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72 new mini pixels and mini font. UPDATE 37! (21-07-07)


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Oooh so the 3 buddehs get pixels! (one: me two: you three: neishc)


- 60,023rd to 99 Firemaking on April 29th, 2012 -- 15,152nd to 99 agility on August 21st, 2011 -
- 30,569th to 99 Prayer on June 26th, 2011 -- 22,646th to 99 Hunter on Jan 9th, 2011 -
1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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2 new thing, new avvy and 'old classic' style sig.












dos anyone remember any of my original pixels? like back in the day of legal sig selling, happily made 500k of a crappy sig, wonder what i could have made had i this skill then...




oh if anyone has an original pixel made by me post it here!






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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You have talent, all I can say. Heh. I have some work that is kind of close to your shading/texture ideas.




thanks =)




it would be nice to see some of your work, post it when your free or you can pm it to me if you wish =)






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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Pj has soo much talent, he is like Terley (in my opinion better(no offence Ter)) so dont ever say he has talent, he has Legends Talent!








Peaceout yall!


- 60,023rd to 99 Firemaking on April 29th, 2012 -- 15,152nd to 99 agility on August 21st, 2011 -
- 30,569th to 99 Prayer on June 26th, 2011 -- 22,646th to 99 Hunter on Jan 9th, 2011 -
1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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umm... you use the same style as ter lol... and mabe even do it a little better then him... how old are you?




ter is in colage (sp) so when your his age, how good do you think you will be then?




btw, you make my latest pixel look like nubkins sh1t...

wop wop

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i dont use the same style as ter people!




whats the same? i have different style, linework, my texturing is well, not as good as his, to be blunt. i shade differently, please can you show me the similarity.




sorry but i really dont feel im as god as him, hes like freaking awsome, im like, not.




im 15 at the moment, been pixeling for 1 and a half years =)




eckered what one are you talking about? your pixel work isnt bad, its good and i like it, if you would like me to help you and give you cc then pm me work and ill tell you how to improve, but you are good, ok admitly your not the best, but from what ie seen you having been doing much and i can tell you this, your first few works were miles better than my first few, if you work hard, you can definatly become good, dont give up before you start =)






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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never!!! dont stop pixeling man, you can get scholarships offa that stuff lol...




besides the fact your just another tip.iter that shows that tip.it is the fansite with the best pixelers....




weve got mxm, ter, godslayer, you, quer skull, me (i guess, still improving), runemesta, and a TON of other people...




and what do the other fansites have? havent seen any pixelers on runehq, and the best that rsc has is like, videl, and when it gets right down to it, she is kinda just a mxm wanabe...




also, i would defantly appreciate help on my pixeling. i dont think you should ever quit pixeling, youve got a great amount of talent, and it looks like youve enjoyed yourself doing it. i think i shall pm you right now actually... *runs off to pm pjb*

wop wop

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only in times of crisis do your true friends show and some guy said a while ago.




yey! i have an aprentis (sp?) hmm dunno why tho, some of your latest stuff is very good =)




wow, just checked pm, like all your work there or somming! :o




ill reply soon.




as it wouls have it i have just recently made a pixel sig, yeah i went for cliche =)








comments welcome on it =)






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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only in times of crisis do your true friends show and some guy said a while ago.




yey! i have an aprentis (sp?) hmm dunno why tho, some of your latest stuff is very good =)




wow, just checked pm, like all your work there or somming! :o




ill reply soon.




as it wouls have it i have just recently made a pixel sig, yeah i went for cliche =)








comments welcome on it =)






i like it but i don't untherstand why u can't see his neck.. :-k


but a great job done on all your mini's =D>

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i like it but i don't untherstand why u can't see his neck.. :-k




ah you see ghosty robes make your torso and limbs invisible, thats why they are ghostly, so you see they are infact just semi transparent robes with special magical abilitys... *yeah thats a good one heh*






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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yeah i know about ghosty, its really really hard considering it was all done in paint (im very particular, only use paint for pixels despite access to better programs :wink:) yeah so um, if anyone has tps on shading semi trasparent robes then they are much welcome, images for help are also good =)




im not claiming to be the best and i know im not, not even near, while i may have been doing this a year and a half it doesnt make me good and i know ive got a long way to go, so yeah, thats why i shall continue to practise. i have seen photo quality pixels before :shock:






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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it takes around 90-120 mins per pixel but it depends on the size and quality/detail etc.




also i have some non pixel work, shall i add it here? hmm, not sure, thoughts? sister topic maybe?






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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never!!! dont stop pixeling man, you can get scholarships offa that stuff lol...




besides the fact your just another tip.iter that shows that tip.it is the fansite with the best pixelers....




weve got mxm, ter, godslayer, you, quer skull, me (i guess, still improving), runemesta, and a TON of other people...




and what do the other fansites have? havent seen any pixelers on runehq, and the best that rsc has is like, videl, and when it gets right down to it, she is kinda just a mxm wanabe...




also, i would defantly appreciate help on my pixeling. i dont think you should ever quit pixeling, youve got a great amount of talent, and it looks like youve enjoyed yourself doing it. i think i shall pm you right now actually... *runs off to pm pjb*




RuneHQ has me, Kitten and Millennin. Okay. Point taken. ;P

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psylo, of corse you can, several people have and thats what its there for no need to ask permision.




rune hq isnt all bad it atualy has quite a few decent artists, but they were all from here originaly with a few exeptions, but we dont like them =P




mastino, i only have one thing to say, w00t for pointless and totaly uber posts =)




any comments on the new thread/? yes? no? maybe? atualy not maybe that isnt helpful...






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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