I'll trek through and see if i can find it.




Aha! Found it!




27 September 2004 - Skills, Duels and the Kalphite Next


Skill Guides




Given the popularity of our recent quest journals update, we've now also introduced quick levelup guides for the various skills. Clicking on a skill in your stats menu will now bring up a table of the various advancements you have available to you at each level. We hope these will give you a quick way to check what you are working towards whilst playing.




Repeatable Skills




We've now improved the controls for various skills in the game. Where before you may have had to tell your character to make various items one at a time, many interfaces now include right-click options that allow you to produce whole batches without wearing your fingers away.


You can then watch your character make the items, as you already do when smithing bars.




There are now "make five", "make ten" and "make x" right-click options on the following;




# Spinning wheels


# Glass making


# Leather crafting


# Pottery wheels


# Silver crafting


# Fletching




Furnaces now have an option to left-click on them, which brings up an interface for you to select the quantity and type of ore you wish to smelt.




Duel Arena Scoreboard




Examining the scoreboard at the front of the duel arena now shows the results of the last 50 duels on that server.




Kalphite Queen New Attack




The Kalphite queen has added a new attack to her arsenal. This ferocious creature was only ever intended to be killable by teams of players, thus keeping the dragon chain as a very rare and valuable item, and encouraging people to work together.


However, some players were starting to find methods to take her down single handed, so the queen has evolved a new ranged attack; barbed spines, which she may launch at her victims.




Since chains are dropping so fast and people solo the kq a lot (I think :-k ), do you think they're working on another new attack?




On topic: Never noticed the scoreboard, but I'm not very observant. \'

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