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Godbraulter collaboration- generic room filled with riches!


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I didnt create this with the purpose of imitating Terley if thats what your asking. Its what was asked of Jab and I.




What else? Well a brick wall illuminated by the torches, finished pillars and torches, gems, safes, capes assorted status symbols amongst the gold, perhaps some sort of pet imp/dragon, coins scattered amongst the carpeting etc.

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Gorufriders, read your post out loud. It makes no sense. If your making a comment on the torches beaing the lightsource, no they aren't. They are a lightsource, but not the only one. Therefore, not all the shadows center around them. Just becuase other lightsources are unseen doesnt mean they arent there.

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Gorufriders, read your post out loud. It makes no sense. If your making a comment on the torches beaing the lightsource, no they aren't. They are a lightsource, but not the only one. Therefore, not all the shadows center around them. Just becuase other lightsources are unseen doesnt mean they arent there.




Ugg i hate that! people always say "omg omg omg!!! lightsource from wrong angle!"




No, there are other lightsources but they aren't as prominent or maybe not featured...




Anyway i love the border nice work so far



New sigzor^^

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lookimg good! only thing i dont like is how stiff the character looks, simnce he is sideways, his right (back) leg should be a bit further out, because i currently looks like it is right on his other leg, which is uncomfortabale if you just stand like that.


Sigs made by Runemetsa, Nuzza, Dark_Shadow, Kuroi and Me.

liquid blobs attacking eachother


American Anime... YAY!

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Very nice progress on the walls, but i don't think the carpet looks like carpet. Look more like red grass. GS you hog, tch tch, let jab do... something...


Can't wait for the progress.


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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looking good, i was about to say, who did what but it would seam gs has dont nearly all of it...




i prefer an imp, a firebreathing one, out his nostrols, not a dragon.




i also think the carpet looks like red grass, at first i sent a while trying to work out what it was, oh and behind the character the carpet is rathe plain o0 however im asumming you just havnt got to that yet.




cant wait to see it finished =)






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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