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New photos by Navy (56k warning)


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Went to a aurboretum/botanical garden with my girlfriend today:
















































Theres some other realllly good ones, but I can't post them because my girlfriend is in them. (no rl picture rule)




I apologize to mods for not posting thumbnails. Don't think you can with photobucket.







-All sigs by me.

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I like this the best. It's got a nice balance and good contrast (doesn't look too bright or washed out like some of the other pics) and the soft & faded background brings out the foreground.


The colours seem to mix well together.




For crits I'd say keep an eye out for dew drops in your backgrounds. When they aren't in focus, they just look like white circles, and can really distract the eye. You can just brush the big ones off before taking a shot.




Another problem is originality. Straight-ons of flowers is something we've all seen and done -- not very original. If you really wish to stick with flowers, at least try getting some interesting close-ups or some new angles. Sometimes spraying a flower with a bit of water can make it look more interesting.




Overall, great pics. You have a good style... you don't develop them too, do you?




EDIT: imo, this one is already quite artistic. If you cropped the right off a bit it could have a great composition. (especially movement)


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v405/ ... c6ef90.jpg

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Thanks :)


Ya I see what you mean about the dewdrops, I actually posted a set of pics not to long ago that focused on dew drops on leaves and such (can prob find them in the link in my sig). My parents say the same thing about originality, I just really like the vibrant colors that you find usually only in flowers, thats why I try to steer that way, and also, the camera that I use isn't the greatest and when ever I try to take photos that aren't macro, they tend to not turn out very well. (Don't actually know if this is the camera, the lenses, or just something I'm doing wrong).


Nah I don't develop them, I take my rolls to Walgreens, and just get them put onto CDs then just copy them to my comp. (BTW, I've had so many problems with them of things not turning out right that was their fault :evil: )




Thanks for the comments, and thanks also the the c/c, I'll try working on originality among other things.



-All sigs by me.

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Thanks guys :)




I use a Canon AE-1P film camera. Its really ghetto, it was actually the first SLR camera to have a 'computer' in it. And it only takes at 2.2 megapixles (about the same as the camera on my phone :XD: ). But I'm hoping to get a Nikon d80 sometime soon (its a digital SLR). \'



-All sigs by me.

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Ooh, the d80 is a great choice, IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve heard very good things.




Takes a chunk from the wallet tho. If you're seriously considering getting one, I would wait a few months until some decent special packs come out, an extra lens or 2 can never go astray.




Although Nikon's wouldn't be my first choice in getting a new camera (Im a huge Canon fan) it looks like a very nice setup.




Black flat

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Very nice pictures, love the vibrant colors.




The only thing you may try in the future is play around with the composition a bit ie not place the flower in the center of the pic...




I quite enjoyed looking at them... you may have posted this before but what camera do you use?





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Des if you want a 10+ I would go with the d80 (10.2), which is what I'll end up getting as soon as I can make some money. Theres also the Sony Alpha (10.2) but I've read nothing but bad reviews on it so far.




Black: Ya I am probaly going to have to wait a few months anyways till I can make some money, so hopefully by then I can get a nice little package :lol: . I've mainly heard that Nikons are better for macros and general nature scenes while Canons are better for like people and stuff, so thats why I've been looking at Nikons.




Thanks Alduron :)


I actually tried that with some of the pics and I didn't post, but none of them turned out very well, hence I didn't post them :lol:. So ya that is one thing I need to play around with and get better with.


I use a Canon AE-1P film camera, its really old and not very good, but I'm looking to get a Nikon d80, as i mentioned above.






Thanks again everyone thats posted :)









-All sigs by me.

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Thanks guys :)




and Sea you should visit here more often, theres tons of great artists!




Des is this your first digital slr camera? If so, i would say the D2X/s is going way overboard on a first camera... you do realize they are like $3-5000 depending on the kit you get right?



-All sigs by me.

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