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So how do you feel about the EU?


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I'm very much against the European Union, the United Nations, and this new thing that Bush is trying to do (with Canada and Mexico) to form this new North America EU.




Why? Well, most of you know how I hate big government. Big Brother inevitably occurs for your protection (I know it's for protection but I'd rather be less safe and be watched/controlled less too. You have to trade some things for others. For me, it's well worth the trade-off.) Plus, the bigger the government, the more corrupt it gets which means more people get abused and more tax money gets wasted in the bureaucracy.




I'm with Not's view on this one. (As soon as he posts...if he does lol)

I'm currently transitioning from a Wizard to a Mage and a Priest to an Archpriest. Lol both are nonexistant in the top 25. Hopefully I can change that. :D

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It's such a big mountain of crap, I wouldn't know where to begin.


But hey, that's politics.




The same goes for me. I think Clarkson put it well on his talk show when he pointed out that we're one of the countries that gives the most and takes the least.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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I'm very much against the European Union, the United Nations, and this new thing that Bush is trying to do (with Canada and Mexico) to form this new North America EU.




Why? Well, most of you know how I hate big government. Big Brother inevitably occurs for your protection (I know it's for protection but I'd rather be less safe and be watched/controlled less too. You have to trade some things for others. For me, it's well worth the trade-off.) Plus, the bigger the government, the more corrupt it gets which means more people get abused and more tax money gets wasted in the bureaucracy.




I'm with Not's view on this one. (As soon as he posts...if he does lol)




Security for freedom is a trade that I am disappointed we are making as a country/society.




I'm against globalization, international trade agreements, the United Nations, and the formation of regional unions. I'm not for complete isolationism, but the fearmongering that is taking place is allowing the government to expand its powers and get away with things that would not be allowed unless we were in a "post-9/11 world".

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Guest GhostRanger

Do the majority of the people like or dislike the EU? (people who live in Europe that is?) Was it voted on by the general population to join it or whatever?

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Well most European countires are joining, and even agreeing to the Euro. But some countries like Denmark, Britain, and Switzerland won't accept the Euro. But almost every country in Europe will have probably joined by late 2007, all that's really left is parts of Eastern Europe.


Me doing staff.

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Do the majority of the people like or dislike the EU? (people who live in Europe that is?) Was it voted on by the general population to join it or whatever?




It was voted on by politicians...I don't the people had much to do with it, but I'm not sure they would've gone against it since no one knew what to make of it at the time.

I'm currently transitioning from a Wizard to a Mage and a Priest to an Archpriest. Lol both are nonexistant in the top 25. Hopefully I can change that. :D

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Do the majority of the people like or dislike the EU? (people who live in Europe that is?) Was it voted on by the general population to join it or whatever?


It's a pretty complicated subject really. Here in Britain it's pretty mixed on views about the EU.


Most recently some countries have been voting on the European Constitution, which has brought up a lot of debate.




Personally, I'm a eurosceptic :wink:

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I used to be eurosceptic.. however I'm changing my mind now. Firstly because America is a bad ally for Britain, and secondly because countries like China and India are starting to have an important voice in politics, and the separated countries in the EU will be ignored more and more.




The bureaucracy and politics of an effective EU will be difficult to overcome.. so I'd say we need to get on with it now before it is too late.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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Like Dusqi said, the European countries need to gather in order to mean something in the world's politics these days. 100 years ago Europe, and especially the UK was the largest world power. But now it seems that previously underdevelopped countries with those immense number of inhabitants gain a lot more influence. Europe, with its 350 million inhabitants does a good job defending its colours by standing together.


I like the EU as an economical union, as well as a political force. I don't think the EU reacts bad to the challenges it faces and it deals rather well with the new countries in it. Of course there are a few things I dislike; the greater our power, the smaller the chance of poor nations to increase their wealth; the bureaucratic slump, extravagant wages etc.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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I went to Slovenia on holiday this year, and they are just joining the EU.




There currency is being changed to Euros, wages are supposedly are going up but so are prices. All the people talked to didn't seem to enthuse about the change.

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The countries making up the EU made a decission in the hopes of bettering their nations - and for the most part, they have achieved that. Although, with any policital union, it's got its own pros and cons. I essentially agree with Oy, together Europe is recognised more as a collective voice rather than a babble of individuals.

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Do the majority of the people like or dislike the EU? (people who live in Europe that is?) Was it voted on by the general population to join it or whatever?




The first question is hard to answer because the EU is made up of independent nations. If I start walking around in a capital of a neighbouring nation I have not have moved that much in terms of actual distance as I could move within, say, the USA, but culturally I've covered a lot of ground. The nations that make up the EU have culturally diverging backgrounds stretching centuries into the past. Not only does the boys and girls living 400 km over the local 'sea' speak a different language, they're history is radically different from mine, as is their economic, cultural, social and political backgrounds.




That's a long way of saying that you can't ask europeans about the general opinion about the EU, because it differs too much from country to country. The same goes for entering the Union, I know we had referendums for it all, but the way our... er... "basic law" is laidout, referendums can only take on an advisory capacity; The elected government is free to do as it chooses - no matter what the referendum says - but obviously they'll be paying for it by the next election. I don't know how entering the Union came about in, say, eastern europe (though I suspect the public majority was strongly in favour).






Personally, I'm all for the rise of a European Federation. Yes, we have our differences, but on the other hand, I think a lot of them could be reconciled if people were willing to let go of their national pride - I mean really, what's wrong with just calling english the official language and stop this silly translation crap? - and work for the future. And in the process, I'd think we'd all benefit from it; Economically, socially and certainly culturally and politically.




(It might be worth pointing out that the European Union started out as a trade agreement between a few nations for specific industrial causes, which is another reason why asking if everyone in it has voted to join in a bit futile; The current EU is a progressive development, not the result of a bunch of people going "Let's have a union of nations!")

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i'm all for uniting Europe however i'm against the European constitution because: the european constitution would totally destroy mainly the dutch way of life. (i wont go to deep on this)




about the freedom for security thing: where are all those hippie's? we need them..

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I don't know, so I don't know if they're good or EVILLL. But I like it. I mean, the EUROPEAN UNION, that sounds so good and mighty it can't be bad.


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