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Simple Pixel Character - Rs Related


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As i hardly post on these forums anymore (the old school ppl will remember me ), i thought i'd share some work of me with ya all.








Rate/hate and old school's have faith. :3>

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hey were have u bin namename? i still remember u but u have been gone for a long time...




on-topic: nice shading but the skirt is way to long and u dont see feet :S




nice to see u again ::'





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The arms are way too small


I'm kinda think I remember you but welcome back anyways




His right shoulder is too angular and the skirt is too big




and dont limit yourself to the edge of the canvas


dont squeeze the whip in, let it move outside the edge, it makes it look more



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Well the shading is rather appauling, all you did was "scribble here, scribble there" it looks as if there is folds but you can tell it was just "scribble, scribble." Make you shading neater and give it some sort of form. As said the skirt is way to long, the hands are weird, the arms are so stiff, and the shoulders are squared off. The head looks off place, and his face has no depth.

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the whip's curve is unnatural, it is coiled as if it is on the ground, and unless there is a new law of gravity I'm unaware about, the whip should fall to the floor, then coil like that.Also, the robe bottem is to big for the rest of the body, downsize it a bit to make it proportional.On the plus side, I like the shading, although it may have been done in a little excess.




oh and..






You ain't old school foo'! :shame:







I dont even know if I qualify as old school



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well, good thing first:


torso part of ahrims (at least they look like ahrims?) robe top is nicely shaded, and head has a quite good shape.




But with shading, it looks like you got bored of doing so detalied shading and just made the rest very fast - not good.




Whip, it is just bit odd... colors are good but whips don't act like that. If you wanted it to look like that it would be rolled up, he should hold it other way (check indiana jones pics for good realistic examples)




Hands needs working, and robe bottom is too long (He looks like the Ni-knight from Monty Python's holy grail, lol)




And I don't know that are they supposed to, but his eyes give him quite lunatic appereance.




anyways, it is visible from that picture that you clearly can do pixels, you just need bit working with them.







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is he standing on stilts under the skirt? or a stool? his bottom half is WAY to big for his top. Head is nice size considering u fix the size of the skirt. the w hip is kinda.... mucked up, and his shoulders are square.








Edit: 426lastpixelwippieeeeef1.png




i think thats (roughly) what the size of the skirt should be.

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