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For People being hacked or think they might be hacked.


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Ok so i notice alot of people are being hacked and they are wondering why. Well I for one will not stand this no longer! All of you should have bank pins and start making your password mixed up with letters and numbers. I know that there are certain forums/websites (which will not be mention for the safety of tip.it and its members) that are making pass crackers. These "crack heads" will go to any runescape anti-cheating forums, look for good accounts with their names and start their password crackers. I had a look at this program and it uses proxies to keep on trying new passwords. There is a password list and its full of words and numbers. But when I took a good look at the passwords I saw that they are all just words without numbers. So my advice is to use numbers and letters mixed up and dont make it too hard that you will forget it.




Examples: 1g6erj21, 1x758ui, etc. <- Lol dont use these :shame:




-Hope these become of great use to all the fellow runescapes.

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just dont log in on rs etc on school / other not private pcs... use bank poin and there are already many topics about it... even on the 1st and second page!


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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Dude the people who are stupid enough to get hacked got what was coming to them and everyone else who says they were hacked is lying.




Not everyone can suit themself! Some people really get's hacked! Can you complain a new player that don't know about the scammers and hackers, and gets scammed, to suit himself???


Sorry for the bad english.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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I was hacked and still dont know how, i had a hard unique pass, dind use rs outside my house, etc. Luckly i had a bank pin and all i los was 1.5k mith bars i was merchanting.

"hasta la victoria siempre."

Beated Monkey madness lvl76.

Beated haunted mine at lvl 77.

cmb +75 and total +930 all stats +46 before p2p.

Al f2p stats +50 (15/02/08)

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Dude the people who are stupid enough to get hacked got what was coming to them and everyone else who says they were hacked is lying.




Just because your mind is thin doesn't mean everyone is. I personally got hacked 11-13m because I dont have a PIN before. My stupidity, I know, grew out of it, have a PIN now, living better then ever. Not everyone say they got hacked just because they want free stuff, I personally told my friend because I used to borrow their stuff such as mud staff that I got hacked, it could not be me when asking to borrow stuff, dont let me borrow till I got my stuff sorted out.




Ranged Crave


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I had a look at this program and it uses proxies to keep on trying new passwords. There is a password list and its full of words and numbers. But when I took a good look at the passwords I saw that they are all just words without numbers. So my advice is to use numbers and letters mixed up and dont make it too hard that you will forget it.




Examples: 1g6erj21, 1x758ui, etc. <- Lol dont use these :shame:




Ohh... so you "had a look" at those programs, eh? :shame: Bad bad boy. No presents for you during Christmas!




Btw, that first example was my password, so thanks to you, I have to get used to a new password! <.<




I hope you were already used to a bunch of random sarcasm. :-s


^ Blog.


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This is old news. Crackers were around a while ago, and jagex killed them at least a week ago.


Yes, If you type few times wrong pass/username you need to wait 5m ins.


Offcourse cheaters etc can make crackers use proxys, then they will work again like the old bruteforcers :ohnoes:

Fishy Pizza

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Actually, a great piece of advice is to Anti-Virus scan your computer daily and have all of your firewalls up. I myself was not keylogged because of my own mistakes, but rather my brothers. He doesn't play RS, but he went to an unsafe site, got a keylogger, and got my account "hacked" persay. I had a tough password, which is no defense against keylogging software, but luckily my bank PIN saved the majority of my items. I had 29.7M cash in my inventory because I was buying a santa, got disconnected, and had to go to bed. Logged in on Canada Day to be short on some cash. All I can say is, life is about learning from your mistakes. Learn, live, and hopefully a game is your biggest problem to face.




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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i dont think you even know what your talking about, there has NEVER been a person hacked that way since it would mean that jagex's database would have to have been compromised, which it hasnt




all of the ppl that get there accounts stolen, either were keylogged, stolen by friend of family member, that they tell the pass too, or a UNSAFE cheating fourm, or using the same pass on fourms as runescape, or using UNSAFE bots/macros




so by the way you talked about, ZERO ppl have ever lost there accounts that way




and if the ppl did make into jagex's pass data base, they would have a list of every single chara, and every single pass, for them chara's


that were made at the time before the got it, meaning the game would be shut down for a while


while it is sorted out


mean it would be almost impossible for them to inform the ppl that there accounts passwords were taken


since they dont use the email thing anymore, they would only be able to contact the p2p players




and they could try to do it like a zip file cracker, but it would take for ever to find every possible letter and number it would take years for it to even work




and jagex already has the thought out that ppl would even try that so have already added things to stop it from happening




common sense is your friend

Aefx(started 11/1/2002) Cb: 200 TS: 1900+
Bmms--Jr(Started on 1/24/06)(Banned 11/13/09 ) Cb: 119(pre-eoc) TS: 1700+
Bmms(Started 8/?/2001)(Banned 1/24/06 ) Cb: 101(pre-eoc) TS: 1350+

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Bmms Wrote:


common sense is your friend




No.. the English language is your friend. If you can't speak it, don't.




Also, "hacked" is just the term people use when they do not know what exactly happened to them. This game is for youthful players you know? If you want to be so critical on terms, try re-reading your post. :-s




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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i myself have never gotten hacked and never plan too as long as you dont go to bad sites and dont tell any1 your pass you should be fine. and if you write it down keep it safe. One time when my firend came over to my house we were playing RS and he laft a piece of paper at my house which looked like a lost of passwords. i pmed ingame and told i think he forgot something at my house :-w :-w but were good friends so i didnt do anything



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Bmms what are you talking about? Nobody mentioned anything about "getting into jagex's password data base'




There are other ways to crack passwords than bruteforcers.




Picking the most common passwords and running them through a username list is much more effective :-w




I havn't done it though, scammers are the lowest point in life imo. - Real life to, not just runescape.



Don't be afraid your life will end, be afraid it will never begin.

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The best pass word uses numbers and leters and has meaning to you and only you (basicly giberish you can rember). Never use a name, that makes it easy. I use a pw over 16 charecters long. And I change it.

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Mine is 20 characters, and uses letters, both upper and lowercase, and also numbers. My secret questions don't even have plausable answers, it is just a throw-off. I change everything monthly to add that extra little bit of security. :)




If you get scammed, or "hacked" I suggest taking a walk through the Stronghold of Security for a refresher course. :lol:




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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I once hacked in with my one account, i find out by notice that all my talisman tiara is missing, I relized i has been hacked, (they most expensive in my bank), but now i FInally make new one. but never add bank pin, so this why i better go do now

Correct answer for "is this a question?"

is "if it is a question then it is a answer!"


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