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cigarette littering


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In your guy's opinion, I might've deserved it, but at least i got rid of the smoke and second-hand smoking for the kids who hang around that area. I'm sorry that 1/6b cigarettes he's smoked there, I decided to stop one :roll: Big whoopididoo. Lets all hate someone who stopped someone from harming kids and decided to take some action :roll: I actually got thanked by 30+ kids in that area for doing that and stopping him. He was a bully anyways, and sometimes kids need to take some action and not just let it sit there. Even the teachers didn't do anything, until I stood up. Let's all hate me :roll: The school actually called my parents and thanked me for taking action. Most of my teacher's smoke and they didn't punch me :-k So why would you. I wouldn't do it randomly to you, I would do it if you weren't supposed to be doing it (E.I. School, Non-Smoking resteraunt, Non-smoking flight, etc.)




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If you have to over explain yourself, it tends to be a lie. But anyway, it'd be pretty funny to watch all of that happening. I think it's ridiculous when I see kids my age smoking in public..



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Secondhand somke nearly harmless? right...


Anway, I think the guy deserves some praise for taking action.




Smoking outside does you not harm whatsoever unless you're practically licking the inside of the smokers mouth while they are exhaling. I highly doubt smoking outside affects that many people with the amount of cars zooming by you every day.




It would take fairly constant and concentrated exposures to cause a serious health concern to an otherwise healthy human being. Think of it like chemotheapy. That is basically a bunch of poisons in low doses which can cure [bleep]ing cancer, it doesn't kill you.




But even though his action was aimed toward "doing good", is it that hard to ask a smoker to not smoke around you when you're at the bus stop or where ever? I've never seen a smoker tell someone to shove it when they've been asked politely smoke somewhere else. You only need move a few feet away.



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Secondhand somke nearly harmless?











Back on original topic, I too despise people who toss cigarette butts out of their windows with no regrets in doing so. So what if they are biodegradable? They donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t disappear over-night.

Slayer500 / 23M+ Prayer XP / 126 Combat in Spring '06

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In your guy's opinion, I might've deserved it, but at least i got rid of the smoke and second-hand smoking for the kids who hang around that area. I'm sorry that 1/6b cigarettes he's smoked there, I decided to stop one :roll: Big whoopididoo. Lets all hate someone who stopped someone from harming kids and decided to take some action :roll: I actually got thanked by 30+ kids in that area for doing that and stopping him. He was a bully anyways, and sometimes kids need to take some action and not just let it sit there. Even the teachers didn't do anything, until I stood up. Let's all hate me :roll: The school actually called my parents and thanked me for taking action. Most of my teacher's smoke and they didn't punch me :-k So why would you. I wouldn't do it randomly to you, I would do it if you weren't supposed to be doing it (E.I. School, Non-Smoking resteraunt, Non-smoking flight, etc.)




You gained a citizen lvl.


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You gained a tolerence lvl.


You can now tolerate people hating you for a stupid reason.






You didn't have to be so rude about it either. you could have simply said "smoking isn't allowed here and i really dislike the smell. Can you move?" You're no hero by the way....you make it seem reallly dramatic like he was smoking something that when exhaled kills everyone. Im sure the kids aruond there must've not minded or they'd have moved


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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It's disgusting, nearly as bad as the habit. But let's face it, how can this law be successfully enforced?
By giving out jail sentences to those who get caught. That would act as a strong general deterrent. It doesn't mean to say that is fair though.




Of course it isn't fair. Think of all the taxpayers' money that would go into paying for these peoples' jail terms. If you wanted it to be fair, you'd take their maintenance fees out of the inmate's income, but sadly, it's society that pays to keep people in jail.




And yes, I do realise that by "unfair", you were refering to the draconian punishment.

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Cool. A list of false facts.




The study estimated that living or working in a place where smoking is permitted increases the non-smokers' risk of developing heart disease by 25-30% and lung cancer by 20-30%. The study finds that passive smoke also causes sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), respiratory problems, ear infections and asthma attacks in children




From the article it came from




There are more than 50 cancer-causing chemicals in secondhand smoke, and smokers and nonsmokers in rooms with smokers inhale many of the same toxins. Because the bodies of infants and children are developing, the report says, they are at special risk.




And a link to the report from which that article was based off of:






I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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:idea: lets really smoke flowers! it'd probably be better for the environment anyway. wait, no , we'll find a way around that. thats the way we are. :boohoo:




Or better yet for the exact same effect... lets stop breathing until we almost pass out!!!


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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That goes off of the 1993 report, this one I posted was 2006


I don't claim to have read that. I briefly read some parts, and it seems BS to me, especially after all the reports that were based on the 1993 one. In addition to that, there are plenty of studies done that refute it, like the one on the site I gave you.

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I don't claim to have read that. I briefly read some parts, and it seems BS to me, especially after all the reports that were based on the 1993 one. In addition to that, there are plenty of studies done that refute it, like the one on the site I gave you.


How can you believe anything you ever read? I could easily say that the arguments against the studies of second-hand smoke being harmful are "false facts." It's just ridiculous. But logically, you'd have to believe that it would be bad for you in some ways, correct? You cant possibly think that second-hand smoke is completely, 100% harmless to the health of the general public. LetÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s be reasonable here.

Slayer500 / 23M+ Prayer XP / 126 Combat in Spring '06

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I work in a supermarket carpark, so I have to do a lot of litterpicking. The most litter I see is cig butts and the are EVERYWHERE. Because I usually work early in the morning, people wait outside and wait for the doors to open and some have a smoke. Some drop thier cigarettes on the floor in plain view of a smoke tray on tops of bins!


I hate cigs on the ground to and cigarettes all together, I'm just glad I don't smoke. :)

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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do my signatures NOT say anything about me?




Yea, you're a cheesy b-word (you know, A woman considered to be spiteful or overbearing - Dictionary.com). With your "Shine on Syd, I'll see you on the Darkside". REMOVE THAT HORRIBLE LINE! pukey.gif


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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