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has anyone found the hunter skill icon yet?


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I applaud my find. I happened upon it while painting an icon for the Hunter skill to show on Tip.It.... :-s Wait, that means it is a fake! GAH!








:lol: :XD:








Don't pull stuff like that on us...








Oh, no, god forbid there be any humour on the boards.. :anxious:








That is a very nice fake :o Could actually be quite close to what it turns out as. :)








If their was any humor than the whole site may just suddenly crash.:anxious:








That looks like a colored lobbies pot. But then again that may be the extact icon because of jagax lazziness. I just don't think it will be yellow.


I will shoot down any one with my bitting wit, and sarcasm!

What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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Yeh they always seem to let things slip through the knowledge base/website.




They leaked the hunter skill months before the announcement of it when they added the skill to the list of skills in the bug reporting tool. They soon removed it when I reported a bug under the hunter section saying this skill doesn't exist :)












thats probably the funniest bug report.

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Unlike construction (We all learned of construction because of the leaks), hunting has been officially announced. So theres no need to leak infos about it anymore.








Its very unlikely they will leak info on their website. Well they could if they wish so of course :mrgreen: .

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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This is clear evidence that... We WILL get the yodelling skill in the future! ::'

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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I don't know how people say that construction was a surprise, it was obvious.








There were the objects found in March already in game for the houses, I even made a topic about it.








The fact that Jagex had just released more Teak/Mahogany trees was obvious they'd have a use soon, and the fact that in the object database there was Oak, Teak and Mahogany items it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they'd be used for...








The leaked pictures, there were about 3 in total, this must have shown that it was coming out, yet loads of people still didn't believe me when I said it'd be out the week it was.








In the BTS for that month Jagex even said that "later this month we'll be releasing the ability to make chairs and toys" Obviously construction.








The week before construction was released I was just cutting oaks as I knew that they'd be used for construction and had loads of people who saw me cutting oaks then came back a few hours later I was still there, they were all confused as to why I was cutting oaks to which I told them "You'll find out in a few days" and they were still confused.








A lot of people on another forum I go to didn't believe me that it was coming out when it was, they thought I was just making it up and when it did come out they called me hax0rz and that I got the information off mods when infact it's just some common sense. Seriously, you have to be pretty stupid to not have figured out that Construction was coming out when it did, and people who were denying it are even stupider then those that just didn't realise. I was honestly shocked at the amount of people that were totaly unprepared. I really should have stocked more oaks (I had about 5K of them I think) and should have sold them on the first day and made a lot of money off people's stupidy, unfortunatly I decided to train the skill myself and spent 5M in the first day or 2, got to 60 and I'm still there...








It doesn't really take a lot to figure out what updates are happening, the chaos elementals recent "song" + the hunting leaks proved it was coming out, but when I said about it from the chaos elemental letter a lot of people were still denying it, saying that it'd never be a skill. a few days later it was announced.








Summary: Jagex just aren't very good at hiding things, although recently they've upgraded their KB pictures so they're harder to find new things

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In fact, all that Jagex said about construction is:




We are also adding some other smaller features to the game later this month, such as clockwork toys for your cats, teleportation tablets, making your own cups of tea and even chairs you can sit down in.








It does say "some other smaller features" not that we'll be getting our own houses and all that. They never announced POH's or Construction, although some people did manage to find some information through URL editing and such. They probably leaked that information for a few days to make people excited! And many people did collect logs and got a high rank in the beginning.








But that they were releasing a new skill was never officially announced, people could only assume it from the KB leaks. This time the new skills actually is announced, which makes it different.

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Ooh I am "teh h4x0r"!
















:twisted: :shock: :lol: :twisted: :shock: :lol:








1. Its an IMageShack url, Anybody else would have right click and get the real url.








2. Your diagonal line is sort of Jagged, Jagex have made a diagonal lines completly smooth. smoothlineshg5.png








PAy attention to Diagonal lines. Sorry Had to use my skills.








Lunar there is no need to joke about this. We are trying to have a serious topic instead of fakes being posted on it. Also Recoloured lobster Pot is not cool.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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In fact, all that Jagex said about construction is:




We are also adding some other smaller features to the game later this month, such as clockwork toys for your cats, teleportation tablets, making your own cups of tea and even chairs you can sit down in.








It does say "some other smaller features" not that we'll be getting our own houses and all that. They never announced POH's or Construction, although some people did manage to find some information through URL editing and such. They probably leaked that information for a few days to make people excited! And many people did collect logs and got a high rank in the beginning.








But that they were releasing a new skill was never officially announced, people could only assume it from the KB leaks. This time the new skills actually is announced, which makes it different.








How stupid do you have to be to not realise that they meant construction? It's pretty bloody obvious unless you're VERY stupid. There were A LOT of hints towards construction, loads of leaks and such as I stated in my other post. What skill did you think you'd use to make chairs? Fishing? Seriously, I don't understand how so many people were surprised about the release of construction.








And my post was aimed towards the person that say they were totaly shocked when construction came out, it didn't take much to work out that it was coming, same with hunting. Hunting stuff will probably not be leaked, Jagex learnt their lesson with construction and the prayer update they now sort of put random image names for their important images so they're basicly impossible to find.

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Does it really matter anyway? Oh no, I can't wait for another week, I must see a pixelated picture now! It'll come out when it comes out, letting me finally keep a level at 1. (Unless it's really fun, or has advantages and rewards).



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In fact, all that Jagex said about construction is:




We are also adding some other smaller features to the game later this month, such as clockwork toys for your cats, teleportation tablets, making your own cups of tea and even chairs you can sit down in.








It does say "some other smaller features" not that we'll be getting our own houses and all that. They never announced POH's or Construction, although some people did manage to find some information through URL editing and such. They probably leaked that information for a few days to make people excited! And many people did collect logs and got a high rank in the beginning.








But that they were releasing a new skill was never officially announced, people could only assume it from the KB leaks. This time the new skills actually is announced, which makes it different.








How stupid do you have to be to not realise that they meant construction? It's pretty bloody obvious unless you're VERY stupid. There were A LOT of hints towards construction, loads of leaks and such as I stated in my other post. What skill did you think you'd use to make chairs? Fishing? Seriously, I don't understand how so many people were surprised about the release of construction.








And my post was aimed towards the person that say they were totaly shocked when construction came out, it didn't take much to work out that it was coming, same with hunting. Hunting stuff will probably not be leaked, Jagex learnt their lesson with construction and the prayer update they now sort of put random image names for their important images so they're basicly impossible to find.








I'm pretty sure Jagex leaked the information deliberately, to possibly let someone find it, then release the skill. In the behind the scenes, a new skill was never mentioned. You could make chairs with crafting too.








If no one had found the construction pages, images etc., the skill would have been a very big surprise. And even if it wasn't a suprise, no one knew if it'd be coming this week or in 2 months.








Now, you seem to be just calling lots of people idiots for not expecting construction. I was expecting it, but I was fairly surprised when it came. It could've just been a way for Jagex to fool people that there's a new skill coming. Now, we know that hunting is coming, so obviously, every time there's an update, people will be hoping it's hunting.

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What skill did you think you'd use to make chairs? Fishing? Seriously, I don't understand how so many people were surprised about the release of construction.








It never said there would be a skill used to make chairs, it only stated there would be chairs that could be used to sit on. And also i never knew there were realising a new skill but this was not because im stupid (although you may wish to think that) it's because i simply didn't read all these posts about leaks e.t.c and im sure a large proportion of the RS community didn't either.


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Jagex has said about Carpentry/Construction for years, it was obviously going to come out and chairs would be one of the things you'd obviously use it for so why would they bring our chairs for crafting and then they'd have to change it to construction after?

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What skill did you think you'd use to make chairs? Fishing? Seriously, I don't understand how so many people were surprised about the release of construction.








It never said there would be a skill used to make chairs, it only stated there would be chairs that could be used to sit on. And also i never knew there were realising a new skill but this was not because im stupid (although you may wish to think that) it's because i simply didn't read all these posts about leaks e.t.c and im sure a large proportion of the RS community didn't either.








Exactly what I'm saying.








Jagex has said about Carpentry/Construction for years, it was obviously going to come out and chairs would be one of the things you'd obviously use it for so why would they bring our chairs for crafting and then they'd have to change it to construction after?








But you don't have to go around calling people stupid for being surprised over the new skill. It wasn't that obvious. No one could know for sure it was coming

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i remember the day before con came out i made a post saying




"tomorrow's update=construction?"








I had a bunch of pics and stuff, and a guy posted saying








"omg you noob! Its not gunna come out tomorrow! Thats the stupidist thing ive ever heard! You're such and idiot!"








Next day it came out.
















seems they're not letting the url's slip this time...

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well, i remember before construction was released someone founf out how to get a pic of the icon and i was wondering if anyone found the hunter one yet.








See my avatar? that's the icon.. :roll:








Anyway, jagex is probably doing a better job hiding their Hunter Skill documents this time, since they didnt seem to appreciate players finding their "secret" construction images and guides or whatever, and they locked all the threads on the official forum that told how to find them, and told players they shouldnt be poking around looking for these things.



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Name something you can make that doesn't involve a skill? I can't think of anything, and if there is then it's most likely for a quest.








Even if you didn't know about the leaks then it is still pretty obvious. What did you think Jagex were talking about when they mentioned the things in the BTS? As soon as I saw it I knew it was construction and I believe this was before the majority of the leaks. Jagex were obviously trying to disguise the lanch of construction by the fact that they said smaller things and didn't actualy mention it and I guess they fooled a lot of people, I just don't understand how, I didn't go out of my way to work out that it was coming it just seemed obvious towards me.








I'm sorry if I offended anyway but come on it was pretty obvious it was coming out. Maybe the fact that I've been playing this for 5 years and know Jagex better than a lot of people that made it that much more obvious for me .

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See my avatar? that's the icon.. :roll:








:lol: Hunting with nuclear material, risky but it may just work with minimal deaths. Even if it doesn't at least green peace will have something to do :-w


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Lunar there is no need to joke about this. We are trying to have a serious topic instead of fakes being posted on it. Also Recoloured lobster Pot is not cool.











Whoa bud... just trying to have a little good humored fun! Calm down..








And it's not a re-coloured lobster pot, I made it completely in Paint from a blank image of one the skill icons.. Just compare the lobster pot with mine.. not that similar.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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Name something you can make that doesn't involve a skill? I can't think of anything, and if there is then it's most likely for a quest.








Even if you didn't know about the leaks then it is still pretty obvious. What did you think Jagex were talking about when they mentioned the things in the BTS? As soon as I saw it I knew it was construction and I believe this was before the majority of the leaks. Jagex were obviously trying to disguise the lanch of construction by the fact that they said smaller things and didn't actualy mention it and I guess they fooled a lot of people, I just don't understand how, I didn't go out of my way to work out that it was coming it just seemed obvious towards me.








I'm sorry if I offended anyway but come on it was pretty obvious it was coming out. Maybe the fact that I've been playing this for 5 years and know Jagex better than a lot of people that made it that much more obvious for me .




It never said you can MAKE the chairs it just said there would be chairs you could sit on and as for toy soldiers that could easily have been placed in the crafting skill, but i do agree with your experience you probably understand thier ways alot better than me


My capes in the order they were achieved

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We are also adding some other smaller features to the game later this month, such as clockwork toys for your cats, teleportation tablets, making your own cups of tea and even chairs you can sit down in.








"Make your own cups of tea and your own chairs" is basicly what it's saying.








And the clockwork toys are made by crafting I give you that.

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