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I didn't say you had to do 1 square at a time, but don't do too many, the reason behind 64 is that inexperienced pixellers can do just 1 square like some grass with a flower. So they can gain more experience.


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Despaxes, you didn't even read what I just said did you? YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO 1 SQAURE AT A TIME! You can do up to 8!




This is just for inexperienced players who might want to do just 1 or 2 squares. To start off.






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OK, I'll keep this under the hood for a bit, when yours gets finished I'll open up this one again, And eckered, please no white (look at the menu at the top, go onto attributes, 80x80 pixels please!




NO MOOSES! :wall:








Start with a background or something like sky or grass...




OK, please don't use this for a while.


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I didn't say you had to do 1 square at a time, but don't do too many, the reason behind 64 is that inexperienced pixellers can do just 1 square like some grass with a flower. So they can gain more experience.




..i fail to see how one miniscule nearly microscopic tile can gain you more experience..




the small tile's make the people make very small objects to fit in the tile.. which degrades the quality of the piece.


and in THAT sence it's better to have 16 tiles or by maximum 24.




why no mooses?


you give them artistic freedom to work with anything but when they used that, you restrain it.. i dont get it?


i think you should worry more about the quality rather then the idea, this is a community thing..

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We need something basic to start off, like a background, and it's 64 squares, it's done, you can do up to 8 so do 8 if you really want!




And the no moose thing, that's just silly, maybe for #2? We want something basic to start with so just like a background.




Please have some common sense :roll:


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We can make anything we want, just for the first one it would be nice just to have some scenerey. With no white :wall:




But when the first one gets finished we can do whatever you want. Whatever, get's started with.




OK, let's have someone start with something like grass or some sky now?




Also please let's keep the flaming and spamming to a minimum please.


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people, people, calm down, and slow on the flames, spam, and tangents.




i also think that 16 squares would be better, 64 is just mad, and dont go saying do 8 or whatever, cos havings squares that small puts people off doing it.




heres a good idea: why dont we lose the squares, give people a bit more freedom and the ability to use instinct, let them do however much they feel like doing but no more than a quarter per person, that sounds fair to me.




and if you want it to get started so desperatly then why dsont you start it?




oh and another note, on top of this all, i feel that an avvy s to small to have quite a few people colabing, maybe 2 doing an avvy, 4 at max, but its just to small to make a good colab imo.






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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It doesn't make a difference whether it is 4x4 or 8x8 it doesn't matter, some people might only want to do one square, some people might want to do 8! It's 64 and That's that. No more on that subject!




And eckered, we can use your moose if you get rid of the white outside the avatar. :wall: It gets annoying :wall:




Let's start moosing :XD:


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