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:oops: Yeah, sorry about the uniform, i looked at the time on saturday and it was 3:30, and i didn't get my outfit yet...... (I was the guy walkin around in the middle in adamant armour :oops: ) I got lucky though, because as soon as your crazy train made it back to varrock, i logged in. Maybe next weekend ill remember to get the stuff in time!

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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~Retired from Runescape~








and yet again you still want MORE when you were given an update..




I started this campaign a year ago, when I was still actively playing Runescape. Do you honestly think I would have just said "Oh, I decided to retire, so go ahead and lock this 100 page topic.. I don't care anymore"?




I finish what I start.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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what!!! when i click on a picture it just opens up imageshack.us


now i cant even see the pictures -.-




I'll try to fix that problem first thing tommarow. I'm glad you noticed it. :)






ty :mrgreen:




http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=682451 For Userbars (Underbanners) Click here^

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I see your point, I come out of P2p and well theres not much room, most of it is filled with Money, Random event clothes, and ores,Bars and the such, but then again Any things i dont need on one account I give to several of my other accounts, I may have missed the first rally, count me in on joining the second one, I have quite the number of mod friends, they might be able to help out, though since most of my friends and i are P2p i doubt theyll support, anyway I support. I'll add your siggy so that ppl on my forums can go there.

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Eh, so my two week lack-of-computer time is over. I'm glad to see that the rally went well, and I would attend the next one if I wasn't still in Taiwan. You see, the time difference makes it 3-5:30 in the morning. :(


But when I get back home, I should be coming to every rally.




And somewhat off-topic, but I may be unquitting RuneScape a little.




See you in a few weeks!


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Yo, I'm Blaze 9555.






I've been playing since christmas of '05 and have always been an F2P. As a player of Runescape, I find it unfair that Jagex throws so many items at us that we just can't carry. If you can't [garden tool];d certain items, you can't get the most out of your experience.




Today I had my inventory, equipment, and bank maxed out. This is occurring more and more as I play. It is a great nuisance and holds back the game. Jagex needs to understand that we are players and are key in the development of Runescape. They try to appease us by giving out a few updates at a time, and though I am VERY grateful of what we do get, what we need is bank space. And we haven't gotten that. As far as I know, the F2P bank has not grown in years. This tradition of giving only members bankspace has to stop. Jagex is not only causing unrest with the majority of it's players but making bad blood between F2P'ers and members.






Sign my name in big bold, italic letters in red ink on this petition of yours.(if you can)

The internet: A place where the men are men, the women are men, and 13 year old girls are FBI agents.
looks like WoW's interface.

Were you too lazy to read 3 posts above or too stupid to comprehend it?

Brothers and sisters, I have none, but that man's father is my father's son. Who is that man?

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Well looking at the Behind the Scenes: August...It doesn't include anything about adding f2p bankspace. Hopefully they just forgot to include that little piece of information, but by the looks of things, I'd say not. So, it looks like these rallies are going to continue for quite some time!


Heres a hammer, some planks and a few nails, now all you gotta do is build a bridge and get over it.


Id Suge- Latin for "Suck It"

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Rofl, not when I really start hammering them. ;)




UPDATE!: The length of the rallies has been reduced to 90 minutes, do to certain issues I have irl. Everything else is the same in the rally information, though.




See you all at the next rally! :)



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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2 suggestions:




--more bank space for former members (its tough moving from p2p to f2p)




--being able to get random event items back from diango (just like the holiday items)




thats it! f2p doesnt need more bank space, but former p2pers do! oh ya theres an anti bank space topic if yur interested :D anti-more ftp bank space

range- 69/70 ~ currently poor but with good stuff

strength- 64/70 ~go461-combat 71~

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I know about the thread.




Just FYI, the maker of the thread actually supports mofr F2P bank space. ::' She made the thread to gather all of the well made arguments in one place so people could respond to them easier. It's not really a counter thread, like the Tip.It news says...



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I've got a slogan for your rallying - "We want MORE for giving nothing in return!"




Has a nice ring to it :roll:




^ punches dude above




anyways..... :-w




Yeah nice utter spam, give me a reason to how i'm wrong then. And i don't want the "advertisments are the way we contribute" or "we give members items by fishing" because they're not good enough for jagex to actively want to update f2p.

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count me in p.s. whens the next rally?




Every Saturday until Jagex does something: 3pm EST, world 62, 2nd floor of Varrock Church! Read his first post, that should clear up any questions you should have.




Yeah nice utter spam, give me a reason to how i'm wrong then. And i don't want the "advertisments are the way we contribute" or "we give members items by fishing" because they're not good enough for jagex to actively want to update f2p.




You definitely have the p2p "You don't pay" mentality. To be honest not everyone wants to or can pay every month to be a member. Ever think of that?! I know it's not asking much to pay the small $5 monthly fee. A lot of f2p'ers though are casual players who like playing the game but don't play it enough to justify paying the fee. Some people might also want to build up their skills to high levels in f2p before they make the switch to members, but how can they if they can't store a freaking thing? Also, little kids have to convince their parents to pay for it, and if they don't, they are SOL. Also think about the members who quit p2p, and have banks filled with stuff that make it almost useless. It's at least these few reasons, plus many more, that Jagex and members with attitudes such as yourself, should think about.




What you guys also don't understand is that there is NOT enough room to store all we need. I've destroyed all my holiday items to give to Diango to store and don't even have every full random event costume. I still don't have enough to store all the essentials that I need. I need places to store full rune, two weapons, full dragonhide, bow and arrows, mage robes, two staffs, about 8 types of runes, and mining, fishing, crafting, smithing, cooking, and runecrafting gear, ALL on top of about 12 different pieces of random event clothes that I don't want to throw away. Sure, I could just re-buy all those things every time I want to use them, but it's a pain to walk all the way to the opposite side of the map to get one item that I could have just stored. Don't tell me "Well just teleport, duh!" because I can't store the freaking runes to do so! We have to have some room to have an enjoyable time, and if people quit, Jagex loses potential member costumers.




I mean what is so bad about having 12 extra spaces? Jagex would give members at least that and much more. It's really not too big of a problem to implement. I mean they should make enough money off ads to pay for that little amount of space. It's not worse than giving members a couple more rows, which you know you'd get if f2p received more as well.




In addition, do you really think that the Runescape economy would be profitable as it is now if it didn't have f2p along with it? Yes, I know f2p has tons of bots and gold-farmers, but that's besides the point. You know [censor] well that f2p helps keep prices low! We supply tons of supplies that members can't afford to spend the time that they pay for, just cutting trees, unless you happen to be and enjoy being a skiller.




Besides, we have had enough of the same arguments, and we (well mostly just Prankster_King) usually just shoot them down. If you want to flame this post, do it here: The Anti-More F2P Bankspace Thread. That's what it's for.




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EDIT: I added a little extra and changed a few things.


Heres a hammer, some planks and a few nails, now all you gotta do is build a bridge and get over it.


Id Suge- Latin for "Suck It"

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