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Hey, you did good wiv da stabbie chucker! (Ogre Expert)

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Ive always had goals with my char, but most of them are the normal ones. "i want lvl X in this/or that skill! Im tired of power training the skill i want. One of my long time goals that i kinda gave up on awhile back, was to get 4,000 chompy kills (for the last hat, how often do you see someone wearing the 5 feathered yellow hat?). I put this goal off for the longest time. Until now.








I started this goal on my main, back when the chompy hats came out. I got up to 170 kills then gave up...i decided to move onto other goals i had. Lately ive been playing less and less of RS...kinda getting into the "bored" stage. Before i actually retire (thats if i ever do) i want to complete this goal...not on my main, but on my PKer (ready 2 ryde)








so heres my blog on the progress of the chompy killing spree :)








ogre_hat_1.gif[X] 30 kills - Ogre Bowman




ogre_hat_2.gif[X] 40 kills - Bowman




ogre_hat_3.gif[X] 50 kills - Ogre Yeoman




ogre_hat_4.gif[X] 70 kills - Yeoman




ogre_hat_5.gif[X] 95 kills - Ogre Marksman




ogre_hat_6.gif[X] 125 kills - Marksman




ogre_hat_7.gif[X] 170 kills - Ogre Woodsman




ogre_hat_8.gif[X] 225 kills - Woodsman




ogre_hat_9.gif[X] 300 kills - Ogre Forester




ogre_hat_10.gif[X] 400 kills - Forester




ogre_hat_11.gif[X] 550 kills - Ogre Bowmaster




ogre_hat_12.gif[X] 700 kills - Bowmaster




ogre_hat_13.gif[X] 1000 kills - Ogre Expert




ogre_hat_14.gif[] 1300 kills - Expert




ogre_hat_15.gif[] 1700 kills - Ogre Dragon Archer




ogre_hat_16.gif[] 2250 kills - Dragon Archer




ogre_hat_17.gif[] 3000 kills - Expert Ogre Dragon Archer




ogre_hat_18.gif[] 4000 kills- Expert Dragon Archer








Images of progess:




















































My hats:












Im usually on world 99 unless there is another person there. (tip.it home world)...my private chat is set to: ON (so feel free to msg me)








Ill be Chompy Killing South west of castle wars:












If you wanna stop by and say hi, please do...ill post a screenshot of us saying HYT!








Screen Shots of Tip.iters that stopped by:













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ohh, i might turn up some time, im going to 4k kills aswell, im up to 700 so far :thumbsup:








also are you banking the chompies? or leaveing them on the floor








oh cool :D...another chompy hunter :)








and i only bank them if my friend needs to make wild pies :P...she doesn't need any right now...so im leaving them on the floor

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nice i have the same goal as you but i plan to bank all my compys if i sold them all 1k ea i know i saw some one round here buying them for that id make me 4mill =P~ i think the 5 fettherd white hat looks best why cant it be the 4k killl hat #-o


By 'fittest' do you mean 'most selfish brat with the fastest internet connection?'

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