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Isometric pixel building. Need Ideas, C/C etc. Updated


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Doesn't look very pixelish to me....looks like some other program. But, if it is OMG :shock: YOu've got a few stray pixels on the towers and the shadows are a bit odd (no crennalations in the shadows). If you want the walls to be more 'warrior-like' I would suggest you make them thicker and give the towers arrow slits.



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its good but u need to work on a lil better shading




make it more gradual and give it the right shape




look below












ok this is a really rougth example




the second one shows how the shading on the cone takes shape




though it should be more gradual




i was a lil busy so whipped this up in 2 minutes just to show u the right method of how cones are shaded




the first one shows how u have shaded on the top left and bottom left cones




that gives them a blockish shape




anyway i hope u get my point








edit :




to make it more warrior like first add some torn flags and stuff around




and if the warriors a good guy, keep the same color, if hes a bad guy make it a lil more dark colored ( black, grey, etc ) to add to the creepy feeling.




and coz its isometric add more stuff around, enlarge the canvas and add things of war like a weapon room, maybe a range training area, etc

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Nothing screams war like skulls on pikes.








Some mangonels would be a good addition, as well as a few ballistae.








Get rid of the roofs and instead covert the tops of buildings to firing platforms for artillery and archers. Run crenellations along any exposed raised area people would be able to stand and shoot from.








Also consider adding a barbican, which is a fortified gatehouse that, when breached, can be used as a chokepoint to pour arrows and boiling oil onto enemies.








Reduce any and all windows to arrow slits. You're holed up in a castle because people are shooting at you, not because you want to enjoy the view.








Search for castles on Google or Wikipedia and look at the design features they incorporate, such as buttressed walls and sloped plinths.

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