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the most anoying enemy on runescape


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The ChAoS eLeMeNtAL is highly annoying. Teleing you everywhere and removing your items. Gah.




Also, the Sandwich lady as far as randoms go. In some situations like Dag Kings it's impossible to do the whole thing without being hit.

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chaos elemental for sure... i can't stand killing that... except maybe with the good old cannon technique... but either way, i'm afraid of the wildy... :oops:

-= weasel =- rsname: moosewalker ~ top 10000 player :D

newscape300x50qz7.giffull qp - always willing to chat add me...

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The most anoynig enemy.. :-k




Has to be yourself. The biggest enemy there is in Runescape is yourself, because you have to keep faith you will make it. Have the patience to actually finish something. And every mistake is only the result of your own failing.




So yes, the biggest and most anoying enemy has got to be yourself.

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strange plant, they are so annoying... i killed one before, but it took me a full 15 minutes mashing it with guthans.




Was that at catherby fishing spot the other day??? with every1 watching you?







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strange plant, they are so annoying... i killed one before, but it took me a full 15 minutes mashing it with guthans.




dont lie its impossible to kill them they disapeer when you get it down to half health.




Since when? I have seen a strange plant dying. But yeah, it is incredibly high defence. I have to ask, did you range or mage it from distance? They disapear if you get away from their attack range.

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Nobody explains the reason why they hate buckets, seriously how can you hate it? How can you make bullseye lantern without it? How can you make a cake without bucket? How can you do anything that requires bucket without bucket?




Seriously I wanna know why you guys hate buckets.

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The most anoynig enemy.. :-k




Has to be yourself. The biggest enemy there is in Runescape is yourself, because you have to keep faith you will make it. Have the patience to actually finish something. And every mistake is only the result of your own failing.




So yes, the biggest and most anoying enemy has got to be yourself.





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I know it's not up there, but it has to be those bloody wild dogs in brimhaven dungeon, all they do is stop you fighting what you want to fight, I bet Jagex purposely made them level 63 so that they'll be aggressive towards everyone.


Click the pic if you wanna see a Ranged Slayer blog.

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ducks, can't be melee attacked <.<




Can so :P Just wait for them to come close enough then.. BOOM! owned :oops:




I tried to get them close, but aparently they dont liek candy :-s

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