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|\/\/|vThe Four Elements: [Final Update - pg. 3 still: Nyx]


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Um this is gonna be a big project for me...which blows cuz I have to still manage homework...




Agh anyways been doing a rough rough sketch...hopefully someone can point out the many anatomy errors? XD Thankss!


[Apologies if the outfits are...scandalous? Erm the person chose teh outfits and I took it from there XD]




Er the girl far right looks REALLY messed up so I'm redoing her atm.










Fixed her:








Linework 1/4:












Linework 2/4:












LInework 3/4:










Linework 3.5/4 [needa do background]










Linework 4/4 FINALLY.








2 tone Cellshade:



[sig inserted here....in few days]

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Mr_blah_man: Everything is 100% computer since I'm too lazy to scan. I'm using a drawing tablet...another good reason lol.




Pfft, xman? I draw better gerbils than him. In fact his gerbils look like mice. :-$


















credit to google images.

[sig inserted here....in few days]

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somehow remindd me of captain planet :lol: when i read "the four elements" i went like "Wind! Water! Earth! Fire! GOOoooOOooo Planet!






nothing much to say but well you've done some nice poses there.. only problem is the girl with the hand-stand one feet is turned towards the viewer.. seems painfull..

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First gals torso and arms seem a bit too long, or else her legs are a bit too short. Theres the whole overusedness of the 'elemental' idea, but why even bother telling you to do something about it... Errm, lets see. Oh, well, the Electricity chicks pose couldnt be maintained. Her center of mass is not inline with whats supporting her, and she would therefore fall. Her weapons are pointing upwards, but since its on a string it would fall towards the earth, wich makes me think that you may have just switched a pose upside down? Just conjecture. Her legs are too short as well.




Good work.

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great work once again, i love them all, makes me feel bad tho -.-




just wondering, how long have you been drawing like this for? quite a while im imagining, and (i know this is rude to ask a lady her age), but how old are you?






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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I'm 11....






Nah make that 17! Too bad I can't say "sweet 16" so..Sugar 17? Ah whatever. Yay for rated R movies...TOo bad I don't like movies with violence/gun/ NEEDLES. Gosh I hate syringes. Omg and BLOOD thats my other phobia.


Hang on...so it isn't rude to ask a gentleman his age?








Changed the elecricity girl to wind...snce I didn't like the lightning..can I avoid the fact that she's not balanced by saying I drew her mid-flip? :wall:




But chyea thanks Godslayer, I'll keep the anatomy advice somewhere in my head for future reference =D


I can't believe you have more posts than me now.




-- -




Hope the additional color helps on the eyes








Omgosh I so remember captain planet haha..wasn't he ...er green?








Colors have yet to be blended..



[sig inserted here....in few days]

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Lol Neishc you usually post in caps?




Rik: PS 7




GS: LOL huh oh my bad haha XD I can't see post count in reply mode, either that or I got the wrong person?








There's a difference!!!




Anyhow red eyes because according to her description she's supposta be some sorta vamp slayer... oi and this is the original [dunno who drew it]:









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You keep coming and going, yet the talent grows. :o


I remember when there was a huge battle for favourite mascots. Something like turtles, penguins and gerbils. Good times. ::'




This work, as per usual, is great. Im lovin' the 2-tone cellshade so far. Colours match well.


Im looking forward to seeing the finished product. :)

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