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Why I love Tip.it

Saru Inc

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Tip.It being compared to RuneHQ is like comparing Pixel Gods to Buddy Shops. :D








Its like comparing...








Ok, take two fruits of the exact same nature. Tip.it got stuck in a fridgerator, preserving all the good things a fruit can give and keeping most of what makes a fruit bad out.








Rune HQ threw their only apple into a festering pool of dirty water, and drove away in a Hummer laughing and smacking each other in the eye with sticks.








Funniest thing I've seen all day.








I forgot how I found Tip.It. But I've loved it ever since.



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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id say tip it forums people make up about 90% of my friends list, and if they dont use tip it forums i force them :twisted:








and yes bawbee is hawt he let me make a ton of house teles same with chenw2, and thanks to them i got 3 dee chains :D


Come to #tip-it on Swift IRC, if you're cool

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I love tif because most of the people I've met in-game (who are loyal tipiters) are smart :)




Nuff said.


[brought to you by the Cult of the Sacred Crate]

17th to 99 Smithing OSRS

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I've been a member of this forum for roughly a year and a half, and I've only started to post now.








Tip.It outshines other Runescape fansites in magnitudes which cannot be expressed. This is the only place one can have a mature discussion about Runescape, among a large yet tightly knit group of friends. Comrades, if you will. If it weren't for this site, there would be no sign of intelligence in the game whatsoever, and it wouldn't be worth playing at all.












Tip.It: Defenders of Runescape!

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I do use a few other fansites for particular strengths, but Tip.It has long been my favorite. The website got even better (visually speaking, as far as snappy formatting) after RS2 was released (I'd been using all the time for RS1), and I am honored to be among the Staff.








Supporting what mxm has said, please stay focused on why *you* like Tip.It.








But yeah, this thread IS kinda spammy








I'll allow it-- as I would assume this thread is aimed at *both* the website and the forums.








Back to the topic- what do you specifically like about both?

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Tip.It is the main site that I use for forums and quest help, I love the Map but Find it slightly outdated, but sheesh I use a road map in my car that Is about 5 years old so hey who am I to complain!








I agree people on here are very patient with others, and I am a woman and tend to spend about an hour making sure I have all my equipment right before I even leave canafis bank for Barrows, and the friends who have gone along with me have waited patiently.








I still use other sites too on occasion as sometimes I find more than one opinion on quest help can really help me when im completly stuck. Such as I was during Mournings End Part 2.








So I advocate both sites, but I will always be a Tip.Iter :)


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