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Lol nice, yeah I was thinking of making something for the same cause. I don't like the new rule either but I still haven't received ANY pms from people who complained! I want to know who ruined the fun for ALL the people, not just me if that's what they were looking for. :evil:


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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lol, i saw it on another topic, i was laughing so hard! :lol:








.:'':.Cool Baninzo!








still laughing,








no offens admin but this rule is outragus!, until the point of real images are shown fair, but these are just stupid drawings! :P

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4/10 to many stickpeople avvy's








*Coff coff*








Are you still allowed to talk ? Strange... lol joking i have to say that what u added to that work wasn't bad at all...However keep it up and learn from your mistakes :)




However one day you'll understand the difference berween a conceptual work and a graphic work and of course that a stick, many frames and a 6k limit for an avatar go well together... :P

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Can't make a piece of art without 50 gallons of blood in it?








Of all the things to protest, this is definitely not worth it. It's not a rule just to piss anyone off, it's a rule because honestly, gore is not appropriate for a family thread.

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Can't make a piece of art without 50 gallons of blood in it?








Of all the things to protest, this is definitely not worth it. It's not a rule just to piss anyone off, it's a rule because honestly, gore is not appropriate for a family thread.








I know you're a mod but I'm gonna say this anyway.








People can make pictures without loads of blood but it really cuts down on what they can do, if you killed someone in the wilderness do you think they'd keep all their limbs or spray out lemonade from their wounds?








I don't think Jeppoz is complaining, just making a joke about it. It'll also tell people who post in the other boards about the rule.








I understand why the rule is in place and I kind of agree so I'm not complaining either, I have no problem with blood but I know that a lot of the people who post here are younger.








How much blood is okay? Can you tell us please?

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Can't make a piece of art without 50 gallons of blood in it?








Of all the things to protest, this is definitely not worth it. It's not a rule just to piss anyone off, it's a rule because honestly, gore is not appropriate for a family thread.








I know you're a mod but I'm gonna say this anyway.








People can make pictures without loads of blood but it really cuts down on what they can do, if you killed someone in the wilderness do you think they'd keep all their limbs or spray out lemonade from their wounds?








I don't think Jeppoz is complaining, just making a joke about it. It'll also tell people who post in the other boards about the rule.








I understand why the rule is in place and I kind of agree so I'm not complaining either, I have no problem with blood but I know that a lot of the people who post here are younger.








How much blood is okay? Can you tell us please?








I have no problem with the rule as bloody sigs can be still used in other forums, but I think knowing how much blood is ok would be up to the people who are offended by the blood. It's crazy how there wasn't a single post, thread, or PM reguarding too much blood before the rule, I know they were PMed to mods but you'd think people would PM the artists or people in the media board.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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I know you're a mod but I'm gonna say this anyway.








People can make pictures without loads of blood but it really cuts down on what they can do, if you killed someone in the wilderness do you think they'd keep all their limbs or spray out lemonade from their wounds?








I don't think Jeppoz is complaining, just making a joke about it. It'll also tell people who post in the other boards about the rule.








I understand why the rule is in place and I kind of agree so I'm not complaining either, I have no problem with blood but I know that a lot of the people who post here are younger.








How much blood is okay? Can you tell us please?








Don't worry about me being a mod..








First of all, you and I both know that censoring gore doesn't hold anyone back. In my opinion, the best sigs that mister has done don't have a drop of blood in them. If an artist can only express themselves through gallons of blood and guts, then this is not the right forum for them to be in.








If I killed someone in the "wilderness" I would expect them to disappear and have their armor drop under my feet. Runescape doesn't have blood and guts flying everywhere, why should a Runescape signature?








And his avatar means nothing unless you know the rule. To anyone else, it looks like a car drives by and narrowly misses him, or something.








How much blood is okay? How ever much we deem is too much. That's how rating systems work.. you know when you're crossing the line with gore, and you know it'll get removed.

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