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PK-er Vs. RC-er A Myth


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i only ever see other rcers get pked due to sheer stupidity. 99.9% of rc pkers insta tele from any sight of a wep, 0.01% are bored good pkers who can beat anyone just withdrawing a wep and shield and some food which scares off the 99.9%. or the 0.01% even just doing it so rich but not being able to pk rcers come back in expensive stuff then die. never died to an rc pker and 50-73 rc was all done using the abyys. ive noticed less idiots who just did dt ice bursting in their monks robes, or even earth staffing snare then ddsing, but they still make up around 65% of the rc pkers ive seen. (15% 1 itemers, 5% meleers, 15% teleblockers (in bad stuff so they splash everytime.).

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I can understand why people call the rc pkers noobs (pkers that are'nt very good and always have to run when u pk them) , what i cant understand is why people think it is "immoral" or whatever for someone killing an rcer. You can only find it immoral if you get too involved in this game and u start to compare it to real life, because this is not real life it is a game in which the idea is to compete with other players and have fun.


Also rc pkers have every right to do what theyre doing, theyre just not very good at it :) , but they dont have the grounds to call an rcer "teletub" because they escaped.

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Well thanks to me the rcer pkers have gone hungry, if you are a hardcore rcer you know that apon heading to the abbys always have teleportation ready, if they tb run to mage before they can entangle, if they entangle teleport before they can tb. Its not hard and after so many times for failing they leave, if all else fails and they are mages, goto bank get black hides dds and super sets, run up dds special and half the time you can get a kill or they teleport, eigther way they will get out of your hair.




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I like PKers. I think their funny. I laugh at them :P Now that I'v been RCing for a while, I'm smart enough not to die. All you have to do is have a tele tablet... but ya its fun to atack random aby pkers with my rune pick and then teleing to abbys :lol:





Whats your average lv? viewtopic.php?t=615571&start=0&pos

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