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Castle wars. DONE!


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Nice job on the walls mate. you got the angles almost perfect few spots need a lil touch up... Like the far right end of the wall the line coming back shouldn't be at that angle it should be at the same angle as the wall the guy is standing on... <.< Ok that was really unclear... if you don't understand it ill post a pic



New sigzor^^

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The girl on the right *facing upward* looks as if she is standing up almost, might want to fix that...And if you want that guy to not look depressed, tilt his head more upright, he looks as if he's either falling over (as stated before) or real depressed.














do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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light the cannon on fire, and make some guy having a weenie roast on it =) or you could just make it on fire. also, i think there should be one of his team mates on the floor, like hes hurt, and maby the main charicter bending over to help him... that would be hawt. and the girl needs bigger bewbs and a longer skirt... her legs are also two thick, and she needs to be rotated about 45 degreese to the left (her head to the right). also, the walls of the castle need to be elevatedslightly so that they are above the ground, because like they are, the ground appears to be the same hight as the wall, and that would mean it curves up and down?

wop wop

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Bewbs? Skirt? Dude grow up......... <.<




































first, im probably older then you, and second, i mean it in a non adultrated way, because i really didnt recognise it was a girl untill someone pointed out the skirt. i still think the skirt needs to be longer, or the other side be showing, because now it looks liek she is wearing a breechcloth :ohnoes: if you dont mind, i am gonig to show you what i mean. give me 5 minuites and ill edit.








edit: this really was a 2 minutie job. i think i spent more time remmembering the website "imageshack.us" (i use photobucket) then i did acutally editing... i did a quick job on the bricks too... hope you see what i ment by they need to be raised.









wop wop

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He was just pointing out that you should make her look like a girl and get the proportions right. I'm not sure why, but something about it bugs me...too blocky, maybe make it look like bricks or add some flags and stuff, sorry if you were planning to but havent gotten that far on the list yet #-o

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did you even bother to read my post? i tried telling youthat a girl needs to LOOK LOKE A GIRL!!! NOT A GUY WEARING A SKIRT!!! also, i just blocked out basic colors to put on it, i dont play runescape anymore anyways lol...








now, if you dont fix the following, or dont bother reading this, you truely arent a good pixeler, because pixelers listen to cc, and alwyas try to improve...








look at your walls. look how the move up and down. you need the raised up things on the walls to be sepreate from the flat part that you walk on... otherwise it looks like your walls go up and down with the floor...

wop wop

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Good job so far, lots of details and lots of people make a nice war scene. The dark outlines contrast too much so my suggestion is to replace them with a dark wall color which is not completely black but doesn't stand out.








Zamorak always wins. 8-)


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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Good work. I love pixels. Just need to add some more dead people! Lol. Also, maybe some nudity, explosions, and zombies might help? Haha, just kidding, but i really can't wait to see this finished.


Add me ingame: Lnterest. I am back.

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Good job so far, lots of details and lots of people make a nice war scene. The dark outlines contrast too much so my suggestion is to replace them with a dark wall color which is not completely black but doesn't stand out.








Zamorak always wins. 8-)








Don't make me 1-hit you :shame: . Saradomin ftw, 'nuff said.








I love the way it's coming :D. I wish I could pixel like that :(. Oh well, keep up the good work :thumbsup: .










Cabbage owns, 'nuff said.
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To settle the argument, how about "breasts"?
















Now, Mac, you should different shades and texturing the walls and character clothing, all I can say. Other than that, it's coming along nicely!












dude he already sayd it was a guy... which im kinda wondering why you didnt just say that in the first place. you did a good job on the wall. actually listened (for once *cough* :lol: ) but on the "guy", you contrasted the colors on his "pecks" to much, and you made him look like he has "brests #-o" i think its a he-she... :D :lol: :ohnoes: :XD:












and btw sellub, I ALWAYS WIN!!! muahaha!!!








and btw x2, you still havent pmed me back :-s

wop wop

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