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Kenny's Bizarre Blog. (Update #8.5 Posted bank pic!)

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New Update: JAmesjeffery (Jimbob131190), Shall be my boxing bag, hehe. Also requesting help on obtaining a pic of max stab attack, see below for details.




Well, a few of you may be wondering, 'Whats so bizarre about this blog?' Well right now, I'm to cut the crap and give to you all straight.




I'm going for the highest, defensive and offensive bonus possible, and throwing in strength and prayer aswell. This is going to be a long hard slog (especially mage offensive), and is going to take about of of my time (especially mage offensive), and alot of gee pee (especially mage offensive), did i mention how hard mage offensive will be? :P






When I achieve each goal I'm going to then go and try it out in the fight pits, but results may vary due to the players there :P I'll also be doing training a few skills here or there, depending on my mood.




I'll be trying to update this daily, but don't count on it :-w




All right, lets get business, shall we?




These are the stats I'm going for:






Stab: +106 -- Stab: +366


Slash: +134 -- Slash: +370


Crush: +126 -- Crush: +360


Magic: +106 -- Magic: +185


Range: +190 -- Range: +404




Strength: +137 -- Prayer: +36






Not sure if these are 100% correct, but they look close enough.








Lost my rune defender and can't be bothered getting it back. If anyone wants to help by posting a pic of +101 stab (that's what I got weilding d long, rune defender, RFD gloves, glory or fury, and fire cape), I'll be most grateful to ye :P










Heh, didnt think I could top +133 slash, but looks like I just did!










Well, I've racked my brains for something to add more crush attack, but this looks like as good as I'm gonna get! Enjoy!










Phew, saved the hardest for last, can't really comment much on this, exept for: IT COST SO FREAKING MUCH!










Not only do I look hawt :3>, with the new prayers out this might just be ranger carnage!










A whole day of runecrafting got me this, and it's one of the most satisfying












Looks very odd, but darn, look at that +369 slash when the guide I was using only said +366! Can you say sweeeeet?












And agin, I surpassed my guide by 5+, holy shmoley!










Thanks wretched_axe, I didn't know the Beserker Ring had any defence bonus', and I dont think anyone will be smacking me around with a large club with +377 crush defence!










This came with Mage attack, cost a bundle, too!










Weeee, +408, nice!. Now hunting for a lvl 99 ranger to compete against in duel arena, any takers? :P












That one feels good, I was almost certain the white knight armour wasnt tradeable, untill I spot a guy selling it! Thanks random guy, you saved me from killing 800 black nights, they get to go home to their families tonight :P




There you have it, not too hard, eh? :o




Well, I'm approaching the end of all this nonsence, so why not put in a bank pic (kenny like pictars!)


Sorry about the inconsistent cropping, but meh, you'll get over it.


















Kinda messy, aye?


Lol, no ess or nats in the pic, can't be bothered rcing on the 3rd last day of members, neither could I be bothered trying to get my Rune Defender back. I used 500 tokens, got bronze withtin the first 10 kills, then nothing untill my time ran out.

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Skilling And Daily Blog Section!




Here are my stats so far:








I just finished writing this blog and just taking it casual, fishing a few sharks in the guild. A more interesting update soon!






Well today I made a fait bit of progress. I started off by finishing up


catching some sharks ready to sell. I then decided to get to work on gathering some defensive items for my bonus'.




I had heard that the blackjack gives the highest crush defensive for a weapon, so I decided to make a start on that. Withdrawing my Camulet, I teled to the desert and ran to Polliavnich (dunno how thats spelled), and searched tip.it and runehq for clues on how to obtain one, having dropped mine after I finished The Fued. Runehq gave me the info I needed, and after 5 minutes had a defensive Maple Blackjack (yay!).




After that easy affair, I decided to drain one of my crystal bows at the blues and buy that purty crystal shield. I was amazed to find so few people at the blues, usually I have to fight teeth and nail to get a drag to myslef, but not this time. Needless to say, the Dragons fell before my bow, like large blue chickens would. My bow degraded after my 40th dragon, and I was prety tired after that, so I figured I might just make some blue vams and hit the hay. I got a HYT from Paulinio (thanks!) while tanning my hides in Al Kharid, and got one step closer to 68 crafting. And there, I'll think I'll stop the mindless rambling and say night all!




I promise to bring a more interesting entry, when I get my crystal shield and try out the max melee def stats in combat.






Well after I had given this blog up anout a week ago, I thought it wouldn't hurt to have one more shot at it :P








SKILLS:I got a few goals which I worked very hard for. 70 thieving was a big one, and a pain. Pickpocketing Paladins is highly overrated in my opinion, as I hate getting caught and stunned... and that happens alot!


82 Fishing, now those sharkies will have less of a chance, yay!


64 farming, not too much of a biggie


52 con, One step closer to a sweet house, lol














I also made a ton of cash, selling off 18k nats, adding a nice 6.3 to my bank, ain't runecrafting grand?




TODAY: Just did a few calculations and found out I'm 3k off hitpoints level, which will take me to 96 combat :ohnoes: I don't want this to happen, as I'm quite content staying 95 combat for another month or so, so no more combat for a while!


I'll update again tonight, Catch ya later!






I didn't have time for rs last night, had a hockey match, so I'll recount what I did the night before.


I was doing the usual stuff everyone does when they get bored, just stare at my bank untill something jumps out and yells, "USE ME!!' This time, it was my frogs heads that decided to make them selves known to me.


I decided long ago I would probally never wear those stupid masks or tunics, regardless of being f2p or p2p. So I withdrew them from the bank and made a nice little heart for you all :P








It was then I noticed that X Runes (lvl 97 rcer), was having a noob party (cheap drop parteh):








Well, that was all the catalyst this bank needed! pretty soon everyone was dropping their own junk everywhere, and I was no exception!








(notice the OOC in the mini map? =D>)




Well, I had to go for 10 minutes and when I logged back in, everyone was back to normal, average, law abiding players. Who would suspect just a few minutes before it was a rampage of green? :-w




Leaving the boring bank behind, I set off to the duel arena with Ca2theone, for a few rounds with my mega range defence majiggy set (you know what I'm on about...), and needless to say, everything was a bit one sided...






Yes, he was givin a little bit of disipline!






I got tired of winning so I let him have this one... :uhh:






I was so confident that I could own him in bronze...






And I didn't dissapoint!




Note: These images were reproduced in such a way to give the illusion that I own, which is in fact false.




That's All For Now, Bai!








Sorry guys, I havent been doing anything interesting lately, just this:




Was one pain in the [wagon] to reach, I got so bored... so afterwards I decided to get into some monkey business!






A gorilla has to eat sometime...




And that cat would be just fantastic with a dash of sweet chilli sauce! (cat was underneath the guy in cav)




In real life this would be called a zoo break out




Well.. Umm.. Yeah.. Dunno...




I'll probally be rcing in world 99 for the rest of the day making enough cash for a Beserker Ring, come see me, Pleash :P




Small Update! Made 10k nats today and bought a Beserker Ring for 2.6m, and a Great Axe for 1.2m! Which makes max strength WO0oo0o \'








Well, after last nights spending spree I have sucessfully made a hobo out of myself:






Go me! I have more Tokkul than cash!




So yeah, tonight I'll be doing the only thing I can do for cash, Dancing in Varrock in world 1!! \'


Just pulling your leg folks, I'm fishing for sharkies, Fun, eh?


Oh yeah, and I got these levels so far today:








That's All, Folks!








Haven't done much in the past couple of days, Runescape is becoming more of a chore then leisure time activity. It's just a good thing I only have 6 days of members credit left, which is enough time to complete my goal and have a good long break from rs. I'll probally wait for 2 months or so before going members again, so I will have a ton of new updates and such to occupy myself with.




Well, enough of my moaning, lets do this!


It just so happens my Shark fishing spree didn't generate as much cash as I expected, so I borrowed 2m off a trusted friend and bought myself 20k pure essence, and just after making approximately 700 nats, I got this:








I soon got bored as there were no pkers or rcers to keep me company, so I went and gave the new quest a shot. A very interesting storyline, although a little too long, travelling back and forth from the ghetto areas was most annoying. Nevertheless, I completed it and once again had all quests completed \'








Well, goal wise, the only obstacle in my way is the Master Wand, I still don't know how much they cost, but I'm guessing at least 2 mill, which I might have by the weekend.




Oh, and on another note, have a looksie at this:






Yeah, I use ss, sue me!




Combat level 95.97, very close to levelling combat, which I don't want! Some brutes might think that combat levels are great, not me. If I even so much as level prayer, I'll level combat, so gotta steer clear of that one!


Cat ya!






Today was one of the most frustrating days on Runescape. I started off trying to get a price on a Master Wand, searching the official forums. I found one topic, but it had false infomation on it, something I was not aware of at the time. It stated the the Master Wand was selling for 1.3 mill. Hey, not to bad I thought. So I headed off to world 2 Falador, which I've been doing alot lately. I sold 4k nats for about 1.2 mill and I had 400k in the bank which I withdrew. Camping at the spot south of the tree patch which the Infinity stuff is sold, I started yelling "buying master wand 1.5 kenny', to no avail. 40 minutes later I was no better off, watching buyers and sellers come and go, but I stayed.




Eventually, a lvl 93 appeared, selling a master wand for 2.3 mill. 'Good luck with that, noob', I thought, still unaware that master wands sold for much more. The following dialouge proceeded:


Him: Selling master wand 2.3


Me: buying master wand 1.5 kenny


Him: rofl 1.5


Me: ?


Him: master wands sell for alot more then 1.5 noob




At this point, being frustrated of no sales, and him calling me noob, I was in no mood for this crap.




Me: I couldn't care less what u think i know how much there worth


Him: Lol @ u


Me: You can stop annoying me now


Random Stranger: lol zing


Him: ROFL @ u nub


Me: Go fist yourself fool.




At the moment the phone rang, so I logged out and had to answer it.


Coming back to the pc, I went back to world 99 And crafted enough nats to make 2.3m and returned. It was then that a level 106 was selling a wand for 3 mill. Well that pissed me right off. How many times was this wand going to change price?! Returning to world 99, I crafted a k more nats. If I didn't get it this time, It just wasn't supposed to happen. But it did:






And so with that last item, I had fulfilled my blog. I'm just waiting for my friend to return my Dragon long and I can take a pic of it. I'll do one last big update soon, with my results. Bye for now




P.S- Sorry for boring update, just don't have the energy to make it into something half-enjoyable.

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Heh, get it? :lol:






That darn random!






Where is everyone?!






The work of a well known character, Slayer500 (Think hes the guy wearing the blue phat outside the bank.)






Fighting myself in Lunar Diplomancy!






Gathering of a few tip iters in front of the nature rift






Owning some noob rc pker, I'm in the rune behind the guy with monks robe on (gawd that was fun!)






Heh, love that glitch!






'Die Guthan!' "No, you die Guthan!"






A sad tale, t'be sure matey...






I put so much effort in getting my self a fire cape, then I see a lvl 75 with it (outside bank)... I just want to make sure I never see Muggi's pure anywhere around, I might cry...






Sadam knows best...






I won't go further into this...






Now, how did that Imp get in there? Too bad he didn't live long enough to tell me how to get in too :-w

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berserker ring gives crush def bonus(+4) so add + to that 1^_^


barrow gloves give +6 where infinity gloves only gives 5^_^


just my 2 cents :thumbsup:




Thanks for the glove tips, It's a relief I didn't have to fork out more cash for something less superior to what I already had. Updated!


Still need help on Stab attack, any help? :-w




And thanks to everyone whos posted so far! BUMP!

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nice and original goal! =D>




only 1 problem, dh axe gives +2 more slahs att bonus then whip + rune defender. :oops:


and sh axe also gives most crush att bonus.


btw runehq has a equipment bonus calc, you can consider using that. (but its not perfect you still need to think yourself too, like using a bear hat for best mage def, thats not in the calc)




but still good luck :)




edit: i think d long + rune def gives most stab att bonus (not sure)

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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owh i mean good luck i love your goals and this blog, u have a great sence of humor :lol:

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nice and original goal! =D>




only 1 problem, dh axe gives +2 more slahs att bonus then whip + rune defender. :oops:


and sh axe also gives most crush att bonus.


btw runehq has a equipment bonus calc, you can consider using that. (but its not perfect you still need to think yourself too, like using a bear hat for best mage def, thats not in the calc)




but still good luck :)




edit: i think d long + rune def gives most stab att bonus (not sure)




:shock: *Slaps head for being ignorant, then slaps dog for chewing on couch* Of course, who would of known Jagex would release a weapon so dam powerful it would give the most slash, crush and strength bonus' possible for a weapon! Not me, I'm glad someone is on the ball around here! :uhh:




Here, have a present!



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ahh, thx for youre glass of milk, i really needed that :P:)




btw what is that weapon youre wielding for defence armour??




The little sword is Lucky's Cutlass which gives +6 to stab, slash, and crush defence, and the little wooden thingy is a Maple Defensive Blackjack, which gives +24 crush defence.






Mr Bumpy anyone? :P

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nice funny blog....gl on those goals.




P.S. brick walls are teh 0wnag3!

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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